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Shire Of Haven (Free Hold)

Shire of Haven is under the goverment of Amtgard. We Are a recreation ogranization for the medevil time era. We do things such as Quests, Battlegames, feasts, and more or less have fun. Amtgard is classifed as a Sport under the Martial Arts sector. So therefore, as all sports do, We require a liblity waviar to be completed and placed on file with the prime minister. The liblity waviar MUST be signed by the parent of any Minor (17 or Less)and Must have partents premisson to play in Battle Games. It is not requierd but it is recommended that All Minor Waivors be Notarized.

We meet every Wednesday and Saturday at 4:00PM Sharp and we leave around Late Dusk. We Meet rain or Shine, Hot or Cold; year round. Every Shire... Baroney... Ducthee... and Kingdom are Welcome in the Shire of Haven, and welcome to attend any meeting.. Just notify us By Email as soon as you can so we can ready ourselfs.

"Its not Often That you see a bunch of People dressed up in Medevil clothing, leather and chain mail armoring; beating on each other with padded swords and other weapons... ...Where did you guys come up with this 'game' and is it legal?"
In answer to this FAQ, (let me tell you how often its asked) Yes, in the State of Tennessee this is fully and Completely legal and we didn't come up with this 'game'. Amtgard was founded in Texas by the Kingdom of the Burning Lands. To find out more about Amtgard please vist there site at Amtgard.
Here is a List of the shires Members, Officers, Email and Most played Class
Name Email Primary Class Office Held
Talon Talon Warrior Monarch
Wizard Ablerich Wizard Ablerich Wizard Regent
Kit SummerIsle Kit SummerIsle Warrior/Archer Prime Minister
Falcoln n/a Warrior/Mage Champion