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Si Aevum is fatalis decessus et decessus is unus inceptum delinde quae illarum irretitus in inter? Dolor Aeternus.
If life is fated death, and death is a new begining, then what of those trapped in between? Pain Eternal.

Once, in a land called Varia, a boy by the name of Tiren Imera lived. Innoncent, and the prodigy of noble parents. Though when he came of age...eighteen human years old, he met a beautiful peasant woman. She was a goddes to him, near ankle length platinum blonde hair, eyes like a pair of crystals and a love so deep it made all pale in comparison.
She was not so easily attained however. Her parents, while peasants, were of the mystic sort. They gave him many meaningful questions, and only upon answering them would they decide if the two were allowed to be as one.

What do you see in the value of wealth?
A facade of ease.
Would you give all you owned for the one you love?
In a heartbeat.
Even your life?
That i would not.
For then I would not be there for the one i love.

Her parents looked upon him with a tinge of pride, and so did she, for those answeres were of the heart. They enjoyed their life together, that is, until Tiren's parents found out about his secret relationship with the peasant woman. Needless to say they forbade their communion. Angered... He disobeyed their orders, and still sought relief within her arms. Her parents encouraged the two to escape, and they would do so, setting out the night after this. Though that night would never come. The night before they left, his parents hired an assassin, 'for his betterment'. And right infront of his eyes, with a smile on her face, she was murdered. Out of anger he slew the assassin. and then turned the Knife on himself, multiple stabbings to his heart.

Though his mother hired a 'witch' of sorts to curse her son...her 'prodigy'. For ruining the family and the family name. And so the first chapter in a sad tale came to an abrupt end. Or did it? The curse that was put upon him, was for him to walk the earth for eternity in pain. He had tried to love again, mastering the physical form to be with another that he loved, but she left him for another.

And so he continued onward, giving up all hope of any salvation. He was truley just a spectre of ages past. Aeon's he walked the world, far outliving his damned parents, the witch that had cast the curse upon him, moving on with only the words his first love's parents had given him. "If you lose heart, only then will you truely be dead."

He had begun to think those words were in vain, until he happened upon a lone tavern, where his story began anew.

(Broken Dagger Story)At this fateful tavern, he came upon a lone woman, who's heart had been broken. With but a few words of comfort, that led, seemingly by fates design, towards their love. Perhaps, giving it one last chance would be worth it.

(Black Dragon Inn Story) He had yet to meet a single soul other than one flame haired woman, and needless to say, his cold heart and quiet personality havent exactly attained him many accuaintances, muchless friends.

Yet another chapter to begin in an endless story of pain. From here, who knows where it will turn.

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