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The Rules (obey 'em)

The rules are pretty simple:

1. You can swear, but not at or around me.

2. This is mostly about RPing, so you can only train for up to two hours a day, but it has to be with one person (and the same person) for the entirety of one of the hours (as in you can train with 2 people for 1 hour each) and both of you have to be raising the same stat. There will eventually be some thing you can sign up for that will let you train with yourself for a while, but it doesn't exist yet.

3. Your sats will raise when you RP from time to time (and I'll decide how they raise by what you do...)

4. Depending on your profession, you will also gain points you can devote to skills and abilities as you choose if you complete certain tasks based on your job.

5. Player vs Player combat must be arranged ahead of time and done either in a logged AOL chat, or in the chatroom (in which case I roll all the random stuff), and people who die have 2 options: Either start a new character at half you character's power (diffrent race and everything if you want), or (because I know people get attached to characters so a little un-realism can happen) pay half your money to come back through "The Miracle of Science" or "My Excuse"

6. Have fun, if you don't have fun I will hunt you down... (kidding.... but still)