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Overview of Rune Magic

The Sith use a hexagonal structure which is generally conveyed through six channels of communication at the same time. This involved the use of runes which are either drawn into or on an object or created in the air through performance. In performance, the casting Sith Magician is limited to three channels which include sound (auditory with complex harmonics), shape (gestures), mind (telepathic projections). The use of structured runes at the same time (signs inscribed on objects such as staves, wands, rings, amulets or any property positioned object) can communicate the remaining three elements of the pattern.

All Sith Rune structures are built in hexagonal pattern emanating from the Central Rune. This rune is the source of the magic being cast and the point from which all the magical structures springs. The Central Rune determines the thrust of the spell structure. In Sith Rune magic, this Central Rune may be of any type from any of the Sith Masteries of magic. In complex spells, then, it is essential in the reading of the spell that one understands which rune is the Central Rune. Two separate spells which have identical runes in identical positions may have vastly different effects if they have different Central Runes.

The Central Rune structures bring the power of magic into the complex of the rune spell. These structures begin with the Central Rune itself: a rune which designates the source of magic coming from either Power, Mind, Life, or Death.

This Central Rune is flanked on its lower left side by the Patriarch (the rune proceeding it as seen in the illustration). It is flanked on its lower right by the Matriarch (the rune following the Patriarch for that Central Rune). These support the Central Rune and give it direction to the power of magic welling up from the runes below it.

Directly below the Central Rune is the Master Rune. The top of the Master Rune borders the bottom of the Central Rune and touches on both the Patriarch and the Matriarch. This rune determines whether the nature of the power called forth will be Spiritual or Physical in nature and completes the Rune Structure. Nearly always, other runes connect to the Master Rune from below to further define and amplify the power of the magic being cast.

The Central Rune is flanked on the upper left side by the Light Side Rune and on its upper right side by the Dark Side Rune. These runes determine the amplitude (how much power) and vector (direction) to which the harmonic wave will be applied into the complex where the Central Rune Structure is found.

Between the Light Side Rune and the Dark Side Rune is the head Rune which completes the Central Rune structure. The head rune is part of a further complex of runes which transfers the elements of the Central Rune structure into the general harmonic of the magic being called into existence.

The Central Rune: Center of Magic

The Central Rune is both the center of the magical concept which is created when the spell is cast as well as the essential point of perspective from which Sith Rune magic is read and understood.

It is crucial to the proper reading of the runes that the Central Rune be known and located in the structure. Similar rune structures take on completely different meanings when different Central Runes are chosen.

Here, by way of example, is a very simple rune structure. There is no indication of the Central Rune. Which rune does one pick? Where does one begin? Here are two possible interpretations of this rune structure.

This is the great secret in Sith Rune Magic. The location of the Central Rune is know only to those who learn its location from the Rune's creator . Much of a Sith Magician's training involves learning how to determine the Central Rune as well as simple rote memory of the locations of such runes. Without a Sith Magician to teach the location of these Central Runes, the chances of understanding our magical writings is negligible.

Krath Rune Magic

Little is known about Krath magic except that which may help identify them. Like Sith Rune Magic, Krath Rune Magic also seeks the perfect balance in the harmonic wave. However, it does not find its balance through symmetry of structure. Krath Rune Magic looks for balance in weighted opposites.

The Krath use a series of interlaced octagons and squares to form the pattern of their magic. Octagons form the Source, Course, and Destiny of Krath Rune Magic. Squares form the Branch, Juncture and Cascade of the magic. Combinations of these elements create the magic along eight simultaneous channels of thought.

As with Sith Rune Magic, the Central Rune is critical to the success of understanding and using magic.

Krath Rune Magic uses substructures--rather like runes within runes. Runes formed of other runes then imitate the concepts of Central, Stem, or other structures found in Sith Rune Magic, in a much more concise way. However, their nature is somewhat erratic and their use, unless carefully balanced, can lead to great lessening of the desired effect.