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Welcome to Ryan and Jenna's Spyro the Dragon's WebSite!!!

Who let the Dragon out!!!!



Happy New Year!!!!!

It's 2002 finaly and now my birthday is in 30 days!!!!~Ryan

Yay!!!Spyro 4:Season of ice is out!!!Its for GameBoy Advance.Its a whole new adventure where Zoe is captured and Spyro has to rescue her followed by collecting 100 faeries.I dont know much about the game.But Ryan should know.He has the game :D ~Jenna

01/4/22/ Today I just beaten the Autumn Fairy Home on Season of Ice and i got all fairies and all gems. So next I need to complete the Winter Fairy Home!!! ~Ryan

01/5/02/Today I started a new game on Spyro 2.I still havn't got all the treasure and orbs on the game I originally started but Im taking a break as of now and using all the funn little happy cheat codes :).I dont want to do that on the game I originally started.I would spoil the fun!

01/9/02/ Today I just beaten the Winter Fairy Home on Spyro:Season of Ice. Before you go to Sping Fairy Home you get to fight Grendor for the first time and whenever he summons fire balls run around him until the fireballs aren't around him then ram him and he jumps in the air then what you do is make sure his shadow isn't above you then repeat the process again! ~Ryan.

Spyro The Dragon Cheatz

(for the first Spyro game for Psx)

99 Lives:
During play, pause and go to the Inventory screen. Now press Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Circle, Up, Circle, Left, Circle, Right, Circle. If entered correctly, your lives should begin increasing to 99.

Level Select:
During play, pause and go to the Inventory screen. Now press Square, Square, Circle, Square, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, Up, Right, Down. When you go to the Ballonist, you'll have access to all levels.

Access Crash Bandicoot 3 Demo:
At the "Press Start" screen, press L1+Triangle to see the demo.

Hidden Area
On Stone Hill (Artisians world), to get a key and some more treasure, go to where the "Return Home" platform is, and you should find a low wall. Jump over it, it might look like you'll land in the sea, but there's a beach on the edge. Walk along the beach until you reach a cave in which you should find all the booty! To get back up, just walk back along the beach and you'll find a whirly-lift, but make sure you don't fall into the sea!

Spyro:Season of Ice Cheats

(for GameBoyAdvance)

99 lives: Press Left, Right(3), Down, Up, Right, Up, A when "Press Start" appears at the title screen.

Unlimited health in Sparx worlds: Press Down, Up(2), Down, Left, Right(2), Left, A when "Press Start" appears at the title screen.

Unlimited weapons in Sparx worlds: Press Down, Right, Up, Left(2), Up, Right, Down, A when "Press Start" appears at the title screen.

Extra Sparx weapons: Press Right, Up, Right, Left, Down, Up, Left, Down, A when "Press Start" appears at the title screen. Then, use one of the following commands during game play in Sparx worlds.

Up+select= Shield

Left+Select= machine Gun

Down+Select= Homing Missles

Right+Select= Big flash of light that destroys

L+Select= All Keys

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage Cheatz

This is how to beat Ocean Speedway in less that 1:10 for the Skill Point:
Beat the Speedway anyway you can, then go back to beat it for time. Fly downwards and to your right and flame all of the boats. Make sure they are coming towards you, and you are not chasing them. You should be able to do this within 12secs. Fly to the rings (get there before the clock reads 17 secs.) Fly through the rings. When you reach the Cars, fly to your left and keep flying until you have flamed three cars, then fly through the Arch. Flame the next car and charge through the rest. When you get to the opening on the track before another cave, fly off it. You should be flying over the bleachers. Fly to the arches. The clock should read 48 secs. or less. Then, fly through the arches. After the 5th arch, don't fly up, fly under the track with the gray wall to your left. Then, fly throught the two on the grass. The clock should read 1:07 or less. This is important: When you reach the top of the hill before the last arch, hit Square and charge through it. Don't hit Jump, or you'll miss it. It took me an hour to figure this out. You'll probably need to practice it a bit before you get it.

Pause The Game And Do Any Of The Fowllowing Codes:
All Abilities: C,C,C,C,S

Turn Red:


Turn Blue:


Turn White:


Turn Pink, Green, Black, Or Yellow:

Pink, Do Any Of The Color Combinations Above, But The Last Button Is Square.

Green, Do Any Of The Color Combinations Above, But The Last Button Is Triangle.

Black, Do Any Of The Color Combinations Above, But The Last Button Is Down.

Yellow, Do Any Of The Color Combinations Above, But The Last Button Is Up.

These Are Good For Playing Around!

Spyro Pix

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This looks like my Shoyru, Jyro_Dragon and he is mean ~Ryan

Here is an awsome song!!!

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