Players Guide

Character List

Character Generator

Combat Rules

Dice Rules



How to Register

Karma & Reputation

Life & Death

Magic Rules


Racial Stats



Long ago, when havoc and strife reigned...all worlds before had fallen to war or corruption as did Tretius...Then came the time of emptiness when all was wiped from the minds of this world. And from this a new Tretius was created. one that grew from a place within the hearts of the Gods. Their visions, their hopes, their fears, and their dreams filled the world with men and women of many races. For the past 10,000 years this world has experienced a peace never seen before. Then 5 years ago something evil awakened in the lands and began to fill it with creatures of darkness and of hate.

The land began to cry out for heroes and people willing to stand against the evil that came to existence. All across the land men and women rose from the masses and began to take their place in the world to forge legends. Magi, Warriors, Thieves, Assassins, and many others that none would have expected to rise. All came forward to fight against the evil and face it with their strength and even their weaknesses.

From the western sea to the Mountains of Dreams did people rise and begin to march against the darkness that threatened to engulf the lands. Never before had war been seen in this world and many things to fight these creatures came into existence. The Gods gave them once more the memory of war to help them against the encroaching night..

Heroes of the land have risen and begun to face down all their enemies. Can you carve out your own destiny in this land or will the darkness carve you?

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