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Zelgadiss: Hi, this is Zel here-
Xelloss: And Xelloss-
Zel: Here to tell you about joining. Get out of here Mazoku...
Xel: Aw, why? *sets a Rezo plushie on his head.* I need somewhere to go before Della knows I went through her plushie horde again.
Zel: *shudders* Fine fine. Anyway, back to Joining...

*someone yawns.*

*Zel and Xel blink.*

Voice: That was a nice nap...Oh! Hello, Zelgadiss. *the plushie movesoff of Zel's head, using his oversized robes as he drifts down to the floor.
Zel: *looks at the plushie* Uh-uh-uh-uh...
Rezo: What-oh. The plushie form. Della-chan made this plushie; I thought it was nice so I entered it. Della-chan's taken care of me since.
Zel: *stares at him, silent and shaking in disbelief.*
Xelloss: *sighs and puts two fingers on Zel's forehead, putting him to sleep.*There. Now, we can get started on Joining, ne?
Rezo: Okay. ^_^
Xelloss: Alright, if you have came here, you should have read the Rules, if not go here. If you have read it all, read on.

If you want to join, make sure you have a biography waiting for Della. And make sure that it includes the following:

Where he/she is from:
Weapon/Armor(Weapon can include magic):
History:-Okay, this is where it changes. In this I want a detailed history of your character, but I also want a few others things. Does your characer have any family? Are they related to a cast member(son, daughter, sister, etc.)


Personality:-Personality plays a big role in the developments of your character. Is he/she nice? Are they mean? Are they destructive like Lina and Valgaav or will they not hurt a fly?

Love Interests? All RP's have at least one couple. Are you part of one of those couples?

Rezo: Now, that's the easy stuff that we just went over, here comes the harder part. We want -you- to give us a try-out paragraph. You know, something simple. Here are a few things NOT to do:

1.Don't go out of character in the middle.
2.Do not write in first person.
3. Do not type just one sentance.
4.Do not make up a ton of stupid things like "Lina is a Mazoku." That won't cut it.

Now, a few things that we want you TO do:

1.Add detail about your character. There's not a whole lot we can learn just from an application.
2.Type at least a full paragraph. Four sentances at least, PLEASE!
3.Make up your own scenario. I want to learn about you creativity, ya know.
4.Have fun with it, don't get too serious. There'll be time for that later.

That's it! And be cool about it alright? I want this RP to be fun, not a chore.
Della: I hope you have fun with this if you do decide to join, my address at the bottom is where you mail the application to. I judge based on writing ability and creativity, good luck! ^_^
