
Welcome to TafferFX. This Page contains WAV formated mixes of the sounds from Thief1 and 2.
They have been pieced together from the thousands of sound files found in this COOL game.
You don't even need the game to hear them, just download and play on any media player :-)
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Thief wav format mixes

Mix Title Length Size Compiled By
TafferFarts!!! 01:57 1.67MB (zipped) William The Taffer
Benny Certified Security 01:57 1.07MB (zipped) William The Taffer
Garrett Fights an Angry Hammerite 00:31 677kb William The Taffer
Stealth Says Goodbye 00:35 767kb William The Taffer
Caught in the Act 00:42 904kb William The Taffer
Garrett's Jailbreak (w/music) 01:33 0.98MB William The Taffer
That Shut'em Up! 00:56 614kb William The Taffer
Hammerites in an Uproar (w/music) 01:27 2.36MB(zipped) William The Taffer
Outtakes from the Thief Team 00:17 386kb William The Taffer

Voice Acting Samples

Here is some samples of my voice acting. If you need a voice actor,
don't hesitate to e-mail me. Tell me what kind of voice you want, and I'll see what I can do.
I can a large number of charactors, and quite a few accents.

Voice Title Length Size Description
Sailor 00:11 127kb A sailor describes what
happened the night before
Bob Karasson 00:17 370kb Karras's son Bob strikes back
Really ticked off old guy 00:41 449kb An old hammerite catches
Garrett in his home
A crooked lawyer 00:15 172kb The lawyer stikes up a deal
000 The spy 00:10 111kb A "Sean Connery" type spy
makes a statement
Pavorini the opera guy 00:31 340kb This guy needs a good
solid thump on the head!