~*The Canadian Bombshell*~

The Blonde Canadian Bombshell !!!!!


The scene re opens with Trish Stratus walking backstage. Suddenly, she is cut off by a figure. Trish looks up to see Hells Angel smiling down at her. She smiles back up at him and he pulls her in and puts his arm around her waist. They make their way out of the arena, and to the parking garage. A limo is waiting for them. the limo driver opens the door and Trish and Hells Angel get in. About fifteen minutes later, the limo pulls up to a gym. Trish and Hells gets out of the limo with their duffle bags. They enter the gym, and walk inside. People excersizing stop to gauk at the famous wrestlers, not believe that two of the dominate wwcf superstars are actually in the same gym as them. Trish just kind of smirks and goes to the womens locker room. When she gets in there, she finds other female changing. Trish sets her duffle bag on a bench, and pulls out a pair of black shorts, and a white tank top. She undresses and puts on her warm up gear. She then straps on her elbow pads and throws on black sneakers. When some comes out, she sees hells angel in a pair of black work out pants and a white muscle shirt. Trish goes over to him and he walks with her over to the floor mats. They start to warm up, first Trish taking a few kicks with Hells blocking it, then Hells practicing his finishing moves, being carefull not to harm trish. After a few minutes, both are sweaty sitting down on a bench.

HELLS ANGEL: If you could learn how to do some of the male moves, you would then be totally unstopable in the federation. I mean, yea you are powerful now, that is, against divas, but if you were to work on more difficult and stronger holds, you could probably go up into the mail league. You know, maybe even win a small males title... Well not a males title, but like the TV title or the IC title.

Trish wipes some preciptiation off her forehead.

TRISH STRATUS: YOu really think so? That would be like, totally cool! Then I could be a double champion after I beat Lita for her womens title belt. She is such a push over. I dont know how I let her beat me!

HELLS ANGEL: Yea, but before you can acheive that goal, you still have three other divas to handle, and by the looks of things, its not going to be easy. I mean, Princess is obviously pumped up about this match that you two have going on! I mean, she has already done four of the most boring promos ever in this fed! I mean, she repeats herself over and over and over and over, yada yada yada.

Trish laughs hard, nearly falling over the bench. Tears streak down her cheeks as she tries to settle herself down. TRISH STRATUS: Hells, shut up! (laughing) Your right though.... I mean, she keeps saying "Stephanie, your such a whore..." "Stephanie, I am going to kick your ass" and "Stephanie, your only gonna make it cuz your daddy runs the joint"! I mean, how pathetic is that? I mean, come on now, she sounds like a broken record! My kid sister is more intellegant than Princess. I thought I had all kinds of respect for her, but that has all changed! I mean, Stephanie is my friend, and Princess keeps dissing her. I cant wait to see Stephanie kick her ass! It will be funny. Although, who does that leave me? Angel? I dont want to be the cause for her losing by elimating her, however this is for a chance at the womens champonship title belt! I hope she doesnt expct me to give up a chance to go against Lita so easily. I mean, I love Angel like a sister. However, there are things more important sometimes than friendshiop aand hopefully this wont cost us our friendship.

HELLS ANGEL: Nah, angel seems to be pretty cool and down to earth. She wouldnth old a grudge if you beat her. Like I am sure you wouldnt if she somehow beat you.

TRISH: Your right, I wouldnt. Well, I better get back to the arena. I have a few more things I want to take care of before my match begins....

HELLS ANGEL: alright baby... Talk to you later.

Trish leans over and kisses Hells angel on the lips. They kiss passionately for a while and then Trish pulls away. She smiles an evil smile, almost a teasing smile at Hells Angel, and he smirks back at her. She then takes her leave and heads outside. Trish turns around at the door.

TRISH: Baby, do you mind if I take the limo? I dont have any other means of transporation. I can come back and get you in an hour.

HELLS ANGEL: Only if we go back to the hotel room.

Trish smiles at him and knods. She then exits the gym and walks to the limo. The driver opens up the door and Trish gets in. The driver goes up to the arena in record time of 9 minutes. Trish hands him a twenty, and then goes into the arena. Suddenly, she comes to a door. She knockso n the door. She hears a ruffling sound, and then the door opens, revealing Princess. Princess looks shocked and then excited.

PRINCESS: Trish! Oh my god! What a pleasant surprise! What are you doing here? Have you ocme to tell me if you accept my offer and become a part of Dx? Tell me you have! You would make me the happiest person here!

TRISH STRATUS: Actually, I did. Mind if I come in?

PRINCESS: Sure! Come on,, have a seat!

Trish follows Princess and sits down. Trish looks distressed.

PRINCESS: Trish, tell me whats wrong. Maybe I can help. You know you can trust me with anything you feel you cant tell anyone else. Trish,,, you look like Hells Angel just broke up with you.

TRISH STRATUS: No, and no, I am not breaking up with him. However, I am breaking up with a nother person. But I dont want to get into that right now. The reason as to why I am upset is because of the fact that I am facing three of my closest friends, you, Stephanie, and Angel.

PRINCESS: You are actually friends with that whore? Why? She is nothing more than a bitch! Why would you want to have any kind of a relationshiop with her except to kick her ass like I do?

TRISH STRATUS: Princess, i have something more to tell you...


TRISH STRATUS: Your the bitch!

Trish begins to laugh.

TRISH STRATUS: Did you really think that I would join DX? DX would only slow me down because it has people like you in it! You know, you are nothing more than a dirty annoying bitch! You dont care about anyone but yourself! You thought that if you teamed with the number one diva, I would let you go for the womens title, and if you beat Lita, then I wouldnt go up against you? You know that I am probably the only diva whom can kick your ass! I mean, Stephanie sure as hell aint showing any real effort to beat you! You were just using me werent you! You thought that if I teamed with you, then I could bring you to the top! Well, baby girl, you just made one of the worst rookie mistakes! You never piss off the top diva, and that diva is me! yea, stephanie is good, but not as great is me! You certainly pissed her off, and now you have me going! Now you have the top two divas that want to kick your ass, and we wont have any mercy. Your on your own you backstabbing bitch! I dont know why I respected you! All along you were playing me so that I wouldnt go against you! Well, you were wrong princess!

Trish then pushes Princess out of the way. Trish the slams the door shut behind her and runs down the corridor. When Trish finds what she is looking for, its a lockerroom makred Stephanie! The fans go wild. Trish pounds on the door. Stephanie opens it, and Trish pushes herself in. Stephanie, looking confused, closes the door behind her. Trish turns around and looks at stephanie.

TRISH STRATUS: You were right, Princess is a bitch... Stephanie, we have been friends for a while now, or I think we have. Now, tihs sunday, we are in a match, its a number one conteners match for the womens title, but its also an elimation match. Stephanie, lets you and i team up to take out angel and princess to make it down to us two... What do you say? Team with me to make it one on one with the best two damn dominate divas in the fed... What do you say Stephanie?

Trish holds out her hand to Stephanie...