Thematrix says '(01:17) Harle tells you 'threatening my society will not help you'.' Thematrix says '(01:15) Kitania tells you 'you have fucked with the wrong person for the last time'.' Thematrix says 'yeah yeah.' lol You laugh out loud. (Hp)1030|1030 (Sp)762|853 (Ep)484|484 (Wt)22 (Exp)14924 (Tl)- Thematrix says '1999, Conquer tell me that.' Thematrix says 'I'm level 1.' Thematrix says 'level 15, "Qurp says "I'll end you!":.' Thematrix says 'Level 20 Blayke wages short war on me.' Thematrix exclaims 'Level 30, The brillo affairs!' Thematrix says 'level 35 Conquer strikes back.' hp: 1030 (1030) [] sp: 809 (853) [+75] ep: 484 (484) Thematrix says 'level 40 The Newbie Clensing of 2001.' Thematrix says 'level 43 Thematrix perfects summon.' hp: 1030 (1030) [] sp: 853 (861) [+44] ep: 484 (484) Thematrix says 'The world is changed forever.' Thematrix says 'level 45 Thematrix discovers wands.' Thematrix says 'level 50 The long wars ensue many casualties,.' Thematrix exclaims 'level 60 The Peace era, all treaties establish leaving Thematrix unchallenged and in charge!' Thematrix says 'level 70 Monk Exp days.' Thematrix says 'level 80 Exp.' Thematrix says 'level 90 Exp.' Thematrix says 'level 100 A time travel accident sends thematrix back to level 60.' Thematrix [party]: I built a time machine 4 years from now Thematrix [party]: and I got sent back here =( Thematrix [party]: now I don't have the heart to continue Thematrix [party]: You see Thematrix [party]: the original timeline I got robbed (Hp)1042|1042 (Sp)620|867 (Ep)494|494 (Wt)22 (Exp)14924 (Tl)- Thematrix [party]: and that inspired me into a new era of exp Thematrix [party]: and I advanced quickly to maximum expie! Thematrix [party]: and after a long reign Thematrix [party]: I went back to find the real thief Thematrix [party]: And on that very day! Thematrix [party]: My other self was there sleeping and I went to orion Thematrix [party]: But some sorta future traveler came and destroyed my time dev ice Thematrix [party]: and knocked me unconcious Thematrix [party]: And when I woke up Thematrix [party]: I had been robbed Thematrix [party]: and I didn't find the thief and my mission failed and I was stuck in your time Thematrix [party]: And when I woke up Thematrix [party]: I had been robbed Thematrix [party]: and I didn't find the thief and my mission failed and I was s tuck in your time Thematrix [party]: So I had no choice but to kill my other self, causing a HUGE RIFT in the time contiuum Blackstar [party]: ok parents taking me out for dinner Thematrix [party]: That caused me to be banned from chat and news Blackstar [party]: I got to go Thematrix [party]: Under a time traveler treaty not to interfere in the past Thematrix [party]: and that's why I'm here now! Thematrix [party]: Do you understand missiour blackey? Blackstar [party]: yes