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†Welcome To The Diamond K Personalized Pics!†

†I have shut down the RPG that had once been called The Diamond K because the inactive players-sorry all†

†Just post on the board what sort of background you want, the horse picture/s that you want on it, name, and a little paragraph if preferd†

†I Do:†
†Make Backgrounds†
†Provide Paraghraps†
†Play On Horseland and many RPGS†
†Label The Pictures As My Work And This URL Will Be On It As Well†

†I Do Not:†
†Need A Partner Unless I Say So†
†Provide Horse Pictures†
†Enjoy People Fighting†
†Make You Pay In HL Money For Pics(they are free unless said otherwise)†

†Okay enough for the boring rules! Lets get down to buisness!†

†These are the urls-IF I ever get around to making them the same size then I will make a table and put them on that! Enjoy!†



Gadzooks Logo



Celistic Infinity

Mountains Peak

Player Pics: Come REQUEST One
