

No powerplaying.
No cursing.
No porn.
No jewelry/unrealistic colors.
No impersonating other players.
Only advertise on the advertise board.
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If you think of a rule you think needs to be added or taken off, let me know on the OOC board.
The owner(that's me) and co-owner(s) can break any rule they want to, though it will not be abused.
This game is for all levels of rping, but mostly beginners, so do not make fun of those who are not as good at posts as you, try to help them out. But beginners should try to put spaces were they are needed, capitalize, and spell the best they can. Also, if somone helps you out, thank them. Do not take it the wrong way.
I may have a typo on one of the boards, so let me know if I do and I will fix it.


Terra or myself will play the prey.
Be realistic! Wolves can't bring down healthy deer or caribu by themselves.
Packs must hunt at least once every two weeks. If not, I will post a fate which could be a sickness, death, or somthing else bad.
The prey can powerplay, but wolves cannot.
Remember, there is strength in numbers.
You may only hunt on the 'Forest Hills' board.


Long breeding is allowed, but put LB as the subject so we will know!
After you get done with your 'buisness', post your stats,and Mikal will post the outcome.
Breeding is only done on the 'Silent Den' board.


You get 5 posts,3 atacks and 2 defenses in a graphic battle.
You may use your magic powers.
Shadow will decide the outcome.
See the battle board for a list of the different battle types.
Battles are only done on the 'Bloody Stones' board.


Fill out all of the required fields in your join post.
Put 'Spirit of the Wolves' in your join post so I will know you have read the rules, not in the subject line.
Wait to be accepted before posting on any in character boards.
You may not join with a name already taken.
You MUST submit outside the boarders of a pack if you want to join. If you don't know how to submit, ask on the OOC board and someone will help you or look at someone else's join post.
You can only join as a wolf.


Make only reasonable wishes.
There is always a price.....

:¤:Birds of Prey:¤:

Birds of prey can join packs, and are considered regular pack members.
Birds cannot be pack alphas.
There are three birds above all others, Accipiter for the light birds, Frightful for the neutral, and Flaming Evil for the dark.
Birds must help in hunts.
Birds can have mates, which are for life.
Birds can breed, but not long.
Mikal will post the breeding results.
After Mikal has posted, you go back to your terra and your nest/scrape. The chicks will be eggs for a week, and either the moter or father must continuously incubate them.
After a week, they will hatch and must stay chicks for at least another week.
Mates must be the same species of bird.
Birds are allowed to go anywhere in the game, but if they go into another pack after being accepted into another, the wolves in the pack can attack them. This is the only case in which the wolves can attack the birds, and vice versa.

:¤:The most important rule of all:¤:

Have fun!