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Ok so you are wondering... what the heck type of page is this? Well, after observing the guild and myself, I thought that having all the macros that we use day in/day out on one page would be nice. Use the ones you like, and trash the rest. It's all up to you, however, for your convenience, I have taken the time to break them down for you according to task.
Since the warehouse is located in the Grasslands now and the forge too you dont have to run to smithie and back. Simple enter Grasslands all east one south one east one south trace seal :-)

Other macros that can be nifty to have =)
These macros are my own personal preference. They help me get things done quite efficiently. If you like, take 'em, if not that's fine. Since we as demons use wood, iron ore, and large nails, for almost everything we make, I have set up 3 main macros for each. They are in increments of 5. So, for example: if I need 5 sets of bracings, (which take up 2 iron ore a piece), all I have to do is hit my iron ore macro 2x. We all have macros to make our game easier, and I realize that you will probably have hunting macros. Rest assured though, to be a sharp productive demon, you will learn to use each macro that is available to you.

Iron Ore
buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&
Wooden Boards
buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&
Large Nails
buy 9&buy 9&buy 9&buy 9&buy 9&


Everyone loves to make money! And you will find that being a demon, people will tip you quite often for fixing their gear. Cl-Lake has changed and is a area with level 40 monsters now, not recommended for smal demons any more lol. Dont go there if you are not at least like lvl 50.

To C-lake from East gate:
E&E&E&E&E&E&E&E&E&E&E&E&E&E&N&E&N&E&s&E&E&E&n&E&go waste&N&NE&N&N&N&W&N&W&W &S&go crev&
From the crevice back to East gate:
go crev&N&E&E&S&E&S&S&S&SW&S&go grass&W&S&W&W&W&n&W&S&W&S&W&W&W&W&W&W&W&W&W&W&W&W&W&W&W&

Wooden and Reinforced Wooden Wall foundation macros:

Hit your wood macro 2x (it should only buy you 10 boards) and then your foundation macro.
buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&make set&make set&make set&make set&make set&buy 9&buy 9&buy 9&buy 9&buy 9&make wooden foundation&
Reinforced Wooden:
Hit your wood macro 3x and be sure that you have 4 steel rods on you.
buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&make set&make set&make set&make set&make set&buy 9&buy 9&buy 9&buy 9&buy 9&make reinforced wooden foundation&

Macro for Light Catapult

IMPORTANT: First, make sure that before you run this macro, you use your 5x macro for wood and hit it 3x. You will also need to be sure that you have 2 steel rods and of course, your hammer and saw. When you are sure that you have all these extra components, hit the macro and WALA! you will have a light catapult ready to be built. IF you fail on any of the components, DO NOT hit your macro again inside the warehouse. Simply go outside and hit it again and it will rebuild for you.

buy 7&buy 7&buy 7&buy 8&buy 9&buy 6&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 4&make set&make set&make simple laun&make axle with&make axle with&make wooden frame&make wheeled wooden frame&

If you do not like this macro, there is also a macro used by one of our very own demons. Pyrubore has allowed me to paste the macro he uses so that you may be able to experiment with them and choose whatever method you like best. Here is his:
buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 7&buy 7&buy 7&buy 8&buy 9&buy 4&
make chunk&make chunk&make chunk&make chunk&make steel rod&make steel rod&make set&make set&make wooden frame&make axle with wheels&make axle with wheels&make simple launching&make wheeled wooden frame&

**A bit of advice from our very own Pyrubore =)
They work well, but if something doesn't make right, u have to go back, see what it was, and make it right. Hitting the 'make' macro again may not solve the problem and may make another problem.

Use the macros to deeps smithy and warehouse to make it go by faster.
Globs of Burning Oil
In warehouse:
buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&
In deeps smithy:
make chunk&make chunk&make chunk&make steel bowl&
In warehouse:
buy 2&buy 2&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&make glob of burning&

Glob of Hellfire
In warehouse:
buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&
In deeps smithy:
make chunk&make chunk&make chunk&make steel bowl&
In warehouse:
buy 2&buy 2&buy 2&buy 2&buy 2&buy 2&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&make vial of arnak&make vial of arnak&make glob of hellf&

Macro for Light Ballista

This one is similar to the light catapult macro, however, you do not use 16 boards. Therefore, you will only hit your board macro 2x and the macro will buy whatever else u need extra. You will also need to be sure that you have 2 STEEL RODS, 3 CHUNKS OF STEEL, and of course, your hammer and saw. Remember!! IF you fail on any of the components, DO NOT hit your macro again inside the warehouse. Simply go outside and hit it again and it will rebuild for you.

buy 7&buy 7&buy 7&buy 8&buy 9&buy 6&buy 6&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 5&make set&make set&make simple windla&make axle with&make axle with&make wooden frame&make wheeled wooden frame&

Bolt of Hellfire
In warehouse:
buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&
In deeps smithy:
make chunk&make chunk&make steel rod&
In warehouse:
buy 2&buy 2&buy 2&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&buy 1&buy 6&buy 6&make vial of arnak&make bolt of hell&

Medium Catapult Makro
only makes sense when youre construct is high
its split up in 5 !! makros (all in warehouse)
It works fine for me mostly but my construct is about 190 these days spelled up
If you fail on one compo u have to check what it was and remake it
#1 buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&buy 6&
#2 buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3&buy 3& (HIT THIS MAKRO TWICE !)
#3 buy 7&buy 7&buy 7&buy 9&buy 9&buy 4&buy 5&buy 7&
#4 make chunk&make chunk&make chunk&make chunk&make chunk& (HIT THIS MAKRO TWICE !)
#5 make set&make set&make steel rod&make steel rod&make reinforced wooden frame&make steel rod&&make steel rod&make axle&make axle&make wheeled reinforced wooden frame&make simple launch&make simple pulley&make complex launch&

if all worked you will have frame complex mech and a large nail on you VOILA !

Makro from outside hole in local to the Bluff's hill
s&e&e&e&e&e&e&e&e&e&e&n&n&n&n&w&n&go gate&n&n&w&w&w&n&w&s&w&s&w&w&w&n&w&w&w&s&s&w&cli hill&
Makro from Bluff's hill to UG branch
n&n&w&w&s&w&w&n&w&s&w&w&w&s&W&n&n&w&w&n&nw&e&ne&ne&n&w&w&sw&e&s&w&&go path&w&w&s&s&w&w&n&w&w&w&n&n&n&n&n&go bri&w&w&n&n&n&hack patch&go open&w&n&w&nw&
Makro from UG branch to DF Gate
se&e&s&e& go path& s&s&s&go bridge& e&e& s&s&s&s&s&e&e&e&s&e&e&n&n&e&e&go trail&e&n&w&ne&e&e&s&sw&sw&w&se&s&e&e&e&s&s&s&go trail&s&s&s&e&s&s&op gate&go gate&

Well, that's about it. I have given you all that I use for myself in DFC. I hope this information will be as helpful to you as it has been for me. Take care and see you in the realm!

Kasdeya and Solaria
~Devoted Demonesses to the Cult of Xionakis~