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*Your Past?*
Well, i'll try to sum it up..

Real Live past, i was born in Oklahoma, in June, in 1986. Moved from there since. Life was dull, uneventful, until i turned 11, when i first got introduced to the internet. It was a very smart move, for after i started to surf the net, i looked back on my life, and realized i was dangerously close to depression, even suicide. Don't let my age fool you, i'm a very smart and mature person, but i gained my smarts after age 11. I found Yahoo! Chat, and back when i got there, there were a few special features that they don't have now, and roleplaying was a much bigger part of it then.

While i was snooping around the chat rooms (probably looking for Trouble) i came across a wolf with a similar name to one of my own. We talked, and parted, but not for the last time. Perhaps a week, a month, or so, time's not important in roleplaying, the person who i had talked to walked into a chat room where i was at, and asked for volunteer roleplayers for her new pups. i volunteered. The person-wolf was Tora, my only roleplaying mother. She was the Alpha Female of the Silverfangs, and her mate, Sabre (also known as Were), was the Alpha Male of WolfPackAlpha, in the Yahoo! Chat. They introduced me to wolf roleplaying in its many stages. I met Sabre/Were's adopted brother of the pack, Uncle Shadow. Some point in the family relations, Auntie Zodiac was introduced, along with many other Aunties and Uncles, cousins, half brothers, half sisters, so on and so forth. At that time, i only had one full blooded brother, and one full blooded sister. I was the youngest of the litter, so i never did get to meet my oldest brother, and Pup, my sister, kinda drifted away after a while.

So, seasons change and so does Yahoo! (nicknamed Yahell by then). After a year or 2 or 3, the Chat rooms had gone through a point of evolution, and the Wolf Dens were lost, forgotten, or misplaced. Few noble souls tried to create new ones, but so many packs had been created, and no one could agree on where the packs should be. Some fell to Yahoo! Clubs, where they were isolated with just wolves who searched for them, or fell apart, or roamed across the chats. I kept close to my Alpha relations, a few of my siblings, a couple of pack members like the Advisors of the packs, and the name of a few of the packs.

i took refuge in DragonLance roleplays, as Legacy, a dragon, by accident. i had flown into a room just to check it out and was asked to join the club of DragonRiders. It was very fun, and i made many friends there. While in Clubs, roleplaying styles had changed, and old timers such as myself, couldn't quite understand it. I retreated into the clubs, and stayed there for most of the time, until i was introduced to EHT, probably by Shadow or Zodiac, or another Yahoo Roleplayer family member. It took several tries before i caught on, but i could never stay for long. The Clubs i stayed at started to vanish, fallen victim of many differences between enemies, and i refound EHT again. This time, i have decided to stay as long as i can. It's a very interesting place, and i have family there.