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This is the way it works. You can read the fight in it's entirety and also you have my own "colored comments" there with the original text. Colored comments are added explanations or justifications of what was said but were not part of the original text itself. They are just used to make a point. In this section, my colored comments will be marked in green.

The first item up for public display is an E-mail war between a fellow RPer and I that happened not too long ago. The names have been changed.

The first E-mail, she sent me info on a new chara for a new story:

[ Name Edit ] And if the girl who is responsible for this nice little entry is in fact reading this, you know who you are, there is no "TH" in the Japanese language. I know. I speak quite a bit of it myself. So you may want to rethink your character's surname seeing as it is going to be horribly translated. Also, the surname comes before the first name in Japanese. Then again, this is assuming that the character is Japanese based - which I am going to guess is. No offense, truly, just helpful hints from one RPer to another.

Physical Age: 22
Height: 5’7
Race: Sajin Demon. An ancient race of demons, said to be extinct, except for very few of those who survived through the centuries. They were different than the usual species of demon; able to summon demon’s and monster’s spirits and merge them into their bodies, able to access their power, abilities, as well as their own in the realm of battle. Their blood has a healing attribute, but cannot be used to help themselves, only others. Because their blood had such in descript energies in it, many other creatures hunted them down to either take their blood or destroy them from hatred. Most Sajin demon are beautiful in appearance. The Sajin’s were mostly destroyed when an off-race of powerful human, the Hienne, attacked them from anger and spite, and continued to hunt them down until eventually, their race died down as well.

Attributes: [Name edit] is stronger than she looks, and very agile. She excels at speed, thievery, and combat strategies, and has mastered her strangely-designed weapon, the double-bladed Blood Moon, as well as taken on the spanning asininities of the Reaper Techniques, taught to her by her elven sensei. (An elven ninja…get that!) She has been practicing her summoning techniques, but has not mastered what is called the “Summoner’s wall” which prevents the demonic and monstrous spirits from overtaking her body and keeping her soul shut away, so summoning is still a dangerous thing for her to do. The one demonic spirit she gained access to but will not use is the most powerful, but also the most treacherous; [Name Edit], a demonic sorcerer and a berserk murderer.
*Note* In order to call demon and monsters, [Name edit] somehow had to gain access to them, either through a dream or communication with the dead.

Quirks: [Name Edit] cannot swim. Nightmares of drowning plagued her since childhood, causing a phobia of being in water above her neck. She will seriously sink like a dead weight if thrown in the middle of deep water. She values her honor more than she does her own life, and will do just about anything to withhold her honor and any promises she made. Most have attempted to take that to their advantage.

Personality: [Name Edit] can seem cheerful more than half the time, and is very sarcastic and perverted. She rarely talks about her childhood, because truth be told, she never really had one. Her memories were wiped completely away, and she can only remember waking up in the darkness at a younger age, around eleven, and somehow managing to break out of a stone tomb she was in. The moment she got out, two crimson blades burst from her shoulder blades as if they were wings, and upon clattering to the floor, merged with each other into one weapon, which is now the Blood Moon. She is very curious, which is one of her weaknesses in some occasions.

She is usually accompanied by a small demon orb creature, about the size of a softball, with large, soulless white eyes, two little demon horns, and a demon’s tail, and a stitched on smile. The creature is named Pyro, and is a very useful little thing, able to turn itself into things, steal things, and generally just annoy people.

Another thing about [Name Edit] is: She never fell in love. There was a ‘family’ love with her clan, and though there had been several occasions where her fellow clansmen would emotionally attempt to advance on her, she’d turn them all away. She doesn’t expect love from anything, and being a Konuichi, she doesn’t believe she needs it, either. One thing that she searches for, however, is “That one precious thing to protect.” Which remains a mystery as to what she means by that.

My reply:
Hey there,

You have this thing about making these demon-based characters that are a few feats short of being a god-moder, don't you? I said this because this character sounded like a Japanese version of her last character. She even had the same enemies. In some ways I don't like her simply because she seems very unrealistically strong and a lot like one of your basic AOL characters that will be more focused on completely deflecting all forms of danger than actual plot building. It would be very hard to create trouble for her unless I throw her in a swimming pool. I like her because she is a very well created character. But I just don't think that I want to deal with some all powerful character with only a few flaws. I was being truthful. She sounded too high powered. Notice that I stated that I both liked AND disliked her and that I did not just say "I hate her, try again."

Besides. I like to stick with basic races that can be dealt with rather than these run-off freaky hybrids that are a bitch to injure. Yes, pardon my English but yes, I have played with so many demon based characters that it has become a bit overpopulated. And my thing about simple races, the other in this SL are either humans or vampiric-humans, one Drow and one elf. Demons and Angels should be left to their own epic and more fitting campaigns.

Well, I just wanted to give you my opinion. I like her character picture but so far - not her character. Perhaps I'd have to actually have a session with her to really decide. Please keep in mind that I state "I's have to actually have a session with her to really decide." That means that I am still UNDECIDED. I know my English is poor but really...

- Uzeal

Her reply:
MAYHAPS you should TRY things before you JUDGE them. This is where remembering my comment "I'd have to actually have a session with her to really decide" comes in handy. I only said I didn't like her based on what I read but have every intention of RPing before I judged. But I guess she didn't quite grasp that concept. If you're going to be like that, then I don't WANT to RP with you. My characters take their damage. I never said she was all powerful, whatever the fuck you think, and its not GOD-MODING considering I usually let all my characters get the fuck hurt out of them. >__< Well, she has a point. In fact she did let her last character take damage. ALL OF IT. In one of our past sessions when her character was getting attacked, my character (who fancied her) wanted to help. However, her enemies just sort of ignored him and the battle scene was all about HER. Just her taking incredible damage and then shrugging it off like it was nothing while my character just kinda stood there. Yes, exciting. Sounded like 5 posts of her character showing off to me. You don't like my character, I don't fucking care, I am in no mood for your rash judgements or assumptions, because that is ALL They are. MY rash judgments and assumptions? I think you are jumping the gun a little. Maybe if you actually read my e-mail instead of taking everything I said as an attack... then you would get that I wanted to RP with her to see what she was made out of first. Now you've evoked my wrath and now I'm going to have a fuck-all day, thanks a lot. My bad. I didn't mean for you to take it THAT personally where your entire day rests of my assumed and so-called "judgment" of your character. And if that was supposed to scare me... sorry. I lived in Moscow for 15 years. There are scarier things out there than some pissed off little teenager who can't accept the fact that I did not like the general idea of a FICTIONAL character. So this is only going to dent my mood rather than ruin my whole day and likely the day of all those around me. Way to show maturity. Your friends should be frightened.
Get this, I got ANOTHER one added onto that:
Do you have a problem with female characters that are strong?? Fuck. And I thought for once YOU might be different than the rest of the idiotic bunch of ludicrous parcels out there. No. I am not as insecure as you'd like to think. To the contrary, I have no problem with a good strong female character. Yet again we will refer to my quote about wanting to RP with her to really decide. Basically, I was just giving you my first IMPRESSION of her not my core decision. If that is how personally you take trivial little things like this I would have to have to deal with you IRL. God forbid if someone tell you your hair is a mess. You'd crucify them. As for me being different from the rest of those idiotic ludicrous parcels... I am different. Really. Normally they would probably just flat out laugh at your attempt at a half demon or simply boot you out of rooms for playing a hybrid. I have seen it. But instead of you just calmly asking me what I meant by all that I said, you just unload and shoot steam up my ass for something you ASSUMED I meant. How very mature. You get a gold star for the day...

The only think I said to her before deciding, "screw it, I will not be bothered with this" and promptly putting her on my permanent blocked list was a simple E-mail stating: "I can see why they kick you out of rooms. Have a nice day." If she needs an explaination on this: Simply put, if she flips out every time someone gives her criticism then she should grow up a little before trying to RP again. She sent me the info and in IM asked me what I thought. I told her what I thought. I guess some people just can't accept the opinions of others.

What lesson did we learned today? Always remain calm. If you get an even remotely offensive E-mail from a mun then simply ask them what they mean by what they said. Chances are, you can work through your problems instead of creating bigger ones like she did here. It is important to take what others may say into consideration, yes. However, maybe some things said could have been motivated by outstanding mun-issues. So it is always very good to remain calm and be the better man rather than flipping out, dropping F-bombs left and right and simply assuming that the party of the first part was just judging you or your character. Just remember boys and girls, when you ASSUME you make and ASS out of U and ME. Let's try not to go down that path and keep in mind that there is ETIQUETTE in EVERYTHING!

This has been an example in bad mun conduct brought to you by Uzeal Urvikhvost.