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The Enchantment of a Starry Knight

The Softspoken Prince

The enigmiatic vor'lin race, a people found only on the world known as Ebstaxan, can be categorized by their unique sky-blue hued skin and delicate, graceful visages which seem to speak of the utmost nobility and agelessness. Jerius Xandith, born the prince of his entire race, wears his violet azure-streaked hair long and straight, usually tucked behing his sharply pointed ears. Those who don't look closely enough often mistake him for a female, due to the graceful cut of his features, the slight tilt of his lavender shaded eyes which often shimmer with a strange luminescence. He is quite male however, merely possessing all the grace of a dancer and more,the easy, almost arrogant stride of one who is regal but does not know it, the deadly, deceptively lazy and mezmerizing gait of a hunting cat. He is most often found garbed in ebon hues, a flowing cloak fastened with an emerald brooch at the shoulder or neck, a soft shirt of black cotton overwhich lay a sleeveless, buttonless vest of a similar midnight shade. His breeks too are like coal, tucked into shiny boots of black tuned down at the knee. Tear-drop earrings and a violet sash wrapped about his slender waist, one end dangling near to his knee, are his only other decoration, as the dark colors, for one, fit his often somber mood, and for another they are the customary attire of his order, that of the Starry Knight.

A Twin of the Spirit(Elysis pic coming eventually)

Always by the vor'lin's side is his Spirit Twin, Elysis, a horse of emerald hue who drew her first breath at virtually the same instant Jerius did, and when he was old enough to venture forth on his own he traveled to a place most sacred to his people, the Forest of Chimes, and their unique bond drew them to each other as a moth to flame, and they were immediately inseperable, she a vital part of his existance, his self, whom he calls his Heart, and he was necesssary to make her complete, her Destined. They speak in a manner similar to telepathy, but on such a level as may not be detected by any other save through a special item which the vor'lin may or may not allow use of. The mare is just as if not more intelligent than your average person (though she will always boast that she is far more intelligent, which is not so far from the truth) and can understand speech and knows emotion. Whenever she can, she spends time with another special mare, a horse she and Jerius met some time ago during their treks, an Enchantment placed upon the mare, Fusee by name, allowing her to speak that they might learn about her.

Raging Serenity

At the age of nineteen, the vor'lin underwent the Trials to become a Starry Knight, and upon returning successful along with several other new inductees, a traditional festival ensued- but scheming forces from within his own nation had conspired with other dark powers and the great Tournament was disrupted by beasts the likes of which one only beholds in the deepest, darkest nightmares, and a relic, the Tear of Morninshea was stolen in the confusion. The High King of the vor'lin believed the retreival of the item to be a grand test for his sons and new Knights, and the lethal warriors were soon in pursuit of the fiends, discovering their lair hidden on the outer-most region of the vor'lin lands. Dark powers, powers far more vile than those which had summoned the monsters, were lying in wait for Jerius...The details of the incident within that dank cave are something the vor'lin is loathe to speak of, but under the right circumstances, to the right person, he has been known to entrust with he knowledge. Suffice to say, the vor'lin emerged forever changed, posessed by the spirit of a long-dead, powerful wizard who seeks to overtake Jerius's mind and body for purposes not yet understood by the vor'lin. For five years now the vor'lin has endured the fell spirit, fighting the madness that threatens his gentle spirit at having to witness the horrors comitted by the Black Caster...horrors that, at times, Jerius believes he himself comitted, due to the ever growing influence of the Caster in hopes of weaking the vor'lin's resolve. He used the excuse of searching for the still-lost Tear to leave home and follow the perpatrators, after several tragedies occured which he was the unwitting cause of. Only Elysis has kept the vor'lin whole over the years, and she will not falter in her efforts, but time has taken its toll and both can see that there may not be much longer before....

And so vor'lin and horse roam the lands of Rhydin, Jerius having had an encounter of love that, for a while, turned the tide in his struggle...though the power of the Black Caster eventually won out, erasing his memories of the woman he'd given himself to, an entire marriage virtually forgotten. And yet..within him lingers a brief, perhaps subconcious hope that he will make friends enough, find companionship enough, to give him the strength, reason to hold onto all that is Jerius Xandith. So much deeper does the tale of the Knight go, but one must first get past the cool, indifferent mask, the gentle but power-laced voice that is so soothing to the ears, the slight arrogance he is somtimes compelled to, that strange, shimmering gaze that simultaneously gives wind of the raging inferno of anger and power, the maelstrom of chaotic malevolence....and utter serenity and kindness and gentlness of the kind that almost seems to good to be true.

Mun notes-

I be Chris, ::wavie, points to s/n TallnSoftSpoken:: This webbie is still under construction. The pic at the top is one I borrowed, not mine (don't ya love legal stuff?) soon enough I'll have one of my own make that depicts Jer much better. Ol' Magus resembles him greatly though, so he'll do fer now.

Coming Soon & Interesting (?) Tidbits

Masks of Mirth
The Master of Shadowlaw
Jerius's Journal
The Mun
Mun's Journal
