Welcome to a Website dedicated to the games in several series: King's Field, Shadow Tower, and the game of Eternal Ring.
These games were created to be played on either the Playstation (PS) or PS2 platforms.
Originally released in Japan by From Software, but translated and brought to America by Agetec Inc.

They are all first-person shooter games, meaning as you look at the screen, it is as if you are looking through the eyes of the main character. All combat, Magical and Melee, is from that perspective.
I originally created a walkthrough for Shadow Tower and posted it on several gamers websites, then created a King's Field website with Martin Ramirez adding in the Maps. Now Martin has written his own walkthrough's and organized all the other games into one site; so I gladly gave him the rights to use my old websites information on his website.

For me - the first person style of gameplay immerses me into the world in a way that 2nd and 3rd person styles of play do not. The latter make it feel like you are running some character through the game, whereas the first person style of play tended to draw ME into the game a lot more. It was as if I was swinging the sword or hurling the fireball. Now I am not crazy, I understand it wasn't that way. It just added a feel that allowed me to be more of a participant rather than an observer or manipulator of the character. Not everyone will feel that, and not everyone likes this style of play. Not a problem. For those who think they may like this style, these games are a great addition to your collection.

While some of these games are older and not being sold anymore, there is a regular group of people who play these games and who still enjoy replaying them. Martin has links to the places you can join us in sharing the experience of these games, and where you can get answers to your questions.

I am glad you have come to this website and you will find Martin ready to provide you every bit of help and information you need to complete your enjoyment of these games, and if he cannot give an immediate answer, he has many friends (whom you may get to meet on the boards linked) who can probably give you that answer you need.

Please peruse this site, and use the resources here to enhance your gameplay and fun!!

Sojourner/David Bunch


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UPDATES 5/27/09: Not much new to report this week. I've restaretd work on my SoM game and I've joined a couple of pixel art comunities, some of my latest pixel art can be seen here: PIXEL JOINT

3/1/09: I have added all missing maps to the KF2 section. They are scans off the guide, but at least you'll have something to look at instead of a small red x.

8/25/08: The Sword of Moonlight section is now operational. There you can download games and demos made by KF Fans that are lucky to have the SoM Program.

5/20/08: A translation patch for Sword of Moonlight is now available, thanks to weissvulf for taking the time to get it done. We can finally make our own KF-like games in English. So if you're lucky enough to have the program, you can get the patch here:

4/27/08: The Shadow Tower Section has a brand new look as well as 150 screenshots: The entire Creature Encyclopedia thanks to the hard work of Hguols.

© 2004
This website is purely the work of a Kings Field Fan and is not associated in any way to the game designers. Eternal Ring, Shadow Tower Abyss & Kings Field logos are trademarks of FromSoftware, Inc. All rights reserved. The Ancient City, Kings Field 2, Kings Field & Shadow Tower logos are property of Agetec, Inc. All rights reserved. Powered by:
I would like to thank the following people for their help and support (in no particular order): Renwick, Sojourner, Sylvii51, and all the people responsible for bringing us these games. Specially Duhrin for all his hard work.