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12/12/02 The time of this post is 10:30 PM.
Buttmunch, Buttmunch, Buttmunch. We do have reason to throw the Koosh balls at each other. It is a game. A sick game, but a game none the less. It's just funny to see the other guy in pain. Now, if you are going to hit me, you must have a reason. If we just come up so someone and peg that someone in the balls, it is understood why. Trust me, if you were a guy, you would do it too. See, it is all logical! But now hunger is drawing me away and to the fridge.

12/10/02 The time of this post is 4:04 PM.
Back to this color. Yay! School is now out. Damn that school. I hate that color. But I use it to annoy you. I thought I should put a link back to the home page.I still haven't decided when I want to put up the other stuff about me. But I will sometime. Like I said, it might be Sunday, but i promised I'd hang out with Buttmunch. Yeah, well, whatever.
If you went, I'm sorry, but I told you not to. It is really disturbing.

Sparky, why should you be surprised that I remembered? I'm a dork.... I think. Dammit, I can't remember if I am the dork or the nerd.... oh well.

12/10/02 The time of this post is 12:11 PM.
Well, I am at school right now listening to Buttmunch and her sister fight. It is amusing! It isn't red any more! Well, that was annoying. The orchestra concert went OK. It could have went better. We completely messed up one song, but the rest went well. I didn't really like listening to the choir because the director does a bunch of tribal songs. Though, they did sing my favorite Christmas song, O Holy Night. I was happy with that.

Yesterday I concurred that Link from the Legend of Zelda is a horny bastard. From the TV shows all he wants is to get some from Princess Zelda. He is also a jerk. Princess is a priss though. Link gets slapped by her quite often though.

Only two more classes of the day, Band and English. Oh yeah, that reminds me, I have English homework I should probably do. Well, adios, then.

12/09/2002 The time of this post is 4:35 PM.
The Jefferson Players drama production, Nun of Your Business, is underway. Practice starts tomorrow morning at 7:00 AM. The set designs are done, just gotta find the flats and hope it works out. We have until 1-16-03 to get this production ready to perform. We can do it! I have an orchestra concert tonight at 7:30 and I am ready. I think this coming weekend, probably Sunday, I will be posting more than just a journal. I will have pictures, bio, and other jazz like that. As a note, I love you Buttmunch and P-onthefloorfta.

12/08/2002 The time of this post is 9:19 PM.
Ahhh, HTML. It's been a while since I have utilized my little knowledge of this art. Well, not exactly art, but it sounds good. What I know will slowly come back. But in the meantime, PARTY! *Sigh* I will be putting stuff up about me and some other random stuff.