Well this website seems to be coming along fairly well. I finally got Comics 1-6 up. But I still have about... Oh Id' say 10-11 more 0_0; .. Oh and then I have to go and make an About Us page. Well I don't have to but I want to. ^_^ Anywho. The link page will have certain acknowledgements to the people we have gotten different sprites and such for our comics. So visit their sites Or I'll pulverize you with my Pulverizer 400!! >.> Umm...
More progress will be made! *flies off into the sunset*

5-26-04 I made some more of those little updates. I added all of the comics up to episode 10. Now I have to upload a LOT more. I've been working on transferring my .jpeg drawings to .gif files.. Good thing I have barbarosa gif animator. It transfers everything easily. Check out the pics in the About U.S. page. Soon to come: Art section featuring my drawings, Our Life featuring pictures of me and my bro goofing off and having fun. Also pics of our pets. Then I am planning on adding a poll and some other neat knicknacks that might help. Oh and a BORED? section where I will put several different links to different sites that always help me conquer boredom.
I need to brainstorm and try to figure out what else to add.
Cyas laterz *presses a little red button that cuts off her computer*

About U.S.
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