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Story Behind the Sand Dweller.

Forced to Hide
The story of the Dweller starts not with myself but with my parents. Little did they know that a chance meeting would result in so much,both good and bad. My mother was training to be a Jedi at the academy on Coruscant. My father was a free lance pilot the Republic hired to ship supplies back to Coruscant from off world. He got lost on his first trip and as it happened he bumped into my mother. I can't say if it was love at first sight or if it was something that developed over time. All I know is that they fell in love. However a Jedi isn't suppose to allow themselves to feel emotion so they kept their relationship hidden for more then a year. But as so often happens life steped in and complicated things,she got pregnant. Not knowing what else they could do they went to her master, Far'vain, and explained the situation. Far'vain was upset,but she also took pity on her student and decided to try and help hide her until after the child was born. She went to the Jedi Council and talked them into transfering my mother off world to Tatooine. She said that the locals settlers were having trouble with the Tusken Raiders and that a Jedi might be able to do more then one without the aid of the Force. And as it happened Far'vain knew the perfect pilot to fly my mother to the remote planet...
Life and Death...
As per the request by the Jedi Council,my parents were put up in their hut outside of any town. There they lived waiting for their child(myself) to be born. Even though the story was a cover,my mother still worked at bringing peace between the settlers and the Tuskens. It was slow going at first but through the Force she was able to slowly draw a bound between one of the Tusken tribes. The tribes leader,Ral'nak Hung, explained that not all the Tuskens were attacking the settlers and it was the more aggrissive ones that were causing the problem.