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  • Cloth Armor
  • Studded Leather
  • Leather Armor
  • Plate Mail Armor
  • Chain Mail Armor

  • Leather Armor Creation- Lvl 43
    1) wanderer's leather gloves
    3) wanderer's leather coif
    4) wanderer's leather boots
    6) wanderer's leather cloak
    7) wanderer's leather pants
    10) wanderer's leather armor
    12) bardic leather gloves
    14) bardic leather coif
    15) bardic leather boots
    16) bardic leather cloak
    18) bardic leather pants
    19) bardic leather armor
    21) finely sewn leather gloves
    23) finely sewn leather coif
    24) finely sewn leather boots
    26) finely sewn leather cloak
    27) finely sewn leather pants
    30) finely sewn leather armor
    31) trailblazer's leather gloves (10 leather)
    33) trailblazer's leather coif (6 leather)
    36) trailblazer's leather boots (10 leather 2 strips of rubber)
    38) trailblazer's leather cloak (14 leather)
    40) trailblazer's leather pants (14 leather)
    43) trailblazer's leather armor (18 leather)

    Studded Leather Armor Creation- Lvl 44
    2) samurai studded leather gloves
    3) samurai studded leather helm
    5) samurai studded leather boots
    7) samurai studded leather cloak
    9) samurai studded leather pants
    11) samurai studded leather armor
    12) gokenin studded leather gloves
    15) gokenin studded leather helm
    16) gokenin studded leather boots
    18) gokenin studded leather cloak
    20) gokenin studded leather pants
    21) gokenin studded leather armor
    23) well crafted studded leather gloves
    25) well crafted studded leather helm
    26) well crafted studded leather boots
    28) well crafted studded leather cloak
    29) well crafted studded leather pants
    31) well crafted studded leather armor
    33) ronin razored leather gloves (10 metal 7 leather)
    35) ronin razored leather helm (10 metal 6 leather)
    37) ronin razored leather boots (10 metal 7 leather 2 strips of rubber)
    39) ronin razored leather cloak (10 metal 8 leather)
    41) ronin razored leather pants (10 metal 8 leather)
    44) ronin razored leather armor (10 metal 9 leather)

    Chain Mail Armor Creation- Lvl 45
    2) fine-linked centaur chain gloves
    4) fine-linked centaur chain helm
    5) fine-linked centaur chain boots
    8) fine-linked centaur chain cloak
    10) fine-linked centaur chain leggings
    12) fine-linked centaur chain armor
    14) gladiator chain mail gloves
    15) gladiator chain mail helm
    17) gladiator chain mail boots
    19) gladiator chain mail cloak
    22) gladiator chain mail leggings
    23) gladiator chain mail armor
    25) finely forged chain mail gloves
    26) finely forged chain mail helm
    27) finely forged chain mail boots
    30) finely forged chain mail cloak
    31) finely forged chain mail leggings
    33) finely forged chain mail armor
    35) leviathan chain mail gloves
    38) leviathan chain mail helm
    40) leviathan chain mail boots
    42) leviathan chain mail cloak
    43) leviathan chain mail leggings
    45) leviathan chain mail armor