Timewarp Clan

The Travelers and Divinity of Time

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Welcome to Timewarp Clan's Homepage

A mystical and mysterious clan of Dark Castle Mud Adventure Game

Clan Motto:

The clan believes that there is divine purpose in energy from which it can be manipulated. A manipulation that forms the good nature of this clan.  Their idea is peace prosperity and goodness, helping to eradicate the evil and help clean up the city of Sorpigal.

This clan offers a unique experience of 

 Friendship Adventure Travel Fortune



  • There are several rules posted in this clan. One they absolutely forbid any newbie killing of any sort. (No killing of players under level 20.)

  • They do not condone fake selling, and neither will they fake sell themselves or take advantage of the weak, helpless or any allied clans.

  • Pthieving is acceptable, so long as it is NOT sold on auction. Ptheiving is forbidden on fellow clan members and allied clans. 

  • Loyalty is a must. All members must have all characters in Timewarp. 

Minimum Level to Join is 40. One character of this level or higher must be present and active in the clan. 

Or by special exception to be determined by council or leader

  •  We help other clan members who are in need whenever possible, including the gathering of equipment for them, and assisting them to run any needed Equipment.

    In Addition to Friendship, Adventure, Travel and Fortune, Clan Timewarp also offers a variety of  

    Healing Power Diversified Classes Diversified Skill Diversified Guild

Are you able to take a challenge, willing to go the full force against monsters magic and mayhem. Grouping with other adventurers in a variety of different classes? 

You have found the right place.   

Timewarp offers home to many different classes of adventurer.  Come join us and be a part of the divinity and team. 

Step into the Timewarp... IF YOU DARE...

We are Equal Opportunity Employer.  

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Clan name is a registered trademark of Timewarp Clan. All other products mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective creators. 
Questions should this web site should be directed to Webmaster.

Copyright © 2005 Timewarp Clan. All rights reserved.
Last modified: Wednesday November 3, 2005.