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John Windsor

John Windsor




CHARACTER NAME: John Windsor (not his true name, but always chooses a surname connected with royalty; actually he was a bastard of the Plantagenet line)

CHARACTER TYPE: Vampire, Master

DESCRIPTION/APPEARANCE: Always impeccably dressed. Dark hair cut in the latest style, piercing blue eyes, 5'6" tall. Boyish good looks. Age : 21 when he was turned, 538 years ago.

PERSONALITY: Can be quite charming to cover his Machiavellian personality. Thinks highly of himself and loathes those he terms the 'peasant class'.

WEAKNESSES/STRENGTHS: Animal to call is the wolf. He's made levitation and 'glamour' (or charm) an art. Weaknesses are the usual vampire weaknesses (sunlight, liquid diet, etc.). His sense of superiority has led to him underestimating people. His obsession at destroying his brother in blood has led him to miss opportunities to advance himself-or at least get on with his unlife.

HISTORY: John was an acknowledged bastard from an English Royal family. Rumor claims he was a bastard son of Edward III, but in reality his father was a cousin of Edward III.

His turning was part of an experiment run by his sire. (His sire wanted to see if upbringing or predisposition (genetics) made a difference in the rise of a Vampire through the social structure.)

John and his 'brother' (John Lee MacMillan) didn't get along. The only thing that kept them from trying to do one another in over the centuries was the promise to their sire to not kill each other while he still 'lived'. So instead they resorted to petty squabbles that only hurt each other emotionally or in John's case, his hate was taken out on Lee's allies. For example, when Lee set up shop in Whitechapel a century earlier, protecting the girls that protected his daytime resting place, John started to murder them, letting his brother know it was his work. When his brother tried to help the Scots win their freedom from the English once more, John was there helping to place the English boot back on their throats.

Through all of the petty squabbles, John may have won the battles as far as the human world was concerned, but it was his brother who rose in the Vampire hierarchy, becoming an Enforcer for the European Conclave, answerable to no one but that elite group. Now, once again, John has returned to the London scene, ready to make mischief, but most importantly, to make Lee's 'life' miserable.