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John Lee MacMillan(Lee)

John Lee Macmillain




CHARACTER NAME: John Lee MacMillan (goes by Lee; he dropped his first name for good reasons)

DESCRIPTION/APPEARANCE: Appears late 20s; died during the Black Plague, 1349; that makes him 539 years as the undead. Long, blonde hair(reaches to middle of shoulder blades, which is stylishly out of date); hazel eyes. Not considered even remotely handsome. Charitably called plain of face.

A rather tall man for his time period, he is average in this century. He's 5'9", 165 pounds, wiry. Lee is half Scottish, half British, but he sides with the Scots politically. He has cultivated a refined British accent, but when angry the Scottish burr wins out.

PERSONALITY: Lee is sarcastic with an acid wit. Tact is not his middle name or even remotely related to it. He has his own code of honor. He has a fascination with new fangled gadgets and weaponry of any age.

WEAKNESSES/STRENGTHS: Lee is skilled in many forms of fighting. Due to his age and honed skills, he has perfected the art of staying up past dawn by a few hours(inside)and even has appeared in daylight briefly if it's very overcast and he's wearing an overcoat, hat, and muffler...of course, he smokes all the way from one sheltered spot to another, and only does this in dire emergencies. This doesn't bode well for other vampires who have already gone to 'bed'for the day. It's how he's taken several Master level vampires out of commission.

He can fly, but it isn't his strong suit. He has embraced technology and current inventions and adapted to every century. He has the usual vampire powers. As for anything special, it would have to be his physical skills and sheer force of will. Or as Jack puts it: Lee's stubbornness puts a mule to shame!

Animal to call is owls.

Weaknesses...Lee keeps trying to eat regular food. And even though he will later suffer for the attempts, he keeps persisting. Also, he has little tact and has made enemies that way. Lee is a Catholic. Granted, it's hard to attend Mass and he's reduced to waiting for Easter and Christmas midnight Mass, but he holds those beliefs. This may be seen as a strength or weakness.

HISTORY: Lee was turned during the Black Plague of 1349. His sire chose him as part of his societal experiment. The other was John Windsor. Edward, eccentric even among vampires, wanted to see who would rise highest within the vampiric community. One born to nobility such as John, or one of peasant stock who would have to work for every social win. Needless to say, the two subjects hated each other on sight and over the centuries nothing has changed. John actively seeks to harm Lee in some way, and Lee gets satisfaction in thwarting him when he can and rising higher in station than his noble 'brother'.

Lee is an Enforcer (their society's name for a vampire hunter and all around spy, executioner, you name it), one of a dozen for the European Conclave. He's done this for the past 40 years. One of his duties for the Conclave is to be their eyes and ears, therefore he travels a lot. His job includes putting down those Masters or individuals that the Conclave deems are dangerous or out of control. Lee has taken on the cloak of an eccentric antiques dealer to allow him to travel and keep odd hours without anyone questioning it.