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OOC Things to Be aware of:

First and foremost.  This particular site is for an SL I am playing Sirius in.  In said SL he is a Slash Character (Bash the Slash and I will ignore you permanently it might not be your thing, but I enjoy my Sirius/Remus Ship.)  In said SL and anything involving it, my main man (-waves-) is MoonyAnPadfoot.  I will not play a Slash SL with another Remus any place public, move on.  IM me if you want to play, that is fine.

Second:  Outside of this SL I do not play him as strictly Slash, he was a ladies man, even J.K Rowling said that, I will respect that, but inside the SL he is, don't bother trying to take him away from Remus, and if you must, Muns be prepared to fail.

Third:  go to my other site and read my information RP Nazi's.  I am one, if you can not follow those rules than sod off, I won't play.  I don't have time to waist with shitty players and trust me, if you suck, there is nothing special about you over any others, I will not play.

Fourth:  Mun is female.  Does this bother you, too damn bad.  I have had a lot of trouble in the past with other people for passing myself off as male when I am not for the sake of keeping an RP going.  With that said, if you don't like it don't play, I will not hold it against you.  I am also not offended by any form of homosexuality, be it male or female, in or out of character.  I am good to you this way.

Fifth:  I am not as much of a bitch as I seem from the first four rules.  Really, I am a nice person, I do not bite.  I love IM RP, I love to play in rooms, and I play a whole bunch of other characters not Just Sirius, if you browse threw the...


How can you see into my eyes, like open doors
Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb,
Without a Soul, my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there in me, it's like home

Wake me up: Wake me up inside
I can't wake up: Wake me up inside
Save me: Call my name and save me from the dark
Wake me up: It's in my blood to run
I can't wake up: Before I come undone
Save me: Save me from the nothing I've become.

Now that I know what I'm without, You can't just leave me
Breath into me and make me real, bring me to life.

Wake me up: Wake me up inside
I can't wake up: Wake me up inside
Save Me: Call my name and save me from the dark
Wake me up: It's in my blood to run
I can't wake up: Before I come undone
Save me: Save me from the nothing I've become.
Bring Me to life
I been living a lie, There's nothing inside
Bring Me to Life

Frozen inside without your touch without your love darling
Only you can hold the life among the night
One this side I can't believe I couldn't see
Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me

I been sleeping a thousand years it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything
Without thought, without a voice without a soul
Don't let me die here I'M SO COLD!

Wake me up: Wake me up inside
I can't wake up: Wake me up inside
Save Me: Call my name and save me from the dark
Wake me up: It's in my blood to run
I can't wake up: Before I come undone
Save me: Save me from the nothing I've become.
Bring Me to life
I been living a lie, There's nothing inside
Bring Me to Life

Lovingly Dedicated Too:
My Remus J. Lupin
My Childern: Alicia Black, James Lupin and Lilly Lupin
The Lost: James Potter, Lilly Evans-Potter
The Loved: Harry Potter.


 page that I have the link too earlier than you will be able to find all the others.  So if someone else tickles your fancy, be my guest and ask me to play them, you can also contact me at Dragon0fBadFaith.  That is my Draco SN, but I will play any of the other characters there too.

Getting along with me is simple really.  Do not bash me because Sirius is dead, this SL: takes place in fifth or sixth year, and I can not and will not let Sirius die.  I rather enjoy playing him.  Move on.  Build a Bridge And Get Over It.  For any information on this SL Contact  MoonyAnPadfoot, we are out for fun in our own fashion do not tell up how to play our characters and we will return the favor.

God Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change:

Rest in Piece:

Cederic Digory and Sirius Black. 

"Did you like question ten Moony?"  Sirius asked as the emerged into the hall entrance.

"Loved it."  said Lupin briskly. "'Give five signs to identify the werewolf' excellent question."

"D'you think you managed to get all the signs?"  James asked in mock concern.

"I think I did."  Said Lupin seriously, as they joined the crowd thronging around the front doors eager to get out into the sunlit grounds.  "One: He's sitting in my chair, Two:  He is wearing my clothes.  Three: His name is Remus Lupin.,,"

Wormtail was the only one that didn't laugh.




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Dragon Of Bad Faith