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A Triad RPG Presents...
          Something for your Enjoyment.
While this game may contain some orginal material, created by or for A TriadRpg Inc ,it owes it's base system and stats to Advanced Dungeons and Dragons(Copyrighted 1989, 1995  all rights reserved by TSR, Inc... TSR, Inc. is a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc).

We would like to take this time to
Thank TSR, Inc., for all the years of hard work and dedication by it's creators and contributors..You brought us great adventures and an outstanding system, that was and is the inspiration for generations of role players around the world.
                                                   (Disclaimers, Terms of Service and Copyright information)

Age of Antiquity, is a fictional representation of Earth and contains referances to, bodies of government, civilizations, cultures, races, lands, bodies of water, and historical figures, taken from ancient earths history and folk lore. It is in no way meant to, slander, malign, distort, or in any other way harm the integrirty of  any  facts or fictions  used by us from those time periods. Age of Antiquity, is a world resembling our earth, and as such
contains scenes of graphic violence, atrocity, slavery, adult language , adult  subject matter, and referances pertaining to or founded on the supernatural. Parental discretion is advised, as parents may find these materials  unsuitable for younger participants. The owners, operators  and contributors of , Age of Antiquity, TriadRpg Inc, and, will not be held  liable for lack of parental  supervsion. Understand that in no way are any of the people involved with the ownership, operation, or creation of this game condoning or  encouraging , slavery, violence, atrocities, the use of magics, or the occult...

All rights reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention,
including but not limited  to, any materials created exclusively by or for A TriadRpg, inc. No part of this web site may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without the consent of the publisher.

Age of Antiquity orginal materials copyrighted 2004,  Laura Cannon, Danny Glover, Marque Rodin
A TriadRpg, inc 2004 , Laura Cannon, Danny Glover, Marque Rodin