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Name wes domani Clan brujah
Alliegance camarilla Nature director
Generation ninth generation Demeanor soldier / bravo
Age Apparent: (24) True: ( ) Concept warrior-scholar
History      Born around the center of the 19th century, the silent soldier amongst vampires known as Wes Domani was born, although that was not his name back then. He had been born into servitude to an Italian immigrant who had somehow managed to make money and earned slaves, his father and mother among them. His parents were both strong, rugged individuals whilst his mother was attractive for a nigger. He had brothers and sisters, like everyone else. Two brothers and one younger sister, which came later in life.. three years or so.
     He had been called "boy" by Master, but he defied it by clearing calling himself Wes as his parents named him. No last name was for them since they were on the low spectrum of social circumstances. He grew up with great genetics from his parents, and formed quite well from the arduous and vigorous life as a slave. He was pushed constantly into labour, whipped into submission, albeit he was always defiant. His cerulean huen eyes always showed hope and faith in becoming free.
     He grew up like a normal slave until one night, a day after his father and the Master got into an argument (and father lost) about his son being whipped, something horrid happened to the boy of nineteen. He had been wandering out on the plantation without much care, even though the dogs and some men were still guarding the negroes when smoke rose from the domiciles of the slaves. After noticing this, he rushed quickly to the place only to see that his owner decided to set his family's home aflame. Rage struck him and he struck down his owner in a fury of fists, giving the man a concussion and sending him into a comatose state of being.
     The last thing after the rage had passed he remembered was running from the place, successfully and with barely any harm. The only marks that he endured from there was the ones upon his upper back from slavery. He stayed in hiding and found himself up in the northern colonies/states of America around his age of 24. It was around 1865 at this time. Civil War had broken out in the country, and he decided to join... he, an illiterate colored man, decided to try and help free his fellow people.
     He was vicious in the war, exceeding with the firearms and melee prowess over any others. The North truly had a courageous, willing to fight field hand. He helped a few battles until around 1866 when his to-be-sire known as the General had found him. For the next twenty years he was ghouled to General Gabriel Carlson, a caucasian man whom he became to establish a favorable connection with. After those twenty years he had been Embraced into the Brujah, unlife amongst the Kindred had just started for this Beast.
     For the next hundred and so years the man had been taught fiercely, moreso than slavery, how to be a good soldier. He's been studying the Arts of War and training recruits amongst the Brujah all over the world. He's seen his fair share of the world and of his own kind, even happened into Theo Bell (who is a lot like himself). His life has been so amazing, he's enjoyed every sight he has taken in. Finally, he had also been taught how to read and write.. and gained education and academics (because he went through history itself).
     What is in store for this creature? Only time will tell.
Description (Physical Appearance w/ Dress style)
Sire (Sire) Birthplace one of the south colonies
Strength Charisma Perception
Dexterity Manipulation Intelligence
Stamina Appearance Wits
Alertness Animal Ken Academics
Athletics Crafts Computer
Brawl Drive Finance
Dodge Etiquette Investigation
Empathy Firearms Law
Expression Melee Linguistics
Intimidation Performance Medicine
Leadership Security Occult
Streetwise Stealth Politics
Subterfuge Survival Science
(Specialty) (Specialty) (Specialty)
(Specialty) (Specialty) (Specialty)
(Specialty) (Specialty) (Specialty)
Disciplines Backgrounds Advantages
Celerity Age Conscience
Potence Generation Conviction
Presence Resources Self Control
(Other Disc.) Retainer Instincts
(Other Disc.) (Background) Courage
Merits/Flaws Humanity/Path
Cat-like Balance Willpower
Light Sleeper
Unbondable Blood Pool
Compulsion (never show fear)
= Beginning Dot / = Freebie Dot / = Experience Dot / = Retrospective Dot
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