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Grand Vizier Locke

Played by: Mel Gibson (personal choice) or Christopher Lloyd ("studio" suggestion)

Role: Minor Villain. Advisor to the Evil Overlord.

Origin World: Classified.

Locke enters

A man of no great stature he seems nor of bulk and obviously one beyond his prime.

And although he be dressed in black as his master requires,how does the Evil Overlord tolerate such rumpled attire,such casual distain for the niceties of the Court?

And what fool would wear bifocals in this day and age when his master commands the science of the gods he cast down from their high heavens?

And where are his weapons?He has not even a single famous blade such as Tyrfing the Accursed to call his own.What manner of man walks in the lion's den without arms?

And he is utterly without following,nary a guard nor an assistant nor even a trembling scribe to take down his every pearl of wisdom.

How is it possible that he-he whom no one had ever heard of but four scant months ago has ascended to the right hand side,the position of honor?

Surely this must be some cruel jest to make such a dullard the very Voice of his Master?

Could it be some sort of ..test..some puzzle the Master had set to determine the mettle of his minions?

This...this insignificant little man who speaks in garbled muted has he come to such a pinnacle of power....but a single step from the summit itself...

Who among the minions shall be the first to challenge this nobody...

A clattering...he has dropped something upon the marble floor...

Such a klutz the minions utterly typical...

Yet still he is Grand Vizier...a courtier leaps to secure the trinket he has dropped...

Not unkindly he accepts the bauble from trembling hands...

A silver rose...a clasp of some sort perhaps once used to fashion a cloak...

And for the first time he speaks..

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