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We're loosely based on the Wheel of Time, by Robert Jordan, but with certain, very specific, differences. The Dragon Reborn, slaughtered in his cradle, is not around to protect the world. The Shadow is slowly moving forward, held at bay only by the full-strength struggling of the Aes Sedai to keep it back. The Seanchan hold Altara, Amadicia, and some of Arad Doman and Almoth Plain. The Aiel are roaming wild, bereft of anything to wait for.

In the midst of this, the Amyrlin -Novalea Waveflame, formerly of the Brown Ajah- and the Keeper of the Chronicles -Alinore Kayberna, once of the same- stand, the only solid thing left for the world to trust in...and who knows if even they are trustworthy?

Please Be sure to read the Rules and The History BEFORE you join! :) Thank you!

Copyright 2002 to Jessica and Marla; The Wheel of Time is copyright to Robert Jordan and Tor Books. Third Age RPG is a non-profit, entertainment-based site only, no copyright infringement intended.