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Steve-o? The hell kinda name is that?                                                                I wonder if he likes swords too...
Last Updated: 6/25/03
We're gonna be Light Warriors! YAAAY!

Steve-o: Lookit me! I'm 8-bit! Squee!

Here's everything you need, guys!

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And now, a message from my friend and yours, Raith Cloud, the noble thief!
(/\)ëˆ®Ê †ðØ Ël¡†Ë Fø® ¥øÙ

Happy 20th Birthday Dave! Don't kill meh X_x

Without further ado, here's our heroes!(?)
Here's the story archives of our heroes. Check it out!
Here's some pretty cool Final Fantasy related links.
And here's a little tribute to the beat-down currently taking place in Iraq!

I'm a Knight! No complaints here!

a courageous and powerful warrior.

brave; integritous; commanding
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]

Here's my buddy David (Frang). I think it fits him well =D

the famed master of black magic.

"efficient"; funny-looking; intelligent
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]

And here's Konstantin (Raith). Fitting? Only he can tell us >D

a master of "acquiring things without cost."

mischievous; quick; light-hearted
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]

And finally, here's Bob (Trexton). Well, he IS my brother after all ;)

a master of the mystical katana

noble; honorable; deadly
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]

Here's my lovely girlfriend Jade! Fits her nicely indeed ^_^
*magic knight*

a knight with magic spells at their command

adventurous; just; idealistic
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]