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Misty: Hi, and welcome to Shaun's fanfic based on my love for Ash!
Ash: And my love for Misty.
Brock: And my-
Ash & Misty: Don't say it, Brock!!!
Brock: But.....but it's true.....
Ash: Oh, do you ever stop talking about that? She probably doesn't like you!
Brock: But....but.....
Misty: Ash...can I have this one, please?
Ash: What's the point? It's just one of your everyday, run-of-the-mill fanfics. It's not like
anything special happens.
Misty: What're you talking about? It's loaded with cool stuff! C'mon, Ash! I'm your
girlfriend! I want it!
Ash: Oh, alright! If it's that importantant to you, I'll buy, I'll buy!
Misty: Oh, thank you, Ash! That's why I like you!
Pikachu: Pika pi pika chu...... (translation: Here we go again......)

Part 1: The Arcanine Encounter

Part 3: Groundling Ground Showdown

Part 5: The Victory

Part 7: Quadruple Mayhem

Part 9: Split Personality

Part 11: Alicia Elm and the Problem of Pallet
Part 2: Boat To Viridian City

Part 4: Deep TROUBLE

Part 6: Trouble At Victory Road

Part 8: Ash The Master

Part 10: Slowbro and the Water Cave

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