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The Darkness Within

Welcome to The Darkness Within. This is the website created to further explain our story, told currently by myself, the Silent Strider, Adren; the Brujah, Eliza O'Reilly; and the Wendigo, Evangeline. The Darkness Within spans the globe, and encompasses the entire World of Darkness, created by White Wolf games. Basically, the plot line is simple, allowing for greater creative freedom on the part of the writers. A character allowable in the books is allowable here as well.

The Wyrm has stepped up its attacks on Gaia, sending more and more of its foul minions into the physical world. Humans have begun to sense more of the supernatural as a result, weakening the Masquerade and sending the Camirilla into an uproar. The Sabbat and Anarchs are rubbing their collective hands with glee, overjoyed to see the Masquerade crumbling, however slowly. The Werewolves are unifying in great numbers, calling Great Moots to discuss the Wyrm and its twisted plans. Packs have been sent abroad under orders to investigate and harry the Wyrm in an attempt to discover more. Others, such as mages and beings seemingly come from myth and legend, creatures of light-and darkness, are making their presence known. And you, can you face the vile Wyrm, or do you serve its corruption? Will you stand and fight for what you believe and know is right, or will you remain nuetral, knowing you can't afford to be wrong? It is the age of the Apocalypse, where do you stand?
We are currently looking for new writers, and I need at least one co-manager. If you have an interest in darkness and writing your own view of it, you may find something majikal in us. Join now!

Our Continuing Tale

The Darkness Within
