Final Fantasy Walkthrough V.10 Finished: 10-28-02 Written by: David Callander ======================================================================= This document is best viewed using WordPad at 800x600 resolution. I set it to wordwrap to the ruler, so that hopefully if you want to print it out (which I wouldn't recommend as its well over 100 pages), it will all come out without any problems as compared to my previous two FAQs. If all the text is messed up, just set the wordwrap option in WordPad to wrap to ruler, and it all should come into place. ======================================================================= Its been a while since I last wrote/updated a FAQ, so I figured I'd do one on another one of my favorite games, but this time around I have to search way back to the early 90s (well 87 if you're talking the time of the Japanese FF release time). Yes back to the days of 8 bit graphics and weak sound effects and music, but for some odd reason games were a lot tougher back then. Ok well anyway I'm talking about Final Fantasy for the old NES system. There wasn't many other RPGs around back when this game first game out, save for maybe Dragon Warrior which is one I remember off the top of my head along with a few others, if anyone else can remember what was around or wasn't 12 years ago feel free to refresh my memory. Final Fantasy was a completely different game from any previous RPGs of the time. The first major difference was the fact that we (the players) could choose a party of 4 from 6 different classes where the other games only allowed you to play as a single hero. This in my mind is what made Final Fantasy a totally unique game. You could go through the game with one party, say a Fighter, Thief, Black Mage, and a White Mage, and then decide you want to do it differently, and the game gave you that option. The game is also semi- linear, but once you attain the canoe and airship, you can drastically go about the game in a different order and do the events as you see fit, but they all must be completed at some time, but you get to choose when. As for the downside of Final Fantasy, I didn't like the fact that on the original cartridge you could only have one save game at any given time. This made from some fierce competitions between my friends and myself as to who was going to get dibs on the next game when we went out with cleared the game with a different group every time. I also believe that this was one of the hardest games in the Final Fantasy series. The limit of 99 healing potions was a major bummer given that a Knight with virtually no HP left could take almost all of them to restore his HP at 30 per potion. Magic was another major factor going into the difficulty of the game. Each spell was divided into a level of magic with Fire and Lightning being Level 1 spells, as to Nuke being a level 8 spell. Each spell level could only be used so many times before it would be used up. 9 was the max times which you could use any of the spells in each level, but they had to be worked up from 0 to 9. Magic also had to be bought in the various stores, which shouldn't have been a problem except the huge amount of gold that they started to cost (100 gold per level 1 spell to 60,000 gold per level 8 spell) when that could be spent towards outfitting your party with weapons and armor and healing potions. If you could live through these minor set backs and actually had the patience to play through the game it turned out to be a pretty good game afterall. If you have any questions or comments about this or any of my other 2 FAQS (Final Fantasy 2/4 or Breath of Fire, also found at you can email me at You may give this walkthrough to anyone you want as long as you do not charge them for it, or edit it. You can put this walkthrough up on your web page if you wish, following the same rules. If you have any additions for this walkthrough such as corrected stats or something which I may have missed and would like to share it with me, I will include your name in the credits section at the end of the file. I broke the walkthrough down into a couple of different sections so you can just use Ctrl +F to find each section quickly and not have to search through lines and lines of text to find a weapon or armor name. This is how it will be broken down: Section I: Character Classes Section II: Walkthrough Section III: Item List Section IV: Magic List Section V: Armor List Section VI: Weapon List Section VII: Monster List Section VIII: Credits Revision History: Version .10 (??-??-??) This is the first version of the walkthrough, so there is nothing to report about adding or deleting from the walkthrough. Please refer to this section for changes in future versions. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* Section I: Character Classes Here is the basic breakdown of the 6 classes which you can start with in Final Fantasy. (Yes I know there are 6 more once you get your class changed but I'll include those below the lower class since you can't start with them in the beginning.) 1. Fighter Advantages: The Fighter class is perhaps the strongest class to begin with early in the game. His HP and strength ratings are very high, allowing him to be the workhorse of your party. He can equip most weapons and armors, adding greatly to his combat potential. As he levels up, he'll start to multi-hit in which he can get 2 or more hits on his foes while fighting, greatly increasing his damage. His defensive powers come mostly from the heavy armors which he can use reducing the damage he takes as compared to the rest of the party. Disadvantages: While the Fighter excels in combat, he does need the support of others outside combat. His high HP means he needs several potions or spells cast upon him to be fully healed compared to the other classes. Another disadvantage he suffers from but addes to his advantage is the cost of keeping him upto date on weapons and armors. This can rapidly drain your gold supply especially if you are the type which likes to bring along the added strength of a second fighter. Fighters can be left alone as far as upgrades go for a while, but if you want to get the most from them, you'll need to keep them well equipped. 1a: Knight Advantages: The Knight is nearly the same in all aspects as the Fighter, but can now use a few simple White Magic spells up to level 3, including Cure and Cur2 (Cure 2). He can know equip all the strongest weapons and armor in the game, which the Fighter class prevented him from doing. His strength also increases faster (I think) and thus the amount of damage increases slightly faster than that of the plain Fighter. Disadvantages: Again the Knight suffers from the same problems as the Fighter, mostly that of depending on others for healing him. His HP grows so fast that using all of his magic upon himself will only heal a small fraction of his HP. Be sure to keep a full supply of 99 healing potions on hand if he gets hurt too bad, or pray that you don't have to use Hrm3 or Hrm4 much on undead with your White Mage or White Wizard incase you need to use Cur3 and Cur4 on the Knight. 2: Thief Advantages: The Thief's main advantage is his agility. He is quick enough to avoid a lot of foes attacks, (at least I think a high agility rating is part of how the game computes your evade and hit % besides weapons and armor) and allows him to be fairly accurate when attacking. He also attacks faster than the rest of the party, so he can be useful in giving out heal potions if someone is in immediate need of a potion and you don't want to risk using a slower member to heal them. He can use a fair selection of weapons, but is not nearly as strong physically as the Fighter. He can cause more damage than any of the Mage classes, so he should be used mostly for fighting. He does gain a fair amount of HP, so he should remain up front in the line to try to take some of the hits for the weaker members. Disadvantages: The Thief's main weakness comes from his lack of decent armors available to him. This means he will get hit harder than a Fighter, and will probably need to be healed more often. The best armor which is available to him cheaply is the Wooden Armor which can be bought in the first town, but it becomes obsolete very quickly. You can buy him bracelets to increase his odds of survival, yet the Mages need the bracelets and spells more, so if you want to spend a little extra time earning some gold or not, that is really up to you to decide. 2a: Ninja Advantages: The Ninja is far more capable than the Thief was, yet retains most of the same advantages. He is now able to equip better weapons and armor, not the strongest to be found but they are near the top in quality. He can also now use up to level 4 Black Magic including all the basic combat spells up to Fast and the 2 attack spells (Fire, Ice, Lit). Disadvantages: The Ninja suffers much like the Fighter and Knight in terms of weaknesses. He requires others to heal him during and after combat. His HP though it increases while he is a Ninja isn't all too high because of the time spent as a Thief. For some reason or another he seems to suffer badly towards the affects of spells, and takes more damage than everyone else. I can't quite explain how this one happens as there is no stat for defense against magic except maybe for a low or hit INT rating, but if that was true, the Fighter/Knight and Black Belt/Master should suffer the same way. 3: Black Belt Advantages: While most people don't consider fighting with your hands as an advantage the Black Belt can put most critics to rest about this method. The Black Belt is almost as strong as a Fighter in terms of physical power, yet he doesn't benefit from the use as weapons, and thus he takes a while to get on the same level. However, the Black Belt is still a powerful part of the party should you decide to bring one with you. His HP is very good, but his defense also increases as he levels up, meaning you won't have to spend much money on his armor, because after a certain point, equipping armor actually takes away from his defense and evade %. Weapons will also take away from his damage and hitting %, yet they last slightly longer before this effect starts to come into play. Disadvantages: The main disadvantage to the Black Belt could be his lack of being able to wear armor and weapons. Of course he will make up for it eventually, you must spend time levelling him up to outgrow this problem, which isn't as easy as it sounds. He will probably need the most healing at first out of the three basic fighting classes. He also cannot use magic so he requires the assistance of others for help. Other than these mishaps, I can't think of anything else that a Black Belt lacks in, almost like the other classes are in weaknesses. 3a: Master Advantages: The Master is a vast improvement over the standard Black Belt, in both damage and defense. He gains much more HP than before, and his accuracy is much improved, and fighting is almost as if you have that fourth member unlike before. His multi-hits are much better (even as I'm writing this walkthrough I have a level 24 Knight averaging 4 hits while my Master is averaging 6 hits) so his damage potential can be much better than any other class before or after the class change. Another strong point for him is that he requires little or no space for weapons and armor, so he can hold special affect items like the Mage Staff which uses Fir2 in battle, or the Heal Helmet which uses the Heal spell, when others might be carrying too much to keep them. Disadvantages: One of the most costly disadvantages of the Master is once again the fact that equipping armors reduce his defense. There is only one piece of armor which must be equipped on all party members at all times is the ProRing, which will make the Rub spell completely useless, but it will reduce his defense quite a bit, and it will take some time to earn it back, unless you have an extra 50,000 gold pieces to buy him a Gold Bracelet to go along with the 20,000 gold for the Ring. He also doesn't gain the use of any magics unlike the Knight and Ninja, while this doesn't take away from him, it doesn't add to his offense (a Master with a Fast spell to use on his own or even an item which he could use for it would be sweet *sigh*). 4: Red Mage Advantages: The Red Mage has a unique advantage over the other classes in the fact that they can use decent weapons and armor, and both White and Black magic. While they cannot use every spell in the game or class restricted magic (Harm is probably the most noteable of these spells) or any of the level 8 spells, they can be a vaulable addition to any party. His fighting power is equal to a Thief more or less, and with the addition of two types of magic, you can make him either a healer or an offensive type of character. Disadvantages: The first and foremost disadvantage to using a Red Mage is the cost of keeping him up to speed with both weapons and armor along with his spells. While he can use both types of magic, he can only use 3 of the 6 spells (6 only if they aren't spells he can't use or level 8) so trying to decide on how to make him better fit into your current party can be time consuming, and you cannot remove a spell if you don't like it, so try to decide wisely. While he is the strongest of the three mage classes, his HP is rather low, and he will need to be taken care of either by himself or anyone else who has healing spells. Another downside is the fact that he doesn't gain spell levels as quick or as fast as the pure mage class will. 4a: Red Wizard Advantages: The Red Wizard finishes what the Red Mage couldn't. He can now equip better weapons and armor, and can now use the higher level spells. His HP increases slightly, allowing him to be used more as a full fledged combat character rather than one to be used when healing isn't required. Since he is restricted to several of the various other weapons which can't be bought nor can he equip, he has plenty of space in his inventory (at least 3/4 empty slots) for which he can hold the magic casting weapons which he can use in combat while conserving his magic and helping the other magic users conserve as well. Disadvantages: The Red Wizard suffers from many of the disadvantages of the Red Mage, though not as extreme. He can use better armor now and requires less healing than before, plus he can use his own spells to heal himself. Another problem deals with what to equip him with. He can now use helmets and gauntlets, and while these are somewhat defensive in nature, the ProRing lessens his defense and removes one of this items so you'll have to decide whether you'll want him immune to the Rub spell, or have a higher defense and evade rating. 5: White Mage Advantages: The White Mage is the most defensive class in the game. Focusing mostly on healing and defensive magic, the White Mage is almost essential to the success of any party. Able to use all the healing magic to be found, the White Mage can heal even the most weakened of your party just a little at a time (Cure), to full (Cur4) with one spell. The White Mage also excels in combat vs the undead with the Harm group of spells, which hit all enemies at once, but are ineffective against others, but if you wish to save your Fir2 and Fir3 when fighting undead, go for Harm instead. Disadvantages: The White Mage suffers severely in terms of combat ability and defense. The White Mage can only use one weapon for the longest of times, until you reach Crescent Lake to buy a Silver Hammer (I tend to use the Iron Hammer over the Wooden Staff or Power Staff for my weapon of choice), thus limiting offense badly. The White Mage also doesn't gain much HP per level, and with the lack of very protective armor, it won't take many hits to take down a White Mage, so you'll need to be careful and keep them near the back. You'll also have to watch the remaining magic available to the White Mage, as a magic user without any remaining magic points available are not much use to a party either on the field or during battle. 5a: White Wizard Advantages: The White Wizard doesn't have many advantages over the White Mage other than the fact that they can now use the remaining spells which the Mage couldn't. A few new weapons are available for the White Wizard to equip, or use in battle such as Thor's Hammer which uses Lit2 when held in battle, or the Heal Staff which uses the Heal spell. Various new armors are also available increasing defense to a more managable level, but not as much as needed. Disadvantages: The White Wizard even with new found abilities still cannot compete with other classes in combat, and with the lack of a true offensive spell which will hurt all monsters instead of undead only means that the White Wizard will have to depend on other classes while fighting in order to succeed. The White Wizard still retains the HP problem that the White Mage had, but with a few healing items available that shouldn't remain much of a problem other than the fact that they can only be used while fighting. 6: Black Mage Advantages: The Black Mage is the ultimate when it comes to attacking foes in battle with his magic. Though limited in nature, the damage the mages spells can do far exceeds the damage that an ordinary weapon does. (At low levels this is mostly true, especially if you can find a monster weak to a certain spell where is damage is increased.) The Black Mage can use various types of Black Magic, ranging from the standard offensive (damage) spells to combat reduction spells such as Slow and Dark, to the immobilization spells like Hold and Stop. Any one of these can give the party a decisive advantage, yet care must be given when using these spells as not to eat away the remaining magic points of any level as you may need them at a later time. Disadvantages: The Black Mage is almost non-existant in terms of offense and defense once his magic has been used. In this case it almost seems that you are fighting with a party of 3 (or less depending upon how many Black Mages or other Magic Users you have without magic). The Black Mage has horrible HP, and has very few weapons to choose from to fight with while you try to conserve your magic or he has run out. A few magic using items are available, but not till much later in the game, so it would be best to save up your magic for foes which are on the verge of defeating your party. He doesn't react well to hits, so you should spend your gold on armor for him before his magics, as a weaker attack spell will be more use to you than a dead magic user which amounts to no spells at all. 6a: Black Wizard Advantages: Now that the Black Mage is now a Black Wizard a few more advantages open up to him. He can now use all the spells without restriction (other than the fact that you can only buy 3 per level and up to 9 times) and he now has a new weapon available for him. Upon reaching Gaia, you can purchase him a CatClaw for the one-time price of 65,000 gold. While this costs more than a level 8 spell, it soon pays for itself. The weapon greatly increases his attack power over what it was, he can now damage enemies in battle without the use of magics. (Well low level magics that is, its not like we're talking the power of a Knight, Ninja, or Master here.) A few new armors are available for his use, adding a few precious points to his absorb rating. Disadvantages: The Black Wizard is not much different than the Black Mage in terms of disadvantages. His HP is not very high, almost to the point of pointless where he could have 1 HP would not be much different than 250 HP (ok so I lied but sometimes I wonder what the point of him even gaining HP is considering the amount of damage that some of the later monsters can inflict in one hit) when you may take several hundred damage from a physical hit and most certainly a spell like Nuke or Nuclear (shakes his fist @ Warmech) which can even down a Knight at full health. Again once he expends all his magic he is not much use to your party unless you have the magic using items (see further below in the walkthrough for a full list of these items) it would best not to expose him to harms way. Now that you have some information on the strengths and weaknesses of each class, its time to decide which four you will form your party from. The party I have had the most success with though more costly is two Fighters, a White Mage, and a Black Mage. I have also used the parties of a Fighter, Black Belt, White Mage, and Black Mage, plus Fighter, Thief, White Mage and Black Mage. One of my parties which worked but to a weaker affect was a Fighter, Red Mage, White Mage, and Black Mage. There are so many different combinations to choose from, and I honestly do believe that every party will work, but some will require more time than others. For the purpose of this walkthrough I will use the 2 Fighters, White Mage, and Black Mage party, though I will try to be as informative as possible with all aspects of possible parties and stradegies for going through the game. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* Section II: Walkthrough 1. Coneria (Town and Castle) Key Items: Lute, TNT* Items (Castle): Iron Staff*, Sabre*, Silver Knife*, Iron Shield*, Iron Armor* *: These items require the Key to pick up. Monsters: (Outside up to the Temple of Fiends) Imp, GrImp, Wolf, MadPony, Bone, Creep, Spider After you have selected your party, you will begin outside the town of Coneria. While it looks rather large, its not that big. Each of the six small building like places actually lead into the same town, so it doesn't matter which one you enter. If you choose to enter the castle you won't find any items though but you will gain some information. It seems that the Princess has been kidnapped by someone named Garland who was supposed to be a good knight until recently. You'll also learn that the King is looking for someone known as the Light Warriors and the guards wonder if you are them. If you talk to the King, he'll ask you to save the Princess, who is rumored to be locked away in a temple to the Northwest. This is some interesting news, so it would be best to enter the town and buy some equipment before heading out to explore this lead. Coneria Town: Items: None Weapon Shop: [Wooden Staff: 5 GP] [Small Dagger: 5 GP] [Wooden Nunchuck 10 GP] [Rapier 10 GP] [Iron Hammer 10 GP] Armor Shop: [Cloth: 10 GP] [Wooden Armor: 50 GP] [Chain Armor: 80 GP] Item Shop: [Heal Potion: 60 GP] [Pure Potion: 75 GP] [Tent: 75 GP] Clinic: 50 GP Inn: 30 GP White Magic Shop: (Level 1) [Cure: 100 GP] [Harm: 100 GP] [Fog: 100 GP] [Ruse: 100 GP] Black Magic Shop: (Level 1) [Fire: 100 GP] [Slep: 100 GP] [Lock: 100 GP] [Lit: 100 GP] The first thing to do upon entering the town is to gather some more information. It seems that the people in town have also heard about the Princess and ask for your help to rescue her. It seems that a sage known as Lukhan used to live in Coneria and has now moved to a different town named Cresent Lake. It seems that he had a prophecy in which four warriors called the "Light Warriors" will appear to save the world. While it is not known who exactly the "Light Warriors" are several people appear to believe that they are your party. After talking to everyone head to the weapon and armor shops to purchase some equipment. (Unlike the other Final Fantasy games, you start this one out with nothing.) Since its the closest shop I will start out with the Weapon Shop. First you should buy a Small Dagger for your Black Mage(s) and an Iron Hammer for your White Mage(s). If you have a Black Belt in your party, buy him a Wooden Nunchuck if you want, or you can pass it up if you wish. For your remaining party, (Fighter, Thief, Red Mage) buy as many Rapiers you need to outfit the rest of the group with weapons. Next head over to the Armor Shop which is just next door to the left. The first thing to buy is a Cloth for your Black and White Mage(s). If you have a Black Belt or Thief, buy them the Wooden Armor. For Fighters and Red Mages buy the Chain Armor which is about the best around for the time being. Seeing as how each party is different you will have a varying amound of gold left after your purchases. With my party (2 Fighters, Black Mage, White Mage) I had 185 GP left. Next its time to visit the Magic Shop. I tend to go on the offensive nature right away, so I usually buy Cure and Harm to begin with, and if I have any gold left over, I head to the Black Magic store and buy Fire and Lit. The remaining White Magic choices Ruse and Fog is really up to you on what to buy, but I prefer Fog. It raises the defense of the target, while Ruse is caster only and it rasies your Evade %, which almost seems to be pointless at the beginning of the game, as the enemies hit a lot regardless of what that number is. On the other side of the coin, for Black Magic, you have Slep or Lock as a final spell. I would have to say Slep here, as Lock just makes it easier to hit and it also has a chance to fail and it only works on one target, where as Slep can fail but it also renders the target unable to do anything. Again its your choice as what to buy. This is usually what I buy spell wise, and given I'm the type to go into a battle swinging away: White Mage: Cure, Harm, Fog Black Mage: Fire, Lit, Slep Red Mage: Fire, Lit, Cure If you run short of gold, head out and hang around Coneria and slay some Imps of Wolves, but try not to head out towards the Temple to the Northwest yet, as some tougher (maybe too unfair) monsters reside up there and can turn a weak party into nothing rather quickly. Once you reach level 2 or 3 if you are really broke, head towards the Temple. 2. Temple of Fiends Items: Cap, Cabin, Heal Potion, Rune Sword*, Were Sword*, Soft Potion* *: You need the Key to obtain these three items. Monsters: Ghoul, Imp, GrImp, GrWolf, Bone, Spider, Zombie, Creep Boss: Garland This is a rather large building, but what you can actually do is limited. First head off to the west to get the Cap from the lone treasure box and equip it on one of your mages. Then head north and get the Cabin and Heal Potion from the treasure boxes there. You may want to hunt around for a while till you reach level 3 if you haven't already, or if you just want to earn some extra gold. This is a good place to put your Harm spell to work, as a few of the monsters (Bone, Ghoul, Zombie) are undead and this attack spell will hit them all. If you run into a Creep, prepare for perhaps the toughest monster which roams around in the Temple, except maybe to a GrWolf as both are very tough to deal with. When you are ready, make your way directly north from the beginning (exit depending on which way you are going) of the Temple, and talk to Garland. He'll throw some taunts at you and you'll have to fight him. *********************************************************************** Garland HP: 106 Weakness: None Garland isn't very hard to beat. His attacks tend to be more dangerous towards your mages, but against everyone else they are not likely to be fatal unless they are already weakened or he manages to get a critical hit (yes even low monsters can achieve critical hits). I tend to have my Fighters, Thieves, and Black Belts attack. I have the Red and Black Mages cast Fire or Lit on him, your choice and both do about the same amount of damage. I have my White Mage cure any weakened party members, or attack. After about 2 to 4 rounds or so he'll go down and you'll get a nice chunk of Exp and Gold from him. *********************************************************************** After defeating Garland, if you want to wander around and slay some more monsters you can do so, or if Garland busted you up bad, talk to the Princess and she'll thank you for saving her and you'll be telported back to Coneria Castle. If you talk to the King he'll thank you for saving the Princess, and tells you that he has ordered a bridge to be built to aide you in your quest. If you talk to the Princess, she also thanks you for saving her, and gives you the Lute, which she says has been passed down from Queen to Princess for 2000 years and it may come in handy. Having completed your current task, you should head back to town to visit the Inn and save your game after your fight with Garland. Upon talking to the townspeople now, most of them thank you for saving the Princess, but two offer you some new leads. One of them tells you about Motoya a witch who lives to the north who needs something called a Crystal (I'm sure everyone knows what a crystal is but the game is unclear as to whether its a normal crystal or a crystal eye or what not) to see, and another tells you about Pravoka, a port city to the east of Coneria. Now that we have some leads, lets go across that new bridge which the King had built. 3. Motoya's Cave and Pravoka Monsters: (North Across the bridge to Motoya's Cave and to Pravoka) GrImp, Ogre, Creep, Wolf, GrWolf, Imp, Iguana, MadPony You can do this part of the game either way, or you may skip Motoya's Cave altogether (at this time anyway). Motoya's Cave lies directly north from the bridge which lead here. There are a couple of nasty monster groups which reside together, and these include the Ogre and Creep combo which can range from an Ogre to a single Creep to an Ogre and three Creeps, or two Ogres together. While these offer great exp and gold, they can also be dangerous as well. After passing a forest and two small rivers you'll come to Motoya's Cave. 3a. Motoya's Cave Monsters: None Key Item: Crystal* *: You can't obtain the Crystal until much later in the game, but I figured I'd mention it since you were here. Items: Heal Potion x2, Pure Potion There isn't a lot of news to be found inside this cave. A few brooms are walking around and if you talk to them, they appear to be talking jibberish. In fact if you take what it says, "TCELES B HSUP" it is actually means "PUSH B SELECT". By doing so on the world map, it opens up a map of the entire world, showing your current location and all the towns and other places you can enter are shown by flashing dots. **Interesting tidbits: Even though its pretty easy to see what the broom is telling you, I forget the town now, but there is actually a person that tells you that the brooms always talk backwards which seems rather silly cause here you are talking to one right near the start of the game still.** If you talk to Motoya it seems that she is freaking out because someone stole her Crystal and she can't see without it. 3. Motoya's Cave and Pravoka (continued): Monsters: GrImp, Ogre, Creep, Wolf, GrWolf, Imp, Iguana, MadPony With visiting Motoya's Cave done it seems that the lead given to you back in Coneria has gone cold. Its now time to follow up your other lead about Pravoka. First you should head back to Coneria and rest at the Inn and save your game. Once you have done this, head back across the bridge again. Instead of heading north towards Motoya's Cave, head to the east. You'll pass through a small swamp and across different types of terrain, and eventually you'll come to a place where you can either go north or south. Keep going east as far as you can, then head south, and you should see the town of Pravoka. 3b. Pravoka Monsters: (Inside Pravoka) Pirate x9 (Outside to the south and east) Giest, GrImp, WrWolf, Ogre, GrOgre, Wolf, GrWolf, Scorpion, Iguana Key Item: Ship Items: None Weapon Shop: [Iron Hammer: 10 GP] [Short Sword: 550 GP] [Hand Axe: 550 GP] [Scimitar: 200 GP] Armor Shop: [Wooden Armor: 50 GP] [Chain Armor: 80 GP] [Iron Armor: 800 GP] [Wooden Shield: 15 GP] [Gloves: 60 GP] Item Shop: [Heal Potion: 60 GP] [Pure Potion: 75 GP] [Tent: 75 GP] [Cabin: 250 GP] Clinic: 80 GP Inn: 50 GP White Magic Shop: (Level 2) [Lamp: 400 GP] [Mute: 400 GP] [Alit: 400 GP] [Invs: 400 GP] Black Magic Shop: (level 2) [Ice: 400 GP] [Dark: 400 GP] [Tmpr: 400 GP] [Slow: 400 GP] Upon entering Pravoka, the first thing you should do is head to the Clinic to revive any defeated party members if needed, otherwise head to the Inn to restore your HP and Magic and to save your game. Something must be wrong in the town, if only two people can be seen moving around, and one of them tells you that the town has been overrun by pirates. It seems we have our next task at hand to deal with, but first visit the shops to upgrade equipment and buy some new spells. First you should stop at the weapon store. Nothing new here for the Black Belt, or the Black and White Mages. For the Fighters or Red Mage, buy the Short Sword for them. For the Thief, buy the Scimitar. Next head to the Armor Shop on the other side of the town. Once there buy the Gloves for the all the Mages, and the Iron Armor for the Fighters, along with the Wooden Shields. Equip all your new gear and sell off the old stuff. Next head to the Magic Shops and get some new spells. If you need some more gold, head outside and kill off some monsters as these level 2 spells are four times the price of the level 1 spells. This is how I tend to buy spells for my three magic using classes when I have them with me: White Mage: Alit, Mute, Invs Black Mage: Ice, Slow, Tmpr Red Mage: Ice, Invs, Slow Now if you are ready head over to the west side of town and talk to Bikke, the pirate captain. He obviously doesn't like to be talked to and orders the pirates to attack you. *********************************************************************** Boss: Pirates HP: 6 Weakness: None Even though this fight starts out 9 on 4 its not too terribly hard to win. You do need to watch out for your Mages though, because if the pirates start teaming up on one member, especially a mage, they can knock off a lot of HP in a short amount of time. To avoid this, just cast Slow on them from your Red or Black Mage, and it should reduce the damage they cause. With only 6 HP each, just have all members target a different pirate, and attack away till they go down. *********************************************************************** Once he is defeated, Bikke says that he's sorry and he hands over his ship for you to use. He also says that he won't cause any more problems (**SPOILER** I guess he keeps his word as we don't hear or see anything else from him during the course of the game). Once you head outside you will see your newly won ship at the dock. Take note of how it looks as you can only get off your ship at docks which look like where it is parked now. The game now opens up for you a little more, but for now as things get expensive in the upcoming areas, you may want to try to level and earn some gold in the surrounding area. If you want to hunt in the sea, make sure your Mages (Red and Black) have a full supply of Lit magic, since all water monters are weak to it. If you run across some blue pirate looking monsters (Kyzoku) you should try to kill them since they are worth 120 GP per kill. Other monsters good for gold are Ogres which are worth nearly 200 per kill, or the Geists, which are worth about 115 or so. There is now a great chance for you to advance several levels ahead of where you currently are, but I would recommend against it at this time, but I will list it anyway. From Provoka, head a little towards the south and then east until you see a port to the north. From there head north past the port and you'll pass through a forest and there should be a small pennisula at the end of the land. The top two squares on the pennisula and one more underneath it have some EXTREMELY tough monsters here, but if you manage to defeat them, you can net several hundred exp and several thousand gold per kill. If you wish to attempt this, you should view the next area in the walkthrough and head to Elfland and upgrade your equipment and magics then come back and try this, and you can put yourself way ahead in the game, at least level wise. Anyway back in Provoka, if you now talk to the townspeople who have come out of hiding you hear some interesting new things happening around the world. It seems that this man escaped from a town called Melmond to the west and that there is trouble there, but he doesn't say what. It also seems that the Price of the Elves has been put to sleep, and only Motoya's Herb can wake him. This brings up another problem which needs to be solved, Motoya can't see without her Crystal and she won't give you a Herb till you bring her the Crystal. Perhaps the sleeping prince and the missing Crystal are connected. Now you must sail south towards the kingdom of Elfland. To get there just sail west from the port of Provoka, then sail south all the way and then west along the shoreline and you'll reach the town. 4. Elfland (Castle and Town) Monsters: (Outside to the Marsh Cave and Astos' Castle) Ogre, Creep, Wolf, GrWolf, Asp, Geist, GrImp, WrWolf, Arachnid, GrOgre (Found in the Sea) Eye, Shark, Kyzoku, Sahag, R.Sahag Key Item: Key* *: You need to first get the Crown, Crystal, and Herb before you'll get the Key. Items: (Castle) Silver Hammer*, 730 GP*, Copper Gauntlet* *: These items require the Key to obtain. Weapon Shop: [Iron Nunchuck: 200 GP] [Large Dagger: 175 GP] [Iron Staff: 200 GP] [Sabre: 450 GP] [Silver Sword: 4000 GP] Armor Shop: [Iron Armor: 800 GP] [Copper Bracelet: 1000 GP] [Iron Shield: 100 GP] [Cap: 80 GP] [Wooden Helmet: 100 GP] Item Shop: [Heal Potion: 60 GP] [Pure Potion: 75 GP] [Cabin: 250 GP] [House: 3000 GP] [Soft Potion: 800 GP] Clinic: 200 GP Inn: 100 GP White Magic Shop: (level 3) [Cur2: 1500 GP] [Hrm2: 1500 GP] [Afir: 1500 GP] [Heal: 1500 GP] Black Magic Shop: (level 3) [Fir2: 1500 GP] [Hold: 1500 GP] [Lit2: 1500 GP] [Lok2: 1500 GP] White Magic Shop: (level 4) [Pure: 4000 GP] [Fear: 4000 GP] [Aice: 4000 GP] [Amut: 4000 GP] Black Magic Shop: (level 4) [Slp2: 4000 GP] [Fast: 4000 GP] [Conf: 4000 GP] [Ice2: 4000 GP] Upon arriving at Elfland, go to the castle first as there is less to do there but offers information as to what your next move should be. It seems that five years ago, someone named Astos attacked the castle and put the prince under a curse which forces him to sleep, and he has been like that ever since. It seems that Motoya can wake him up with her Herbs but first you must find her Crystal. Everyone else just begs you to help the Prince, and you find out that the door to the treasury is locked by the Mystic Key, a lot of good that does us right now. Since there is little else to do now, head into the town section. The talk of the town is more or less the same as in the castle, yet one of the elves tells you about a spooky castle he found up to the northwest. Even though you really don't have to head up that way until after you find the Crown from the Marsh Cave, the gear and spells in Elfland is very expensive, so it might be worth a walk there to get some gold and earn some exp. Now its time to hit up the shops if you can afford anything at all. First stop is the Weapon Shop. First you'll want to buy the Large Dagger for your Black Mage. There is nothing of any value here for the White Mage. You can buy the Iron Nunchuck for the Black Belt if you would like. Make sure to save your game just incase they lower his attack power so you can just reset the game and avoid buying them again. For the Thief buy a Sabre since he cannot use the awesome Silver Sword. For Fighters and Red Mages buy the Silver Sword. Next go to the Armor Shop to the west of the Weapon Shop. If you didn't buy the Iron Armor in Provoka for your Fighters do so now, since 800 GP for a very defensive piece of armor is a very good deal, and you'll be using that armor for a long time. For your mages, buy the Caps and if you have the extra gold, buy two Copper Bracelets (far more defensive than the Cloth, but much more expensive at the same time). For the Fighters make sure you buy two Iron Shields, and two Wooden Helmets. Exit the shop, equip your new items and then sell off the old ones. The next place to visit should be the level 3 magic shops for now. You will find some of the stronger 2 spells and more importantly, the attack spells will now hit all foes at once. This is what I tend to buy with my Mages: White Mage: Cur2, Hrm2, Afir Black Mage: Fir2, Lit2, Hold Red Mage: Fir2, Lit2, Cur2 If your characters can use level 4 spells and if you have the gold to buy them (well you should even if it has to wait to a later time) this is how I tend to go. White Mage: Pure, Aice, Fear Black Mage: Ice2, Fast, Conf Red Mage: Ice2, Fast, plus one of the remaining ones available. Now that you are probably well beyond the stage of broke, you should now see about trying out that trick I mentioned above about the rapid level and gold gain. You should have the tools to do the job, just make sure you bring a tent or cabin or other saving item with you, so you can save your game before returning back to Provoka to heal up again, so you don't loose all you've earned. When you feel confident, stock up on Heal and Pure potions, and bring a Tent or Cabin with you, and head off towards the Marsh Cave, far to the southwest. If you need to, use the Push B Select trick to view your map, its the dot in the middle of a large marsh, at the southern tip of the continent. 5. Marsh Cave Enemies: Shadow, Bone, Gargoyle, Zombie, Ghoul, R.Bone, Crawl, WrWolf, Scum, Muck, Spider, Arachnid, Scorpion, Cobra Boss: Wizard (Well sort of) Key Item: Crown Items: Large Dagger, 680 GP, Short Sword, 620 GP, Iron Armor, 295 GP, Copper Bracelet, 385 GP, Silver Bracelet*, Silver Knife*, 1020 GP* *: You need to obtain the Key before you can get these items. What word can I use which is good enough to describe this cave. This place is one of the harder places in the game mainly due to the lack of spells and items and some of the monsters are extremely hard for this point in time. From the start of the cave, head north till you see a staircase leading down. Once down here, pick up the treasure boxes which contain a Large Dagger, Short Sword, and 1300 GP in them. Now head back the way which you went. If you are low on HP, you may want to exit the cave and use a Tent or Cabin to save your game and go back in. Now head all the way south until you see a building with a staircase inside it leading deeper into the cave. About halfway south, you'll see a branch leading off to the east. Ignore this path as it leads to a dead end and there are no treasures there. Once below, ignore all the buildings because there are nothing but empty treasure chests inside them all. Continue to the southeast and go through the building and exit on the other side of the wall and proceed down the staircase. On the next floor there are several rooms lined up in order all throughout the floor. In the buildings along the first row, (near the staircase leading back up and leading left to right) is an Iron Armor, the second building is empty, as is the third room. Inside the fourth room, the one nearest to the right wall is 295 GP. Along the second row in the first building is a Copper Bracelet. In the second room, you'll find a House and an empty treasure box. In the third room, and fourth rooms there is nothing to be found. In the first room on the third row is an empty room. In the second room, you'll find the Crown but you'll have to fight 2-6 Wizards for it (see below for more info). In the third room, you'll find 385 GP. In the fourth room you'll find nothing but an empty treasure chest. Along the fourth and final row, all the doors are locked by the Mystic Key, so you'll have to come back to the cave at a later time if you choose to do so. Ok now back to those Wizards. *********************************************************************** Boss: Wizards HP: 84 Weakness: Lightning These guys aren't really a boss, but given they guard a key item, I tend to call them bosses. They usually come in groups of 2-6 and are pretty nasty on their attacks. They are one of the few monsters at this point in the game which can multi-hit your characters, and can even cause upward of 100 damage to even a Fighter and even more on your weaker characters. I tend to have all my strong characters attack the Wizards, each one attacking a different Wizard, while the White Mage heals weakened members, and the Red or Black Mage casts Lit2 on them. It should only take two uses of Lit2 to kill off the Wizards and if not, just repeat this process again and it should be over in the next round. *********************************************************************** After retrieving the Crown, make your way out from the Marsh Cave. If you took a beating from the Wizards, try to run from all the monsters that you run into, as you don't want to be defeated and have to do this all over again. Once you get to the exit of the cave, use a Tent or Cabin or any other saving items that you may have. You have two options now, you can head up to Astos' Castle, or you can head back to Elfland to heal up. If you choose to bypass healing read below for what to do next. If you choose to heal, you'll just have to wait a few minutes longer to get to this point. 6. Astos' Castle Monsters: Mummy, Image Boss: Astos Key Item: Herb Items: Falchon, Power Staff, Iron Gauntlet* *: You need the Key to get these items. There isn't a lot to do after entering this castle. There are no random battles and no one to talk to. Your main goal is to defeat Astos for the Crystal. As soon as you talk to Astos he demands his Crown back and immediatly proceeds to attack the party. *********************************************************************** Boss: Astos HP: 168 Weakness: None Astos isn't too tough to beat, but he does have a few nasty spells to his disposal including the Rub spell which is a one hit kill spell when it succeeds, and he can also use spells such as Fast and Fir2, along with Slo2 and Sleep. His attacks are good for medium damage, yet if he casts Fast then he can start doing more damage. He tends to use Rub in the very first round against your Fighter (I think he may target random characters, but the one in the first slot is typically the one the hit the most often). I have my Fighters, Thieves and Black Belts attack Astos, while I have the Red and Black Mage cast Fast on the Fighter and any other hard hitting character you may have. I try to have the White Mage Mute Astos, sometimes it works othertimes not. If it fails, try to set up your Afir and other Anti spells you may have, incase he decides it is time to start attack the whole party. Within a few rounds, Astos should go down without much harm done. *********************************************************************** Now that you have retrieved the Crystal, its time to begin some serious backtracking. First head back to Elfland and at least enter the Inn to save your game, but you don't need to stay if you don't want to pay the 100 GP for sleeping. Now head back to Coneria and go underneath the bridge with your ship, and dock at the dock which you saw earlier on your way to Motoya's Cave. Enter the cave, and talk to Motoya. She will trade the Herb to wake the Prince in exchange for your Crystal with which she uses for sight. Once the trade is complete, sail back south to Elfland. Enter the castle and talk to the person next to the Prince, and he gives him the Herb and will awaken the Prince. You then receive the Mystic Key, with which you now open up a few extra treasure boxes for you to get. First loot the treasure room in Elfland, which includes a Silver Hammer, 730 GP, and a Copper Gauntlet. Now head back over to Astos' Castle if you want, for some more treasure, and a few easy battles which happen every time. The treasure in the chests are a Falchon, an Iron Gauntlet, and a Power Staff. In front of each chest there is a fight with undead monsters. In front of the middle chest you'll have to fight, between 3-6 Images, while on the left and right, 3-6 Mummies will fight you. While these fights aren't very hard, they do offer semi-decent exp and gold, so it might be a good idea to fight them and just wipe them out with Hrm2 and Fir2 for a while. Once you have looted the chests, you may want to head out towards the Marsh Cave again for those chests in the locked doors which include, a Silver Bracelet, a Silver Dagger, and 1,020 GP. There are Wizards guarding each one of the chests, so you'll need to be prepared to deal with these annoying fools again, but now you should be well equipped to deal with them easily. Equip your new finds from here, Elfland Castle and Astos' Castle, with the gauntlets going on your Fighters, and your Silver Bracelet on your weakest Mage, the Silver Dagger on your Black Mage, and Silver Hammer on your White Mage. Sell off any excess items, and head back to Coneria Castle and the Temple of Fiends to collect more items behind locked doors. I recommend going to the Temple of Fiends, first so that way you can backtrack to Coneria and then get right on your ship and go to your next destination. The lower and upper right rooms in the Temple are locked, and are also guarded by Gargoyles. By defeating these you'll earn a Rune Sword, a Were Sword, and a Soft Potion. The two swords are weaker than the Silver Sword, so equipping them on a Fighter or Red Mage would be a bad idea but the Rune Sword could be a good choice for the Thief, which would be far better than the Falchon or Scimitar you may have him equipped with. Next head out of the Temple and back to Coneria Castle. Pick up the Iron Staff, Iron Shield, Iron Armor, Silver Dagger, Sabre, and the TNT from the treasure rooms. Equip any of the new finds if they will assist you, and if not get back in your boat and sail northwest to the cave of the dwarves. 7. Dwarf Cave Monsters (Inside): None (Outside): Wolf, GrWolf, Ogre, Creep, Arachnid, Asp Boss: None Items: 575 GP, 450 GP, Cabin*, Iron Helmet*, Dragon Sword*, Silver Dagger*, Wooden Helmet*, Silver Armor*, 575 GP*, House*, Xcalber** *: You cannot get this items until you awake the Prince and get the Key **: You cannot get this weapon until you get the Adamant near the end of the game, but the wait is well worth it in the end. There isn't a lot to be done here, other than go on a massive looting raid on the treasure room, and to give your TNT to a dwarf named Nerrick who will use it to make a Canal just south of the cave, which will allow you passage to Melmond and other lands to the west of the area in which you were limited too. After you equip your new items, again avoid removing the Silver Swords from Fighters and Red Mages, but give the Dragon Sword to the Thief or you can keep him with the Rune Sword, and don't give the Silver Armor to the Fighter. His Iron Armor is way better, but it fits a Red Mage perfectly. Once you are done here, you can now proceed to Melmond. 8. Town of Melmond Monsters: (West to the Sage's Cave and South to the Earth Cave) Ogre, Creep, Asp, Wolf, GrWolf, Hyena, Shadow, GrOgre, Ghoul, Geist, Tiger Items: None Weapon Shop: [Iron Staff: 200 GP] [Sabre: 450 GP] [Long Sword: 1500 GP] [Falchon: 450 GP] Armor Shop: [Steel Armor: 45000 GP] [Silver Bracelet: 5000 GP] [Iron Helmet: 450 GP] [Copper Gauntlet: 200 GP] [Iron Gauntlet: 750 GP] Item Shop: None Clinic: None Inn: 100 GP White Magic Shop: (level 5) [Cur3: 8000 GP] [Life: 8000 GP] [Hrm3: 8000 GP] [Hel2: 8000 GP] Black Magic Shop: (level 5) [Fir3: 8000 GP] [Bane: 8000 GP] [Warp: 8000 GP] [Slo2: 8000 GP] Only thing I can say about this town is expensive. All of the spells and items here far surpass everything up to this point in cost. Lets see here, first stop should be the Armor Shop. The weapons at the store are way behind in terms of quality, so we don't even need to go there. Ok lets see armor wise, the Steel Armor is by far the best purchase here for the Fighter, a whole 10 points higher in defense than the Iron Armor but only at about 56.25x the cost, so we can throw that idea out for now. If you can afford it, buy another Silver Bracelet, (two if you didn't go back to the Marsh Cave earlier) for your Mages, and buy the Iron Gauntlet for you Fighter if you don't have any from your earlier treasure hunts, and the same goes for the Iron Helmet. Ok lets see what we can do for magic. There are some great spells here, but they cost twice that of your level four spells did. This is how I tend to buy my magics, and also remember, spells like Warp require a Black Wizard to use, so make sure you keep at least one slot open for future use. White Mage: Cur3, Life, Hrm3 Black Mage: Fir3, Bane, Warp* Has to be bought later. Be sure to keep a space open for it. Red Mage: Cur3, Fir3, Life* *: You must get a class change since only the Red Wizard can use the Life spell. One little side note about the Life spell. It will revive a character with only 1 HP and thus they'll need to be healed afterwards, and it will not work in battle, and attempting to do so will only deplete your magic for level five and also be ineffective at the same time. Now after spending all your hard earned gold, its time to collect some more information. It seems that the Fiend of the Earth, and the Vampire are causing problems in this area. Unfortunatly they do not give much as to the location of these problems, but that's where I come into play. Before heading any further, you'll have to head back to Elfland and buy some Houses and Soft Potions along with Cabins, Pure and Heal Potions if you need them as there isn't an Item Shop in Melmond. Also be warned, there is not a Clinic here either, so you'll have to travel back in order to revive defeated members. When you are ready, head west till the field opens up to a southern path and follow that till you reach the Earth Cave. Use a saving item depending on how hurt you are, and go into the cave. There is a good place for making gold and exp in this cave and its known as the hall of giants. Each step will amount in a fight with 1-4 giants along with Iguanas. The only problem with this place is if you get hurt and need to head out, you will always encounter these monsters until you get out of the hotspot. It is straight west from the beginning of the cave, and extends mostly along the western wall. If you get attacked every step, you'll know when you enter and leave the area. After spending some time here gaining gold and levels and feel confidient in dealing with the local monsters, you can proceed throughout the rest of the cave and collect treasures and continue. 9. Earth Cave Monsters: (Up to the Vampire) Giant, Bull, Iguana, Cobra, Earth, Ogre, GrOgre, Asp, Spider, Arachnid, Specter, Geist, Mummy, Coctrice, WrWolf, Image, Wizard, Gargoyle Boss: Vampire, Lich* *: Lich isn't reachable until you defeat the Vampire and get the Rod from a sidequest to be able to descend to where he is at. Key Item: Ruby Items: 1975 GP, Pure Potion, 795 GP, Heal Potion, 880 GP, Cabin, Coral Sword, 330 GP, Wooden Shield, 575 GP, 5000 GP, Tent, Heal Potion, 3,400 GP, 1,020 GP When you first enter the cave, you may want to travel directly north, and collect the treasure chest which contains 1,975 GP inside it. From here, head back to the staircase which leads back out of the cave. If you want to enter the affore mentioned hall of giants, follow the northwestern and western path as they both wrap around and meet and along the western wall where the meet is where the hall of giants is located, and a few steps before that as well. Directly south from the staircase leads to a dead end, but on the eastern side of the staircase heading south is a path which splits off into three different routes. The eastern path leads into a building which contains a Pure Potion, and 795 GP in it. Beware of the Earth guarding the space between the two chests in the upper part of the room from which you can get both chests. The middle route leads to a dead end, so avoid going down that way. The western path leads into another building with a Heal Potion and 880 GP. Now head back up the path from which you came, and if you are like me and got attacked a lot, I need to head back out of the cave and save my game. Now you are ready to go directly east from the staircase and follow the short path until you reach another staircase leading further down into the depths of the rotting earth. Floor B1: This first thing that comes into mind about how this floor looks is that movement is more restrictive, and there are bats moving around as well. While they are not enemies, they do tend to get annoying, especially when you get two or more of them blocking up the exit. You should start off by making your way through the small maze heading toward the east, and it may take you a few tries to get through. Sorry guys and gals but I'm not one on given exact directions to get past mazes no matter how small, as I feel it takes away from the thrill of playing through the game as I felt the first time I played this game back in the early 90s. Upon making your way eastward, you'll come across a building with three treasure chests inside it containing, a Cabin, a Coral Sword, and 330 GP. Ok make your way out of this room, and continue back to the southwest. Just south of the building you just exited, the path branches. Straight south will lead you to the next floor below, while taking the westward path will eventually lead to the building which you saw earlier but couldn't reach. Just inside the doorway, you'll get jumped by an Earth, which means you'll have to fight another on the way out. Inside the chests you will obtain a Wooden Shield, 575 GP, and 5000 GP. If you are still in good condition proceed down to the next level and if not, head outside the cave to rest and save your game. Floor B2: Straight off to the east of the main path from the staircase is a building (why couldn't the whole cave be this easy to get around in?) which has waiting inside for you a Tent. Exit the room and follow the path to the north, and you'll see the path breaks off again, with a building off to the west, with another path continuing north and eventually leading east and back south. If you follow the path back to the south and avoid going east you'll come to a building at the bottom of the path which has a treasure chest in it which contains a Heal Potion. Make your way back up to the other building which you saw earlier and make sure you collect the 3,400 GP inside it. Continue making your way to the west and you'll eventually come upon another building. Unfortunatly this room has nothing inside it but a couple of bats, so continue following the path towards the south. Near the end of the trail, you'll come across another small building which holds an Earth inside for you, and 1,020 GP inside the chest for you. Continue following the path, and you'll eventually come to the long shaped building which you saw at the start but couldn't reach. Inside you'll find the vampire, which you'll have to defeat. *********************************************************************** Boss: Vampire HP: 156 Weakness: Fire, Harm This guy isn't too hard to beat. Just have all your fighting classes attack him, while the Red and Black Mage will cast Fir2 or Fir3 on him and have your White Mage cast Harm, Hrm2, or Hrm3 on him. If all is done well, he should go down within a single round or two rounds at most. *********************************************************************** After the Vampire has been removed, you can go through the building and get the Ruby, but then you try to proceed any further, and you'll find that your path is blocked, and nothing in your inventory will open the path for you. Now it is time to walk all the way out, again be sure you have gotten the Ruby from the treasure box, and make your way out of the cave. After making your way out of the cave, head back to Melmond for the time being, and finish stocking up on any armor or spells which you may be missing, and take your ship back to Elfland to restock on potions and saving items if you are low. Once you are all finished with your shopping head back towards the general location of the Earth Cave, but stay more towards the west. There should be another cave for you to explore more now that you have the Ruby. Titan's Tunnel Monsters: Ogre, GrOgre, GrWolf Items: Great Axe, 620 GP, 450 GP, Silver Helmet This place is only one room in length, and its not even very long. Upon entering feed (give) your Ruby to the Titan and he will let you pass. Proceed down the path to collect the four treasure chests, and then head out the western exit and proceed to the next cave which lies a little to the south. Sage's Cave Monsters: None Key Item: Rod Items: None There is only one thing to do here, collect the Rod from the Sage and then head back down into the Earth Cave. With that done, head back to Melmond if you need to rest, and then go back to the Earth Cave and find the cause of the Earth's rot. 9b. Earth Cave (Lower Section) Monsters: Wizard, Troll, Image, Sphinx, Coctrice, Specter, Geist, GrOgre, WzOgre, Hyena, Ooze, Arachnid Boss: Lich Items: Wooden Staff, 3,400 GP, 1,455 GP, 1,520 GP, 5,450 GP, Cabin, Silver Shield, 1,250 GP Floor B3: After using the Rod to shatter the Plate which covered up the staircase and prevented entry to this section of the Cave, the surrounding areas are now much darker than they were on the floors above. Maybe the cause of all the problems of the Earth lies down here somewhere. From the beginning of the floor, follow the path in the only direction which it will take you, north. Eventually you will come to a building a few spaces off the path to the west, which holds inside it a Wooden Staff, 3,400 GP, 1,455 GP, 1,520 GP, and 5,450 GP. It doesn't turn out so bad after picking up that wooden staff very first for an item. Heading back out it turns out that this path was a dead end, but very profitable none-the-less. For now, head back the way which you came up, but this time take the path which branches off and leads to the west. If you keep going west, and south, you will eventually reach a building in the very southwestern most area of the floor. Inside the treasure chests you'll find a Cabin, a Silver Shield, and 1,250 GP. Now head out from this room and continue your path all the way up to the northwestern side of the floor, and you'll come to a staircase which leads down to the final floor of the Earth Cave, and the fight with Lich. Floor B4: There are no treasures to be found on this floor, as there is only one building down here, and it the place where you'll fight Lich. Make your way north from the staircase, and take the first path to the west when you can. From there just head south and then west again, and you should be at the building where Lich is. You can enter if you want, but just don't talk to the Orb unless you are ready. First make sure you are fully healed to the max, either by using Heal Potions or the Cure spells. Once you are ready talk to the Orb and Lich will appear. *********************************************************************** Boss: Lich HP: 400 Weakness: Fire, Harm Lich is the first boss which will actually put a fight for you. First off I have my fighting classes (Fighter, Black Belt, Thief) just attack Lich since there is nothing else they can do unless you forgot to heal up fully. Also in that initial round, have the Red and Black Mage cast Fast on your strongest character, and with any luck they'll get the spell before attacking. I also have my White Mage use the Aice spell, since as far as I've noticed Lich almost always uses Ice2 the first round. Once this is all done, you can either take up more defensive measures, or you can go for the slam on Lich. If you want to heal up, have your Red and White Mage use the Cure spells on wounded members, while the Black Mage uses Fir3 on Lich and the fighters (with Fast on them I would hope) attack. If Lich survives this onslaught, simply repeat the process again. If you wanna try to kill him in the next round repeat the above step, but have your Red Mage fight or cast Fir2 and the White Mage should cast Hrm3. Lich also can stun your party by attacking them, which doesn't hurt much compared to Ice2. He can also use Slep2 and probably some others, which I never had the patience to wait around to see what else he can do. Once defeated, you'll get another good round of Gold and Exp. *********************************************************************** Once Lich is defeated, step on the panel behind him, and you'll return the power of the Earth to one of your Orbs, (See the Menu screen and you'll notice one of the orbs is lit up again) plus you'll get a free exit from the Earth Cave. First thing to do now is use a Tent, Cabin, or even a House to save your game, and head back to Melmond. It seems that everyone there is praising you and telling you that the Earth is beginning to revive, but there are no clues as to where your next stop should be. Remember that one person all the way back in Coneria who mentioned a town named Crescent Lake? Now that you have a ship and a means to get to just about anywhere you want, now might be the time to do some sailing to this Crescent Lake. While Crescent Lake is almost directly south of Provoka, mountains and other hazzards prevented us from getting there. From Melmond, sail south around the tip of that continent, and then sail west until you sail around the world. Use the Push B Select trick, and on the eastern side of the world, Crescent Lake is the dot in the southeastern continent out in the middle of a Lake, (well duh I'm sure that's how the town got its name) and you may see a dock on the map which is just east of it, which means more walking, but you'll need the gold to do your shopping at Crescent Lake when you get there. 10. Crescent Lake Monsters: Troll, Bull, Scorpion, Giant, Pede, Cobra, (In the rivers and streams): Caribe, Hydra, Ocho Key Item: Canoe* *: You must first defeat Lich in order to obtain the Canoe. Items: None Weapon Shop: [Silver Dagger: 800 GP] [Silver Sword: 4000 GP] [Silver Hammer: 2500 GP] [Silver Axe: 4500 GP] Armor Shop: [Silver Armor: 7500 GP] [Silver Shield: 2500 GP] [Buckler: 2500 GP] [Silver Helmet: 2500 GP] [Silver Gauntlet: 2500 GP] Item Shop: [Heal Potion: 60 GP] [Pure Potion: 75 GP] [Cabin: 250 GP] [House: 3000 GP] Clinic: 400 GP Inn: 200 GP White Magic Shop: (level 6) [Soft: 20000 GP] [Exit: 20000 GP] [Fog2: 20000 GP] [Inv2: 20000 GP] Black Magic Shop: (level 6) [Lit3: 20000 GP] [Rub: 20000 GP] [Qake: 20000 GP] [Stun: 20000 GP] Upon first entering Crescent Lake, there isn't much happening since there are only two people to talk to, and one of them is asleep. For now lets go visit the Weapon Shop. The only item worthwhile here is the Silver Hammer, which you should buy for your White Mage(s), if you didn't get the one from the treasure room in Elfland. Other than that none of the other weapons are worth the cost. Next lets go to the Armor Shop. The first thing you'll want to do is buy the Silver armors (all of it) except for the Silver Armor for your Fighters and this time around you can buy Bucklers (shields) for both your Thief and Red Wizard. If you didn't get the Silver Armor for your Red Mage back at the Dwarf Cave, buy one now. The Iron and Steel Armor your Fighters should be equipped with is much better, so don't buy that for them. Once you are done, equip your new items and sell the old ones. Now lets go to the Magic Shops if you have the gold for spells (20000 each, ouch). There is a nice mix of both White and Black Magic, so if you had one spell to choose from for each, I would have to say Lit3 for the Black Mage, and Inv2 for the White Mage. Red Mage hmm let me think here I may have to redo this after I play through using a Red Mage and going from memory but I think a Red Mage can use Lit3 so get that for them too. A note for White Magic, be sure to keep a slot open for your White Wizard since you cannot learn the exit spell until after your class change and this is probably one of the most important spells in the game, at least for White Magic. This is how I bought my magic this time around: White Mage: Fog2, Inv2, Exit** Black Mage: Lit3, Rub, Qake Red Mage: Lit3**, Inv2**, Exit** **: You'll need to get these spells after the class change before you can use these spells. When you are done shopping you'll notice a path to the east from where the Magic Shops are located. If you follow this path, you'll come to the "Circle of Sages". If you talk to them, they will tell you some information, mostly about the Orbs and a little about the Fiends, and one of them will give you a Canoe. Now you can travel through the rivers and streams, and you will actually use it quite frequently. Now there are a few different ways to go from this point in the game. I tend to bypass the Volcano completely, because 1) I am a really big fiend when it comes to the class change, and for 2) I really hate that place and it costs a fortune as far as Heal Potions and other supplies go. The way I tend to go is to the Ice Cave, and get the Floater Stone (not to mention you get your Ice Gear in the Ice Cave which will protect you in the Volcano later) and then do my class change and get all the spells and then come back. Ok next stop, the Ice Cave. **: For those of you who like to do things in a locial order, I'll post in my next revision of the walkthrough at the bottom what to do from this point through the Volcano to the Ice Cave and in that order so you won't miss out on anything. For now, head back to your ship, and sail a little to the north until you come to a small bay and you'll see a port and a stream leading off towards the west. Enter this stream with your canoe and follow the northern path. Take this path all the way north until there is an upper and lower path leading to the west. Take the lower of the two, and follow it all the way until it ends. You should now be on the southern end of a field. Follow this field until you are just outside a cave. Use a Cabin or I recommend a House if you need the Magic, save your game and proceed inside. 11: Ice Cave Monsters: Wizard, Coctrice, Mummy, Image, Wraith, Specter, Geist, Mage, Frost D, FrWolf, R.Bone, Sorcerer, GrPede, Boss: Eye Key Item: Floater, Airship* *: You must first have the floater, and use it in the small desert south of Crescent Lake to obtain it. Items: Flame Sword, Cloth, Ice Armor, Silver Gauntlet, 9,900 GP, 5,000 GP, 12,350 GP, 7,900 GP, 5,450 GP, 180 GP, Heal Potion, 10,000 GP, 9,500 GP, Tent, Ice Shield This cave offers your next challenge which can be hard and sometimes furstrating depending upon what monsters you run into and how often. Some like the Sorcerer can only hit for 1-5 damage or so, but he has a built in Rub on his attack, and can slay one of your party members in a single hit, even with anti-Rub spells and items like the ProRings. Coctrice can stone your members, (no not that kind of stone) so be sure to have brought along plenty of Soft Potions, and be sure to have 99 Heal Potions at all times from here on out. Before entering the cave, be sure you have Fir2 and Fir3 with your Black and Red Mages, and Aice for your White and Red Mages. If you are ready, head into the cave, which isn't all that long, but rather what is inside which causes the problems. The first floor isn't very rough, just follow the path all the way east, then head south, and backtrack to the west, and head down the staircase. Floor B2: This floor offers two ways to go, both of which eventually end up at the same location, the staircase in the southwestern end of the floor. I have walked both ways, and neither one seems to be faster nor less filled with monsters, so the choice is all yours on which way you wish to proceed. Floor B3: This floor is almost a complete waste of time, but you must proceed past it to get any deeper into the Ice Cave. Floor B4: This floor is short and you'll find your first items down here. Follow the single path down to the building, and you'll notice three treasure chests inside a room full of holes. The chest in the middle is what everyone came down here for, for it contains the Floater. For now, get the Cloth, and drop it, and get the Flame Sword from the other chest. Not only does this sword work great down here, it is also much better than your old Silver Sword. Equip the Flame Sword on your Fighter (Red Mage if you have no Fighters) and jump down one of the holes, it doesn't matter, each one will bring you to the same location. On a last minute note, I am writing this from memory, but do beware of picking up the Cloth (as if you would want to. For future reference you can avoid much pain and misery by avoiding the right treasure chest), There is a fight in front of the chest every time, with Mage enemies. These can use the Rub spell, as well as a few other nasty ones, so be prepared to fight for your prize. (I came in ill-prepared and came out on the nasty end of a Lit3 spell from one of the Mages. Ouch.) Floor B5: This is one of the worst floors in the whole cave. After dropping in from above, you will be in a single room with an exit to the south. Go and figure that there would be a fight space there right before the exit. On a good thing (sort of) all the monsters will be undead, so you can use the Harm spells (Hrm2 or Hrm3 are recommended over Harm) thus allowing you to save your Fir2 and Fir3 for the real ice monsters which reside in the cave, and you may have already ran into. This battle can range from one monster (which I got lucky on and ran into a single Wraith), to a screen full of them, ranging in type of monster and numbers. You will also notice that there are sections of the floor which are a different color than the others. These is freezing ice as I like to call it, and it will cause you damage each time you walk across it, much like poison does, at 1 HP damage per step. Sorry but unlike Dragon Warrior 2 there is no Stepguard spell to prevent this damage from occuring to you. Once out of the small room, head a little south and cross the freezing ice to the west, and enter the building and collect some items. Unfortunatly, there is another fight space inside and you'll have to fight one to four? Frost Dragons. Be sure to use Aice with those that have it, and use Fir2 and Fir3 from your Black and Red Mage, and fight with your fighting classes. The Dragons should go down quickly, yet you'll have to fight them again upon exiting this room. Inside you'll find your Ice Armor and a Silver Gauntlet. I am not totally sure about this, if anyone can verify this for me, I will gladly give you credit for it, but I am unsure if equipping the Ice Armor will make you weak to Ice based spells and attacks or not. I know in Final Fantasy 2 (4 in Japan) if you equip say Ice Armor cause I'm here, you will resist Fire but become weak to Ice at the same time. I have tried this and while the damage remains about the same, sometimes it is much higher or much less and there isn't really a way to find out. Ok anyway after picking up your items and equipping the Gauntlet at least, make your way out and take care of the Dragons again. Now head south across some more of the damage tiles, and when the path breaks, stay on the eastern path and continue heading south. You should now be outside another building. Enter the building and collect the, 9,900 GP, 5,000 GP, 12,350 GP, 7,900 GP, 5,450 GP, and 180 GP. Now head out of the building and take the eastern path which you just passed. It leads to a staircase which up to a different location on Floor B2. Floor B2: This is the same floor which we saw way earlier in the cave. This is Floor B2, but only one the other side of it which we saw but couldn't get to. There are more items to pick up here, and even more importantly its time for a decision. First off, follow the path through the building and collect your Heal Potion, and head out the door. Go around to the next building just below the one you just exited, and get the 10,000 GP from the chest. Next, head to the east, and pick up the items from the building over there. Get the 9,500 GP, Tent, and Ice Shield from the chests. Now it is time for the big question. If you noticed there is a hole in this building, while there is a staircase outside the building to the northeast. That staircase will lead directly outside, no ifs ands or buts about it, while jumping down the hole will take you to where the Floater is, but on the downside, you'll have to go through that room of undead again and the rest of Floor B3, across the damage tiles again, and fighting those annoying monsters again as well. If you are in good shape, and have plenty of HP and Magic left, I would still recommend going out and saving your game, so if you are defeated, you won't have to collect all the treasure again. If you do this, you will have to go through the cave again, but won't have to make each and every stop to get the items back. Whether you jump down the hole or head out to save your game, read further down and see what to do next. Once jumping down the hole, you'll be inbetween the holes that you saw earlier. The middle chest contains your Floater, but there is a rather tough monster guarding it and won't part with it easily. *********************************************************************** Mini-Boss: Eye HP: 162 Weakness: Fire, Harm This Eye isn't really a boss since you can fight it later in the game as an everyday monster, but it does guard a storyline item, so that's why I call it a boss. One of the first things that it likes to use is XXXX which is nearly the same as the Rub spell, except the game claims that it works more often. If you want to try to beat it quickly, have all your fighting classes attack it, while the Red and Black Mages cast Fir2 or Fir3 and have the White Mage cast Hrm2 or Hrm3. With only 168 HP, it should go down rather quickly. If not, just repeat the process again and it should die within the round. *********************************************************************** Once the Eye is defeated, proceed to pick up the Floater, and jump down one of the holes again. DO NOT go in the opposite direction from which you came from, or you'll have to fight the Eye again, and you'll end up at the same place anyway. Follow the directions above for Floor B5, and you should be home free, given that you have the power left in you to fight your way out of the cave. Once you have safely made your exit out of the cave, use any item to save your game, and proceed back to your ship. Now head back towards Crescent Lake, but keep going south to the small desert. Get off your boat and use the Canoe to cross the river until you are in the desert. It doesn't matter where you are in the desert, but use your Floater, and the Airship will appear. Now you can pretty much visit any location in the game. Now lets head to a small series of Islands found in between the two northern continents (use B Select to find them). 12. Dragon Islands Monsters: Wyrm, Sphnix, Ocho, Manticor, Boss: None Items: 2,000 GP, 2,750 GP, 1,455 GP, 9,500 GP, 160 GP, 1,520 GP, 2,750 GP, House, 500 GP, 10 GP, Cabin, 575 GP, Soft Potion There is not a whole lot to do at these islands at this time, but if you want to stick to the plot, feel free to talk to the Dragons which live inside. There is also mostly gold in the treasure chests for you to get. If you manage to find Bahamut, he will tell you that if you can bring back proof of your courage, he will reward you. It seems that none of the Dragons will give you any information as to what that proof is, and one even mentions that it could be anything. Your next stop should be at a castle known as the Castle of Ordeal. This castle is located just north of the eastern most of the Dragon Islands, and you can either get to it by the ship or airship. Youw ill need to use the Canoe in conjunction with either one. I tend to use the Airship (no battles) to reach the castle. The only landing spot is on a small field north a large desert on the map. From this field, you'll have to travel west across a small desert, through the forest and swamp, use the Canoe to get past a stream, and you'll eventually land outside the Castle of Ordeal. 13. Castle of Ordeal Monsters (From the landing strip to the Castle): Ankylo, Hydra, Saber T, Catman, Ocho, Sauria, Wyvern Monsters (Inside): Medusa, Mancat, MudGol, Nightmare, Zombie Dragon Boss: Zombie Dragon(s) Key Item: Rat Tail Items: Zeus Gauntlet, Heal Staff, Iron Gauntlet, Ice Sword, Gold Bracelet, House, 7,340 GP, 1,455 GP Upon first entering the castle, you can talk to the guy that is there, but it is not required I don't think as you can walk around him and enter anyway. He does mention something interesting. He tells you that poession of the Crown is required to test your courage. Hmm here lies the question: Why would he tell you this if you didn't need to pick up the Crown to advance this far into the game? Sure I can see that you'll need to have something to prove your courage, but a Key Item which you have to find to even make it this far, it makes little sense but at the same time it makes almost perfect sense. Anyway, head to the north eastern corner and enter the throne to goto Floor 2. Floor 2: This floor is nothing but a maze of pillars. Each time you enter (step on) one of the pillars, you will be teleported to a different location or even back to the very beginning of the maze if you enter the wrong one. The first three are relatively easy to figure out which one is the right or wrong one, as there is only one to enter. When there are two pillars, one at the top and the other at the bottom of the room, enter the bottom pillar, and then you'll be at a lone pillar, so enter that one. You will now be at the southwestern corner of the room, with a choice of of a top and bottom pillar to enter. If you enter the top pillar you'll end up at the location you just came from, while the bottom pillar will lead to a new location. Follow the lone path on which you just came all the way south to a solo pillar and enter it. You will now be up in the northwestern corner of the floor, with two more pillars to choose from, either right or left. If you enter the left pillar, you'll be all the way back to the first point where you have to choose which one to enter, where as the right pillar will lead you further along in the maze. If you follow the path to the east, you will come to a building. Enter the building and fight the MudGol(s) for the Zeus Gauntlet which is a very useful item. I tend to give this to the White Mage, since the White Mage is not very good at fighting unless it is against the undead. If you use the Zeus Gauntlet in battle it will produce the same affects at Lit2, and it can be used infinitely, which adds a little power to the White Mage. Now there are two different routes to choose from the left path or the right path. If you take the right path, you'll end up back at the southwestern corner of the floor, and have to fight your way back to where you currently are. Along the left path, there are two pillars to be found here. The first pillar will lead you all the way back to the beginning, so I guess that pretty much eliminates which pillar is the right one to enter. It is the second pillar and also the furthest one down from the room with the Zeus Gauntlet in it. There is also a fourth pillar, but that can only be found by walking all the way around past the right one to enter, and that also leads back to near the beginning, so it probably isn't wise to enter that one either. Upon entering the correct pillar, you will be in the southeastern corner of the floor, next to a staircase leading up to Floor 3. Floor 3: This is a pretty straight forward floor, with only one route for which you can take, but has a lot of treasures along the way, including what we came here for, the Rat Tail. In the first treasure chest you'll find a Heal Staff, which is a not so great weapon to equip, but is great for the White Mage to use in battle, since it has the same effect as the Heal spell, which heals the entire party at once. From this place keep following the path towards more treasures. In the northwestern corner, you'll find an Iron Gauntlet, an Ice Sword, and a Gold Bracelet. You may want to equip your Fighter or Red Mage with the Ice Sword, since it is a few points stronger than the Flame Sword. I would also recommend equipping your White or Black Mage with the Gold Bracelet you just found (and what a steal it is seeing as a store bought bracelet will set you back 50,000 GP) to greatly increase their defensive power. Continue to the south, to collect the next batch of treasures. In the southwestern corner of the room, you'll find some treasure chests which contain 7,340 GP, 1,455 GP, and a House, while the fourth chest is empty. Now proceed to the east, and collect your Rat Tail, and prepare to fight your way out of the castle, which is no where as hard as the Ice Cave was. *********************************************************************** Boss: Zombie Dragon(s) HP: 268 Weakness: Harm, Fire When you enter this fight, there is going to be one to four Zombie Dragons which you must fight. While they are undead in nature, it shouldn't prove to be much of a fight. Have all your fighting classes attack a different dragon or all of them on one if you should only happen to run into a single dragon, while the Red and Black Mage should cast Fir2 and Fir3, while the White Mage should cast Hrm3, and with any luck you should be able to defeat them in one round. If you are feeling confident, you can step back and fight them again since they are worth great gold and exp for this point in time. *********************************************************************** When you are finished fighting with the dragons, step on the throne, and you'll be teleported back to the throne at the first floor, where there are no monsters to worry about, and you'll be able to exit the castle, and you'll be able to save your game. Make your way back to the airship and head back to Bahamut's Island, and talk to him, and he'll bestow upon you the reward, your class change. This is what each class will become: Fighter---------->Knight Thief------------>Ninja Black Belt------->Master Red Mage--------->Red Wizard White Mage------->White Wizard Black Mage------->Black Wizard Now that you have your class change, you are now able to buy all spells and equip any weapons and armor which you were prevented from doing earlier. Your Knight and Ninja can now use magic, White and Black magic respectively, so before you enjoy your new found power (which isn't different than before other than your characters looke more professional) lets head all the way back to Coneria, Provoka, and Elfland, for some magic for our new magic users. Back in Coneria you should buy your spells something like this: Knight: Cure, Ruse, Fog Ninja: Fire, Lit, Sleep While neither of these are of any use except Cure, you never know when you may find a spell useful, especially against what I like to call weapon resistant monsters, where even with a strong Knight you'll get 4 hits for 4 damage, and that's when the proper Black Magic spell will come in useful. When you are done here, lets go to Provoka and do some magic shopping here. This is how I tend to spell up the Knight and Ninja: Knight: Mute, Alit, Invs Ninja: Ice, Slow, Tmpr Ok our last stop is in Elfland for the Knight and Ninja at least, and while the Ninja can use up to level 4 magic, the Knight can only use up to level 3. Ok this is what you should buy for each class in Elfland. Knight: Cur2, Afir Ninja: Fir2, Lit2, Hold And finally the level 4 spells for the Ninja: Ninja: Ice2, Fast, Conf I think that pretty much settles that for the new magic users, but for now lets head back to Melmond and Crescent Lake to finish gathering spells for the Wizards. In Melmond, the only spell to buy for the Black Wizard is Warp, which will return you to the floor above, or below (depending upon which way you are going) in a dunegon. In Crescent Lake buy Exit for your White Wizard, and finish buying any other spells for the Red Wizard who was prevented from getting due to the class change. (I'll post it all at the bottom of this walkthrough when I finish it for easy reference.) Now with the Airship, there is any number of places to visit, yet without doing them in order, they will be totally pointless (and this way allows for you to acquire much better equipment in the process.) For now lets head out to a small desert on the northwestern continent, and visit the Oasis. 14. The Oasis Monsters: Ankylo, Cerebus, WzOgre, Saber T Key Item: Bottle (50,000 GP) Items: None This is basically nothing but a shop, and is the only place where you must buy a key item. If you can afford to buy the Bottle, do so now but it will set you back 50,000 GP. If you can't afford it, just hang around for a while and earn some gold, or run back to the Earth Cave and the hall of giants to earn some quick gold. Once you buy the Bottle don't use it on the item screen, as you can loose it and you'll have to buy another one. Now we have to take it to a town and do something with it. Lets now head to a town called Gaia on the other side of the world. Just fly the airship to the west to reach Gaia easier. Oh yeah, be prepared to bring a lot of gold with you on this trip as well. 15. Town of Gaia Monsters: Hydra, FrWolf, FrGiant, Wyvern, R. Ankylo Key Item: Oxyale* *: To receive this item, you must have the Bottle (see above) and use it at the spring behind the town. Items: None Weapon Shop: [CatClaw: 65000 GP] Armor Shop: [Gold Bracelet: 50000 GP] [ProRing: 20000 GP] Item Shop: [Cabin: 250 GP] [House: 3000 GP] [Heal Potion: 60 GP] [Pure Potion: 75 GP] Clinic: 750 GP Inn: 500 GP White Magic Shop: (level 7) [Cur4: 45000 GP] [Hrm4: 45000 GP] Black Magic Shop: (level 7) [Ice3: 45000 GP] [Brak: 45000 GP] White Magic Shop: (level 8) [Fade: 60000 GP] [Wall: 60000 GP] [Xfer: 60000 GP] Black Magic Shop: (level 8) [Stop: 60000 GP] [Zap!: 60000 GP] [XXXX: 60000 GP] This is a pretty lively town, and most of the talk is about towers in the desert whether its real or not, or how outsiders like yourself managed to get this far north and so on. I hope you brought a lot of gold with you, as this place is very expensive in terms of both equipment and spells both of which level 7 and 8 are available, for a price of course. In terms of items to buy, you should buy the CatClaw for your Black Wizard, as the added power it offers for him makes him somewhat more capable in battle, but he should stick to his main strength, and that is casting spells. In terms of armor, you should buy a ProRing for everyone since this valuable item while offering decent defense, it will also protect you from the fatal Rub and XXXX spells. You should also buy your Wizard without a Gold Bracelet one if you can afford to spend another 50,000 GP. I would also recommend you buy your Master a bracelet as well, or you can wait till further in the game, when you can equip him with the Opal Bracelet, probably the best piece of armor in the game. If you can afford to buy spells now or later, this is what I would buy, even though they are very costly, with the more important of the group listed first: White Wizard: (level 7) Cur4, Hrm4 (The last spell is to be bought at a different town.) Black Wizard: (level 7) Ice3, Brak (Again the third spell is bought at a different town.) Red Wizard: (level 7) Ice3 (The Red Wizard is limited as far as high level magics go, and his final spell is also to be bought at a different town.) White Wizard: (level 8) Fade, Wall (The last spell is found at a different place.) Black Wizard: Stop, Zap! (The last spell is found at a different place.) Red Wizard: The Red Wizard cannot use any level 8 magics. Major bummer. Once your shopping is done, your ultimate goal in this town is to free the Fairy from the bottle which you bought earlier. Behind the town, to the east of the Clinic, there is a spring. Approach the spring, and use the bottle from your items. Do make sure that you are standing at the spring (well 1 step below it where you can't move any more) and then use the bottle of you'll waste it. The fairy will thank you for freeing her, and give you the Oxyale, which is important because it allows you to breath underwater. With this completed, lets head over to our next destination area, as there are two to be completed in the same place, near that town with the Sea Shrine in it called Onrac. 16. Onrac Monsters: FrGiant, Ankylo, FrWolf, Wyvern, GrPede, Troll, Hydra, Tiger, Saber T, Cerebus, Ocho, Caribe, FrGator, R.Caribe, Naocho, WzOgre Items: None Weapon Shop: None Armor Shop: None Item Shop: [Cabin: 250 GP] [House: 3000 GP] [Heal Potion: 60 GP] [Pure Potion: 75 GP] [Soft Potion: 800 GP] Clinic: 750 GP Inn: 300 GP White Magic Shop: (level 7) [Aurb: 45000 GP] [Hel3: 45000 GP] Black Magic Shop: (level 7) [Sabr: 45000 GP] [Blnd: 45000 GP] Thank goodness there isn't a weapon or armor shop in this town, and only one or two level 7 spells for you to buy. The inn is a tad bit on the expensive side, but that tents to happen as you advance in any game. For the last spells of level 7 this is what I tend to buy here. White Wizard: Hel3 Black Wizard: Sabr Red Wizard: Arub None of these spells are really useful other than Hel3. Sabr is much like the earlier spell Tmpr, except that it can only be used on the Black Wizard himself. Arub is almost pointless now that you have or should have ProRings, but if you can't afford them for everyone, then the Arub spell would prove useful for the Red Wizard at least, since that's the only other level 7 spell he can use next to Ice3. You'll find the Submarine down here leading to the Sea Shrine, but for now lets skip that part and head back out of town, and head north along the river to the Waterfall. 17. Waterfall Monsters: MudGol, Nightmare, Mummy, WzMummy, Perilisk, Coctrice Key Item: Cube Items: Wizard Staff, Ribbon, 13,450 GP, 6,400 GP, 5,000 GP, Defense Sword At first the maze which forms this cave looks daunting, but its not so bad. Just continue heading towards the west, while trying to avoid heading in the other directions. When you have moved as far west as you can, start to head south, and you'll soon find a building with a Robot inside it. Before you can collect your treasures, there is a fight with monters just inside the door which cannot be avoided, so make sure you are ready for a fight. I fought several times here, but it appears to be mostly Mummies and WzMummies, with Coctrice thrown randomly in this fight. Inside the chests you'll find the Wizard Staff, Ribbon, 13,450 GP, 6,400 GP, 5,000 GP, and a Defense Sword. Equip this sword on your Knight due to the fact that its the best sword up to this point. If you use the Wizard Staff in battle, it will use the Conf spell and confuse your enemies, which isn't all that great but it can be fun. You can either keep this or sell it as you see fit. If you use the Defense Sword in battle, it will have the same affect as the Ruse spell. The Ribbon only has an absorb rating of 1 but it protects you from all status aliments, (do we see a familiar theme coming out of this?) so I would equip it on your White Wizard. Be sure to talk to the Robot before leaving, and it will give you the Cube, which will allow you access to the Sky Castle, which you'll visit shortly. For now use Exit or Warp and head back down to Onrac . Once there rest at the Inn and restock on any supplies which you are low on, and enter the Submarine. 18. Sea Shrine (Upper Floors) Monsters: SeaSnake, GrShark, WzSahag, SeaTroll, Lobster, Shark, Ghost, BigEye, R.Sahag, Water, Naga Key Item: Slab Items: 2,000 GP, 9,900 GP, 20 GP, Opal Armor, Light Axe, Mage Staff, 1,760 GP, 9,000 GP, Opal Bracelet, 2,750 GP, 4,150 GP, 5,000 GP, Pure Potion, Opal Shield, 10 GP, 10,000 GP, Opal Helmet, Opal Gauntlet Upon first entering the Sea Shrine, make your way to the eastern side of the first floor, and collect the 2,000 GP from the chest there. On the western side of the floor, there is another chest with 9,900 GP in another box over there. Once you have collected this gold. head to the northeastern corner of the floor, and proceed up the staircase to the second floor. Floor 2: When you first get to this floor, head south and then west, avoiding the building you pass, since there is nothing inside it. Continue to the west, and you'll see another strange building. Enter this building and collect the chest inside, a whole whopping 20 GP. Exit the room and follow the path west again, and then north when the opportunity arises. You'll come to a building with the Opal Armor inside it, the best armor which a Knight can buy (well find in this case). Equip it and then head back south to the intersection. Continue heading all the way south, and you'll find a chest which contains a Light Axe inside it. While this axe isn't really good enough to be equipped, it does have the Hrm2 affect built into it, and it can be used infinetly but only in battle. You can give this to your Red or White Mage, or you can even take it a step further and keep it on your Knight, Ninja, or Master for battling the undead. Who you wish to give it to will vary depending on your party, so I can't really offer any suggestions here. Exit the room, and head back to the north, and then east, and you'll find another building with a treasure chest inside and it holds the Mage Staff. This is another item with a spell affect on it, in this case Fir2. I tend to give this item to the White Wizard, due to the fact that the Red or Black Wizard can use it at will, and if needed can attack while the White Wizard uses the staff. Again this will vary to your needs, so give it to who you think would benefit the most from it. Head out the exit and then back west, then south, then all the way east again, and you will find yet another building, which is right next to the staircase. Inside this building, you'll find a treasure worth 12,350 GP. Once finished, head up the staircase to the third floor. Floor 3: There are no monsters to be found on this floor, only a lot of chests and the Mermaids. The main item you are looking for on this floor is the Slab, which will play a key part to the story later on. If you run out of item space, you can either use the Exit spell and sell the excess items in Gaia (the town above doesn't have a weapon/armor shop) of if you can afford to lose the gold, you can drop it. Some of the good items to be found down here are the rest of the Opal gear and the Opal Bracelet, among a few other goodies. I'm not going to tell which way to go, since you don't have to worry about getting attacked, and there are too many chests to list without making this walkthrough any bigger than it has to be. Once you have the Slab and the rest of your items, use the Exit spell. Now what to do with this Slab we just picked up. It appears to have some type of ancient language written on it, which is indicated by symbols. If you recall, there was someone by the name of Dr. Unne in Melmond trying to unlock the secets of some unknown language. Perhaps this is what he needs to finally succeed at his project. Next stop is to go back and see him. 19. Melmond revisited and Lefein There isn't much to do in Melmond now, except talk to Dr. Unne. He will notice that the Slab you have is the key to understanding a long forgotten language, and he will teach you how to speak it. Once that is completed, you have to find the village which speaks this language. Head back to the town of Gaia and head a little to the south. You should see a lake and a small patch of grass which is the only landing spot for your Airship at this location. Land on that spot, and head south past the lake, through the forest, and you should come to a town eventually. Lefein Monsters: Giant, Tyro, Wyvern, FrWolf, Zombull, R.Ankylo, Sand Worm, Troll, Ocho, NaOcho, Gator, Hydra, FrGator, R.Caribe Key Item: Chime Items: None Weapon Store: None Armor Store: None Item Store: None Clinic: None Inn: None White Magic Shop: (level 8) [Lif2: 60000 GP] Black Magic Shop: (level 8) [Nuke: 60000 GP] First thing to do when entering this town is to find the secret magic shops which are from the northeastern corner, and through a small single path, and both are very good spells. Nuke is the best offensive spell (usually) for the Black Wizard, while Lif2 will fully revive and restore the HP of the person it was used on. If you want to talk to the townspeople you can, most will fill you in on some of the legends which float around the area. If you want to learn about the storyline, it is pretty interesting to talk to them, but its not required. The only one which you are required to talk to, is the sothernmost person on the eastern side of the river. He will give you the Chime, which he says is required to enter the Mirage Tower. Now that you are finished here, head back to the Airship, and land on the other side of the mountain and head over to the Mirage Tower. 20. Mirage Tower and the Sky Castle: (both are so close I decided to list them together) Monsters: (Outside Mirage Tower) Tyro, Ankylo, R.Ankylo, Wyvern, T-Rex, Sand Worm (Inside Mirage Tower): Chimera, Nightmare, Badman, Vampire, Cerebus, Mummy, WzMummy, Guard, Wyvern (Inside the Sky Castle): GrNaga, Air, Nightmare, Evilman, Badman, GrMedusa, Manticor, Chimera, Eye, Slime, RockGol, ManCat, Medusa, WzVamp, Sentry, R.Hydra, MudGol, Sorcerer Key Item: Adamant (Sky Castle) Items: (Mirage Tower) 880 GP, Heal Helmet, 18,010 GP, 3,400 GP, Vorpal, 2,750 GP, Aegis Shield, Cabin, 13,000 GP, House, 7,690 GP, 12,350 GP, Thor Hammer, Sun Sword, 10,000 GP, 7,900 GP, 8,135 GP, Dragon Armor, ProCape, 8,135 GP, 9,500 GP, Cloth, 6,400 GP, Soft Potion (Sky Castle): Bane Sword, Heal Potion, 4,150 GP, 9,900 GP, 7,900 GP, 6,720 GP, Heal Helmet, ProRing, 5,000 GP, 180 GP, House, Silver Helmet, Opal Gauntlet, 880 GP, 13,000 GP, Ribbon, Opal Shield, Black Shirt, White Shirt, Soft Potion, Katana, 4,150 GP, 3,400 GP, ProRing, Heal Potion, 5,450 GP, 9,000 GP Mirage Tower: Floor 1 All I can say about the first two floors of the Mirage Tower is wow. There are so many treasure chests in this place than anywhere else in the game, except maybe for the Sky Castle, which is just above here. Make sure you have plenty of free slots open for your armor, as there are a lot of armors to be found on this floor such as the Heal Helmet which should be equipped on your Knight or Ninja. Much like the Heal Staff you found earlier, it will use the Heal spell when used in battle. The Aegis Shield is also a must equip here, as it will protect your Knights from the ill affects of the Stone attacks. The Vorpal weapon also found on the first floor isn't nothing to get excited about, as its power is way weaker than any other weapons you may have at this time. Once you are finished getting all the chests head up to the second floor. This is one of the easiest places to get from floor to floor, so you best enjoy it while you can. Floor 2: The maze of getting to the treasure room is a little more difficult upon this floor, but much like the first floor there is plenty of treasure to be found here as well. Some of the great finds in the treasure chests here are the Thor Hammer and Sun Sword. Equip the Thor Hammer on your White Wizard, and move the Zeus Gauntlet to the Black Wizard, as having two Lit2 items at the same time is pointless because you can only use one or the other, but not both at the same time on the same character. Equip the Sun Sword on your Knight, and enjoy the power of the fourth best weapon in the game (or maybe its the third best. The Katana and Sun Sword are seperated by only 1 point of attack, but I can't recall which one is better). You can equip the Dragon Armor if you wish, but it has the same stats as the Opal Armor (but it makes for a great suppliment if you have two Knights), and head up to the third floor when you have everything re-arranged to fit your current party. Floor 3: This is the last floor of the Mirage Tower, and is really short. Make sure you are fully healed when you enter the door to the building in the center of the room, as you'll have to fight a Blue Dragon, and it has a powerful thunder attack, and it usually gets the first attack. After defeating it, you'll be at the bottom floor of the Floating Castle. Sky Castle: Floor 4 On the first floor of the Sky Castle, head directly south to the building down there and collect your Bane Sword. While this sword is extremely weak and shouldn't be equipped under any circumstances, give it to your White or Black Wizard. Using it in battle will produce a Bane Spell. While not totally effective, there are times when it does prove to be useful. Now head back to the where you started, and head to the west. Enter the building and collect the Heal Potion and the gold, and go back to the east and enter that building over there. Inside you'll find 6,720 GP, another Heal Helmet, a ProRing, 5,000 GP, and 180 GP. Equip this new helmet on your Knight, or give it to a member who has a free slot to use when needed. Now head back to where you came from and go north to go up to the next floor. Floor 5: This floor has a few different paths to choose from and each one leads to a treasure room, except the northern and southern prong. Lets hit the two northern ones first. The northwestern prong holds a House, and a Silver Helmet. The northeastern prong holds an Opal Gauntlet. The western prong holds 880 and 13,000 GP. The eastern prong holds a Ribbon, and an Opal Shield. The southwestern prong houses the Adamant, while the southeastern prong holds the Black and White Shirts. These are vaulable items as far as armor goes, for the Black and White Wizards. They offer the same protection as a Gold Bracelet, but its their battle spells which make them more useful. The Black Shirt casts Ice2 when used, while the White Shirt casts Inv2 in battle. You will find these very useful in your upcoming battles when you may need to conserve magic. I'm sure that we're all dying to go out and get your Xcalber but for now lets go and fight Tiamat at the top of the tower since we're nearly there. Only exit out if you need to heal or are out of room for items, since there are a few items left to get. If not, head to the teleport at the southern prong. Floor 6: This floor is a little bit of a mess as far as design goes, but you'll just have to bear with it. First make your way to the east, and enter the building there. Inside you'll find a ProCape, some gold, a ProCape, a Cloth (drop it immediatly) and a Soft Potion. Head out and go back to the teleport. If you want you can look out the window here, as it gives you a hint as to where to go for the end of the game. If you head south, you'll come to two more buildings. To much disappointment these do not have any treasures inside them. Directly west from the window, you'll find a treasure room with a Soft Potion, 4,150 GP, 3,400 GP, and the Katana inside. The Katana is the best weapon for the Ninja (despite how wussy it looks when you attack with it, and besides the Masmune) so equip it right away. You saw the teleport heading to this room, so lets go up now. Also if you go north from the window, you'll come across another treasure room with four chests in it, and they hold a ProRing, 9,000 GP, 5,450 GP, and a Heal Potion. If you are confident in your stats you can continue upward in the Sky Castle, if not I would recommend using Exit now and healing up and saving your game so you won't have to collect all these treasures again. Floor 7: This floor is a maze even though it doesn't look like it. If you move in a north and then west path and repeat two or three times you'll come to the teleport to the final floor. You can also use a west and north pattern, as well as a south and east and a east to south. Its your choice as to what path you wish to take. When you find the teleport, take it up to the next floor. Floor 8: There is only one way to go across this small bridge and its to the north. Do be warned, that the toughest monster in the game, WarMech, makes this bridge his place of business. The WarMech even makes the fiend Tiamat whom you are about to challenge, and even the final boss look weak. It can hit for about 200-400 even on a Knight, and it uses Nuclear, which hits for about the same or even more on the whole party. To make matters worse, it usually gets the jump on your party, well being a machine its to be expected, and it uses Nuclear about 85-90% of the time first thing, so if you are not healed, it could quite easily wipe out your party before you know what hit you. I recommend healing after each battle to avoid this happening to you. If you do have to fight it, I wish you luck. There is no one stradegy which will work with any degree of success but this is what I do. I will have all my fighters attack, and have the Red and Black Wizard cast Fast on all of them. I have the White Mage use Afir, it seems to help a little against Nuclear, the first round, and then use the White Shirt to no end, after Afir is inplace, Keep attacking with your fighters, and have the Red Mage cast any 3 spell which he has available, while having the Black Mage cast Nuke. If you want, the White Wizard could also cast Fade against WarMech as well. It will be the most vicious fight you have seen thus far, and it will only last a few rounds. With any luck you will have defeated WarMech and will be able to proceed. Now this has happened to me before and it wasn't much fun, but I think I read back in the days of the Nintendo Power Stradegy Guide for Final Fantasy, that you only have a 1 in 64 chance of fighting WarMech. Imagine my surprise when I had to fight it twice in a row *mutter*. Anyway make your way across the bridge and you'll come across the Wind Fiend, Tiamat. *********************************************************************** Boss: Tiamat HP: 1000 Weakness: None (Brak and Bane might work if you want to chance using it.) Tiamat is the hardest Fiend of the four and can prove to be quite a challenge. First of all, have the Red and Black Wizards cast Fast on your fighting characters, and have them go straight for Tiamat. I would have your White Wizard put up Alit and Aice, as Tiamat uses both the Thunder and Blizzard attacks. You can also have your Red Wizard put this up as well, if you only have one fighting character in your party, instead of casting Fast and leave that for the Black Wizard to do. In the second round, have your Red and White Wizard use Inv2 to help avoid with Tiamat's physically hits which are decent as far as monster damage goes. He can also use a poison attack which hits your whole party, with no defense against it. Tiamat can also use Bane which also has no defense against it, and there is a slight chance of him wiping out your whole party with it. Just keep on the pressure, and after you are spelled up, have your White Wizard cast Fade, the Black Wizard cast Nuke, and you can have your Red Wizard either Fast himself and then attack, or he can cast his best attack magic against Tiamat. After a few rounds he'll go down. *********************************************************************** Once Tiamat is killed, walk back to the end of the room which he was in, and touch the panel to restore the power to the Wind Orb, and you'll get a free exit to the outside. Now save your game with a Tent, which is recommended, and then head back to your Airship. We now have a goal. Take the Adamant back to the Dwarf Cave, and get the Xcalber (Excalibur but these old Nes Games couldn't hold much memory wise for the whole name) and equip it on your Knight. This is the second best weapon in the game, and you'll notice an immediate change in his damage. With two out of four fiends down, its time to hunt down the third of four, found in the Gurgu Volcano, (did I mention I hate this place?) which is near Crescent Lake. You'll probably need a lot of Heal Potions, so be sure to bring along 99 with you. Well you probably won't need them that much if you went in the order I listed, but going here first before doing everything else it would be needed, as there are monsters with spells or attacks that hit your entire party, and there are damage tiles everywhere in the Volcano. 21. Gurgu Volcano Monsters: Sphinx, R.Hydra, Fire, WzOgre, GrOgre, Hyena, R.Goyle, Pede, Giant, Perilisk, Iguana, Grey W, Cerebus, Agama, R.Giant, R Dragon Boss: Kary Items: Silver Helmet, 4,150 GP, Giant Sword, 1,520 GP, 750 GP, 795 GP, 1,760 GP, Silver Gauntlet, 1,520 GP, Silver Helmet, 1,455 GP, Pure Potion, 1,975 GP, Cabin, Heal Potion, Silver Axe, Soft Potion, 2,750 GP, 1,760 GP, Pure Potion, 7,340 GP, Ice Sword, Flame Shield, 880 GP, 155 GP, 10 GP, 2,000 GP, House, 1,250 GP, Wooden Staff, Flame Armor Floor 1: On the first floor, there is a huge looking crater, and a lot of lava (damage tiles) surrounding it. To avoid taking uneccessary damage, walk to the west from the northeastern corner, and go to the northwestern corner and take the staircase down to Floor B2. There are no treasure chests on this floor, so don't bother to go looking for any and causing more damage to yourself than needed. Floor B2: On this floor there are a lot of damage tiles, but if you walk inside the buildings, you can avoid most of them. Head directly into the building just to the north of you and make your way through it. There is a Silver Helmet in the first chest to the west which is visible, but it is guarded by a Fire, which is a stronger version of Earth, which you fought with earlier. In the northern chest there is 4,150 GP for you to get (if you went through the way I listed, then you shouldn't need gold anymore, or it could go towards your final purchases). From the chest with the gold in it, make your way back to the west, and you'll find another chest. Inside it you'll find the Giant Sword, which isn't any good at this point, but you can sell it for some more gold. The chest is guarded by one or two Fires, so make sure you'll ready. Make you way back out, and back south, and you'll find a chest with 1,520 GP in it. From here head out the door, and you'll take at least two damage on the tiles. Walk across them, and head north into the next door. Make your way all the way to the north, and collect the 750 and 795 GP from the chests there. Now head all the way south, and you'll come to a huge room with a lot of chests inside it. These chests are guarded by Fires as well, plus a group of Grey Worms at times too. Inside this group of chests you'll find, 1,760 GP, a Silver Gauntlet, 1,520 GP, a Silver Helmet, 1,455 GP, a Pure Potion, 1,975 GP, a Cabin, a Heal Potion, and a Silver Axe. Once you are done looting this treasure room, head back to the door from which you came in and work your way to the west. Don't bother trying to avoid the hardened lava, except for the patch where there is four in a row, as you'll take the same amount of damage either way. Once you reach the staircase head down to Floor B3. Floor B3: There are a lot of damage tiles on this floor, meaning you'll possible take more damage here than off the monsters. The exit lies directly to the east, so don't waste your time and Hit Points by going to the west. There are a few points where you can conserve your HP by moving in a set pattern, but these are pretty easy to spot just by looking at the room. When you reach the staircase heal up if needed and head down to Floor B4. Floor B4: Unlike the previous 3 floors, this floor is completely covered in lava, with safe paths few and far between. There are no treasures to be found on this floor either, and the staircase is in the southeastern corner. Make your way down to it, and if you start to take a lot of damage and did the class change and killed off Tiamat, while in battle use your two Heal Helmets and Heal Staff, while fighting to restore your HP without having to resort to using the potions to heal on. When you are ready to go, head up the stairs back to a different section of Floor B3 again. Floor B3: (Different location) There are a few different paths to take through this floor, but this is the way that I usually go. First off, I head directly to the south until, I hit the intersection and then head off towards the west. Next you'll have to make your way south across a lot of lava with few places to rest at, to get to the staircase leading to Floor B4, again. Floor B4: (Different location) On this floor you'll start to find some more items again. In the first building you'll see from the staircase, you'll find a Soft Potion and 2,750 GP. Next follow the path to the west and then head south, and you'll find another building. Inside this room you'll get 1,760 GP. If keep following the path to the west, you'll find a small room at a dead end. Inside this room are several treasure chests, which hold a Pure Potion, 7,340 GP, an Ice Sword, a Flame Shield, and 880 GP inside. From here, head back to the east where you entered the second building, and head south. Keep following the path east, and you'll find a room with 155 GP and 10 GP inside it. If you continue east, you'll come to a small room with three chests inside it. These chests hold 2,000 GP, and a House, while the third chest is empty. Head back to the west to the building which you came from and then follow the path to the south. Head down this new path, and head east, and you'll find another room with two more chests inside it. These chests have 1,250 GP, and Wooden Staff. This room can be pretty much ignored if you want, but the gold might prove to be useful. From here, head back to the south, and you'll find the staircase leading to the final floor of the Volcano. Floor B5: This room is shaped like an asterik with 8 sides to it. Most of these lead to empty rooms, and in my opinion the amount of damage you take from it is not worth it, but I'll list the items for you to decide. There is nothing directly to the north, so the damage you take heading there will be for nothing. The northeastern room has a treasure chest inside it, but it is empty. The northwestern room has nothing inside it, so avoid heading in these directions at all costs. In the western room, you'll find the Flame Armor, but this is guarded by an Agama first, and right before the chest you'll have to fight a Red Dragon. He's not too terribly hard, but does use a Blaze attack, and after watching this in action, I believe that it is on par at least damage wise as Fir3. You should make sure you are fully healed before entering this battle. It is a fairly short fight, but if you want to avoid major damage you should use Afir, but the dragon may cast Blaze before you get it off, and then the fight may end, so I'll leave that up for you to decide. To the east, there is a room with a box inside it, but the chest is empty. To the south, there is nothing but an empty room. To the southeast there is another empty treasure chest. To the southwest is the ultimate goal in this forsaken place, the fight with the Fiend of Fire, Kary. *********************************************************************** Boss: Kary HP: 600 Weakness: Ice? Kary can be a bit tougher than Lich was, and she must have a permanent Fast which allows her to get from 4 to 6 hits on your party, more than most any other monster, with or without Fast. To counter this, have all your fighting classes attack her, while your Red and Black Wizard should cast Fast on your party. Have your White Wizard or even a Knight, cast Afir. This should help you defend against her Fir2 attacks. You should also have your White Wizard use Inv2 or the White Shirt for the same affect. This will help reduce damage done to you by the wild amounts of hits which Kary can get. Once Fast is put on everyone just attack, and have the White Wizard cast Fade, while the Red Wizard should attack or cast Ice3, and have the Black Wizard cast Nuke. Kary should go down rather quickly and if not, just repeat the process over again. *********************************************************************** Once Kary is defeated head to the back of the room, and power up the Orb, and get your free exit from the Volcano. Save your game and head back to any town to rest at the Inn, and head back to the Sea Shrine to fight the final fiend, Kraken. 22. Sea Shrine (Lower Floors) Monsters: SeaTroll, Lobster, SeaSnake, WzMummy, Mummy, Coctrice, WzSahag, Boss: Kraken Items: 110 GP, 450 GP, 8,135 GP, 7,690 GP, 5,450 GP, 385 GP, Power Gauntlet, Light Axe, 2,750 GP, 7,350 GP, 9,900 GP, Ribbon Upon re-entering the Sea Shrine, head directly to the northeast corner of the floor, and take the staircase leading down, deeper into the Sea Shrine. Floor B1: This floor has a lot of dead ends to it. Ignore the building that you'll see upon entering this floor. It has nothing inside it. Follow the path to the north, and avoid going to the east and west, as they lead no where. Keep following the path all the way to the north, and you'll come a staircase which leads up to a different location on Floor 2. Floor 2: This is a short floor. Ignore the building which is in the center of the room, and proceed to the opposite corner of the floor, and head back down the staircase to a new location of Floor 1. Floor 1: Enter the building which is your only path on this floor, and collect the two treasure chests which contain 110 GP and 450 GP. Continue to the southern part of the building and exit and go down the stairs, back to Floor B1 again. Floor B1: Once on this floor, head directly south, into the building and collect the two chests inside it for 8,135 GP and 7,690 GP. Head directly to the west from here, and you'll come to another building with three treasure chests inside. These chests hold 5,450 GP, 385 GP, and a Power Gauntlet. Once you have collected the chests, head out of the room, and backtrack a little to the east. Head directly to the north on the first path you can, and follow it all the way to the north. YOu'll come to a building with a single chest inside. Collect the Light Axe from the chest, and exit the room. Head to the east, and you'll soon come across another building which contains four treasure chests. Enter the room and collect the 2,750 GP, 7,350 GP, 9,900 GP, and a Ribbon. From here, exit the room and take the path heading to the north again. There is nothing off to the east, so head west, and you'll find a staircase leading down to the next floor. Floor B2: There are no treasures to be found on this floor, and all the rooms are empty. Make your way to the northwestern area of the floor, and enter the building and make your way to the exit, which is in the northwestern corner of this room. Exit and walk around the building, and you should be outside another building, right in the center part of the upper area of the floor. Make sure you're fully healed, and talk to the orb, and you'll fight Kraken. *********************************************************************** Boss: Kraken HP: 800 Weakness: Lightning Kraken isn't too hard to get rid of. First have your Knights, Ninjas, Masters attack him. Have your Red and Black Wizard cast Fast on your attacking characters. Have your White Wizard use Inv2 or the White Shirt in the first round. In the next round, have all your attacking characters attack, and if they have Fast on them, this should be the last round of this battle. Have your Black Wizard cast Nuke or Lit3, and have the Red Wizard cast Lit3. The White Wizard can use Fade or Thor's Hammer for Lit2 if you would like, or even Alit incase Kraken decides to use Lit2. If he gets a hold of a weak Wizard, have the White Wizard cast Cur3 or Cur4 to heal them back up. (I was fighting him and before I got off Inv2, he hit my White Wizard 7 times for 313 damage.) *********************************************************************** Once Kraken is defeated, step on the panel behind him to recharge the Orb, and to get a free exit out of the Sea Shrine. You may now want to raise your levels to 35 or higher, since the final dungeon is by far the hardest challenge awaiting you. When you are ready, head to the Temple of Fiends. You can now talk to the bats, who are the Sky Warriors you heard about earlier. You can talk to them for a little information about things. Head to the place where you fought Garland, and if the four orbs are restored, the black orb will disappear, opening a time gate to which leads to 2,000 years in the past. 23. Temple of Fiends (Revisited) Boss: Chaos Items: 65,000 GP (Floor 3), 45,000 GP (Floor 3), ProRing (Floor B2), Katana (Floor B2), ProCape (Floor B2), 26,000 GP (Floor B2), Masmune (Floor B4), All I can say about this place is its really hard. Do take one note, the only way to get out of this place is to cast Exit, or be on the very bottom floor, and use Warp. If your levels aren't in the upper 30s or higher, you may find this place very difficult. Make sure you have 99 Heal Potions, and try to conserve your magic whenever you can. This includes using the two Heal Helmets and the Heal Staff in battle while fighting weak monsters, to save your resources. The monsters inside this place are the toughest ones from all areas of the game, except for WarMech thank goodness. Even as I write about this, I am thinking why Square didn't do this. It was a popular rumor that the WarMech was guarding the chest which contained the Masmune, which at first seems to be legit, to get the best weapon in the game, you have to beat the toughest monster in the game, or at least one of them. I'm just glad that this never happened, as fighting that WarMech in the Sky Castle was bad enough. When you are ready, enter the void left by the black void, and prepare for the fight of your lives (in Final Fantasy terms anyway). Floor 1: Monsters: Worm, Frost Dragon, Chimera This floor is rather short and quick, and you'll only fight three groups of enemies, Worms, Frost Dragons, and Chimeras. The Worms aren't too hard, and neither are the Frost Dragons, but their Blizzard attacks can quickly drain the HP of your entire party. Make your way down to the southeastern corner of the floor, and head up the stairs to the next floor. Floor 2: Monsters: Chimera, Jimera, Zombie Dragon, FrGiant, FrWolf, Slime This floor is almost too short to mention. Just walk to the east from the staircase which lead you here, to the one leading up to Floor 3. However, there is a good selection of monsters to fight with on this floor, so if you need some quick Exp and/or Gold, you may want to fight here for a little while. Floor 3: Monsters: BadMan, Mage, Fighter, Phantom, Gas Dragon This floor can be a little rougher than the first two which you already went through. The biggest threat here comes in the form of the Gas Dragons. These are much like the other dragons, but their Poison breath attack, (at least that's what I think it is, since the game just lists it as Poison) hits the entire party, and can't be defended against, ie. Afir or Aice. Inv2 or the White Shirt may help, but I'm not 100% sure on this. They are weak to Ice however, so keep this in mind if you have to fight. I also do believe that you cannot run from the Gas Dragons, so if you get roughed up by a group of three or four of them, I would recommend exiting right away, and return to Coneria to stay at the inn and heal up, since you aren't very deep in. Walk around the pillars from the northwestern corner of the room, and make your way to the bottom part of the floor, and enter the building inbetween the south- eastern and southwestern corners. Once inside, you'll have to fight a Phantom, much like the Eye in the Ice Cave. He's not too tough, if you have ProRrings. If not use Arub to stop his Glare attack. His physical attacks are rather nasty at times, so be sure to use Inv2 or the White Shirt to help cut back on the damage that he can cause. Once he is defeated, you now have a choice. If you want to fight him two more times, you can go for the chests, both of which contain large amounts of gold, (65,000 on the right, 45,000 on the left) or you can proceed to the plate. This plate however, will not be moved by the Rod. You will have to use a different method of moving this one. Remember this is 2,000 years in the past. Though it is hard to recall far back in the game (well depending upon how long you've played for), someone mentioned an item passed down through their family for 2,000 years? If not, its the Lute which the Princess gave to you after saving her from Garland. If you don't have the Lute, exit the temple, and return to the castle and Coneria, and talk to the Princess and she'll give you the Lute. Use the Lute, and you'll be able to continue. Floor 2: (Look at previous mark for monsters) After using the Lute to remove the plate covering the staircase above, you'll be just south of the place where you first came to this floor. The monsters are the same, but now you have a little more to explore, and the potential to get attacked more than necessary when trying to find your way. If you run into too much trouble, try to find a group of Zombie Dragons to fight with. These are probably the weakest of the monsters here, and just keep restoring your HP with the Heal Helmets and Heal Staff. If you are confident with your HP, head to the northwestern corner of the floor, and you'll find a staircase leading down to Floor 1 again, only this time a different location. Floor 1: (Look above at previous mark for monsters) This floor is pretty straight forward, just head from the northeastern to the northwestern part of the floor. The path to the beginning of the temple is sealed, so this is the only path you can take. If you need to heal up, I would recommend fighting with the Worms, since they are the only one of the three monsters which don't attack your party with area spells which hit everyone at once. When you are ready, head down the stairs to the next floor. Floor B1: Monsters: MudGol, RockGol, GrMedusa, Earth, Lich This is the first of the elemental floors repeated again, with a mix of monsters found in the Earth Cave, along with some new ones. Your destination on this floor is to make it from the southwestern corner of the room, to the southeastern corner. The path is pretty straight foward, and there is only one way which you can go. Do make sure you have plenty of Soft Potions with you, so you don't have to use valuable level 6 magic down here, (its your best friend now) to remove the Stone status affect from the GrMedusas. Once you reach the staircase heading down, don't move towards it yet. Lich now has his own fight location, and moving to the staircase will result in a fight with him every time. This Lich is now harder than the first time you fought him in the Earth Cave, and he can now use the Nuke Spell. While his HP is the same or slightly higher, a high level Knight or Master can kill him in one, hit but he does tend to Nuke first off, before anyone else has a chance to do anything. I have tried to use Afir to fend off the affects of Nuke, but the damage amount seems to be about the same, regardless of whether Afir is on or off. Once you defeat Lich, head down to the next floor, and continue deeper into the temple. Floor B2: Monsters: R.Giant, Agama, Grey Worm, Fire, Kary This floor is much like the previous floor, and the monsters which inhabit this floor are mostly fire based monsters. I have only been able to find four monsters on this floor, listed above. The goal on this floor is to work your way from the staircase at your current location, to that just opposite where you're at. To do so, head north, and you'll come to a building. You'll have to work your way from the western side of this building to the eastern side, and exit from there. Work your way back to the south and west, and you'll come to the next staircase. Again like on the last floor, Kary is right in front of the staircase, and you'll have to fight her every time, should you decide to chase the chests on this floor, which hold a ProRing, ProCape, Katana, and 26,000 GP. If you noticed, there were two buildings below the staircase area, so you have the option of collecting the chests from each side before fighting Kary. This time around, Kary is a little harder, but no where near compared to Lich with Nuke. Kary still has the little thing going with the huge number of monster hits 2-6 and she can now use Fir3. If your levels are high enough, you should be able to defeat her without having to use up any of your Fast spells or others, except maybe Afir if you're trying to conserve your HP. Once she is out of the way, head downstairs to the next floor. Floor B3: Monsters: SeaTroll, Lobster, SeaSnake, Water, GrShark, WzSahag, Kraken Again this is another elemetal floor, this time of water. You'll find the exit to this floor, in the southeastern corner of the room. To get there, you'll have to move through several different buildings, which can be quite confusing at times. Enter the first building from the west, and exit through the east. Now you'll be on the other side of the barricade. Next head south, and enter the building just below you. Follow this path all the way to the west and then south, and you'll find the exit outside. Walk to the north a little, and enter the next building which comes into view. Work your way to the middle by moving to the east. Once there, head south and continue in that direction. Soon you'll see a long path leading towards the east. That is where the staircase is, but you'll also have to fight Kraken here. Make sure you are fully healed before heading out towards the staircase. Kraken hasn't gained anything in terms of spells since you last fought him, but now he uses Lit2 (shouldn't this work against him?) and Ink which acts like Dark. His main threat comes from the amount of attacks that he can get. He'll get anywhere between 5-8 and can cause a couple of hundred damage to anyone. He has more HP than the previous two repeats, so you may need to Fast your fighting characters, and conserve the rest of your magic. Have your Red Wizard cast Inv2 and the White Wizard should also cast it or use the White Shirt. Once Fast is on your strongest characters, just attack, and Kraken should go down within the next round. If not, just repeat the process, and heal as needed. Floor B4: Monsters: Vampire, WzVamp, Zombie Dragon, RockGol, Nightmare, EvilMan, Air, Tiamat This floor is probably the shortest of the elemental floors, and naturally, we're within walking distance of the end of the game, that the best weapon is to be found. Work your way south and then southeast to avoid fighting Tiamat, until you come to a zig zag section of the floor. Continue following this path, and you'll come to a building with the Masmune in it. This is the ultimate weapon in the game, surpassing even the Xcalber in damage, and anyone can use it. This brings up the question of who to give it to. If you have a Red Wizard or Ninja, my vote goes to either one of those two. The Knight already packs a punch with Xcalber, and giving the Masmune to him only leaves you with a weapon which no one else can equip. If I have two Knights, then I'll give the Masmune to the second one. If I have a Knight and a Master along with Wizards, I give the Masmune to the Master. Its really a hard call to tell you who should get it, but my advice is to decide how it will affect your pattern of combat, and who would benefit the most from it. For example, I could give it to my White Wizard, but the wizard while fighting is always using Thor's Hammer, Heal Staff, or White Shirt, depending on what I'm fighting. The same goes for the Black Wizard as well. Once you have decided who to give the sword to, proceed back up the way which you entered from. Now head towards the east, and in the small passage leading from one of the square shaped rooms to the next, you'll fight Tiamat. Tiamat isn't going to be quite as easy this time around. You can still wipe him out in one hit with either Bane or Brak, but he seems to be more resistant to it now. He tends to use Thunder or Bane himself, while Thunder isn't nothing to worry about, Bane always has the chance of wiping out the wrong character at the wrong time, (for me its usually the only character with both the Life and Exit spells) so you'll need to be careful. His 1,000 HP or so means you'll have to cast Fast on yourself to defeat him quickly. If your weaker member has the Masmune, Fast the Knight first. If one of the stronger classes, Ninja, Master, or Red Wizard has the Masmune, Fast them first. You should have the Red and White Wizard cast Alit and Inv2 to help reduce Tiamat' damage done to you. If you want to see if you can cheat him, go for the Bane/Brak on him. While if you're playing this on the original NES system I highly recommend you not to try this, as the success rate is next to nothing. If you're on a emulator, just save state right before your final character confirms his action, ie save stating while the pointer is on Tiamat, but before you confirm the attack or spell against him.If they fail, just reload your state and try again. Once Tiamat is defeated, continue to the east, and you'll soon find the staircase leading down to the next floor. Floor B5: Monsters: None that I was able to find other than Chaos Boss: Chaos This floor is the only floor in the entire temple which you'll be able to roam around without getting attacked. You will also fight the last Boss in Final Fantasy on this floor as well. Make sure your party is fully healed, and proceed down to the building in the bottom part of the screen. Inside you'll find Garland? Now how did he get back here, as the four orbs weren't lit and there was no way to remove the black orb? As it seems, the Four Fiends, (Lich, Kary, Kraken, Tiamat) sent him back in time 2,000 years, and he sends them 2,000 years into the future, to keep what he calls the Time-Loop continuing. He then says that after 2,000 years the Time-Loop will end, and that he'll live forever. He then changes into Chaos and attacks you. *********************************************************************** Boss: Chaos HP: 2000 Weakness: None This can be a rough fight depending on your current HP and Magic levels from the trip down here. Chaos uses just about every trick in the book including Fir3, Ice3, Lit3, Cur4, Crack (Quake), Fast, Inferno, (whatever the heck that is) and he hits pretty hard and can Stun your party members after hitting them. There really is no one way to kill Chaos, but first you'll want to Fast all your fighting members, and have them attack all the way. You should have your Red and White Wizards cast Afir, Aice, Alit, to cut down on the damage that Chaos does with his spells and also Inv2 to reduce his damage from his hits, which can increase drastically if he uses Fast on himself. You must also plan ahead, because Chaos can and will use Cur4 at any time, fully restoring his 2,000 HP to full. If you anticipate him using Cur4, try to take that chance to heal your own party, or to recast Fast incase he cancelled it with Slo2. All you need to do is keep attacking away at him and eventually he'll go down. Again I wouldn't recommend doing this on the system, but I did it a long time ago. I figured oh what the heck, he's toasting me, so I'll use the Bane Sword on him. You can't imagine how long and hard I was laughing when I saw that it actually worked. If you're using an emulator, feel free to give it a shot, but the chances of it working are very slim, and it may take a long time for it to work. I can't seem to get the Bane spell itself to work, maybe only the Bane Sword will kill him. Anyway if you want to see something that funny, try to kill him with that. *********************************************************************** Once Chaos is defeated, you can sit back and watch the ending, which isn't much cause its an old 8 bit game, but I have seen worse in my lifetime. You can also sit back and rest now, that you've beaten one of the hardest RPGs out there even to this day. Now you can either move on and work your way through a different game, or you can try your luck going through Final Fantasy with a different party, and see if you can make it through. *********************************************************************** Now that I'm done with the main walkthrough part, this is where I try to figure out some of the other things within the game. 1: I have always wondered this, but if Harm and its stronger versions only hurt those belonging to the undead category, then why does Fire almost always do more damage? 2: Why are spells only limited to 4 letters, while weapons and armor are or close to twice as long? 3: If you're an avid monster hunter like I am and want to try to fight every monster in the game, why is that T-Rex so hard to find? 4: Why did the original designers of the game decide to give the physically weakest monster (Sorcerer) the ability to slay your characters in one hit at any given time without the use of a spell? 5: And one of the main parts which gets me and it has almost nothing to do with the game play at all. Why did we in the US have to wait almost or close to 3 years after the original release of the game to finally get our chance to experience Final Fantasy? *********************************************************************** Section III: Item List While there are not very many items in this Final Fantasy like the newer ones (well I guess all of them are cut from this list except for Final Fantasy X), I guess I'll list them for you anyway, and what they do. [Potions]: ======================================================================= Heal Potion Cost: 60 GP Effect: Use it while fighting or on the field to restore your HP. I do believe that it will restore a random amount while fighting, otherwise it will always restore 30 on the field. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Pure Potion Cost: 75 GP Effect: Use this potion to remove the negative status effect of Poison. It can be used while fighting or on the field. I recommend waiting till after battle to use it, as if you got poisoned while fighting, you may get re-poisoned and have to use another potion. Use it if you can't withstand the -2 HP per round while fighting when poisoned. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Soft Potion Cost: 800 GP Effect: This potion will remove the Stone status from on of your warriors. This potion unlike the Heal and Pure Potions cannot be used while fighting. ======================================================================= [Rest Items]: ======================================================================= Tent Cost: 75 GP Effect: Use the tent on the world map to save your game, and restore 30 HP to your warriors. This cannot be used in dungeons, towers or caves. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Cabin Cost: 250 GP Effect: Using the cabin on the world map will allow you to save your game, and it will also restore 60 HP to all your warriors. Again you cannot use this anywhere else other than the world map. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= House Cost: 3,000 GP Effect: The house works in the same way as the Tent and Cabin, allowing you to save your game on the world map. It also restores 120 HP and all your Magic. Like the previous two items, the House must be used on the world map, and will not work anywhere else. ======================================================================= [Key Items]: ======================================================================= Adamant Location: Sky Castle Use: Bring the Adamant to the Dwarven Blacksmith, and he will use it to for the Xcalber for you. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Airship Location: Ryukhan Desert How to obtain: Once you have the Floater (see below) head to the Ryukhan Desert just south of Crescent Lake, and use the floater there. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Bottle Location: Oasis, the small desert west of Onrac Use: Pay the 50,000 GP for the bottle and bring it back to the town of Gaia, and head behind the town, to find the spring. Stand in front of it, and use the Bottle and release the Fairy. She will give you the Oxyale in return. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Canoe Location: Crescent Lake How to Obtain: Travel to Crescent Lake after you defeat Lich and talk to the twelve sages there. With the Canoe, you can now travel across lakes, rivers, and streams. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Chime Location: Lefein How to Obtain: After you bring the Slab back to Dr. Unne and learn to speak Lefeinish, head to the town of Lefein, and talk to the person in the southeastern corner of the town, to recieve it. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Crown Location: Marsh Cave How to Obtain: Work your way down through the Marsh Cave, and defeat the Wizards for the Crown, and bring it back to Astos. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Crystal Location: Astos' Castle How to Obtain: After bringing the Crown back to Astos, he will attack you. Defeat him and you'll win the Crystal. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Cube Location: Waterfall How to Obtain: Make your way through the Waterfall maze, and talk to the robot at the treasure room there, and it will give you the Cube. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Floater Location: Ice Cave How to Obtain: Work your way through the Ice Cave (not an easy task) and defeat the Eye for the Floater, and then try to get out again, (an even harder task than getting in) and bring it to the Ryukhan Desert for the Airship (see above). ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Herb Location: Motoya's Cave How to Obtain: Bring the Crystal back to Motoya which you earned after defeating Astos, and Motoya will trade you the Herb for the return of the Crystal. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Lute Location: Coneria Castle How to Obtain: After you save the Princess from Garland and are warped back to Coneria, talk to the Princess, and she will give you the lute. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Mystic Key Loctaion: Elfland How to Obtain: After getting the Herb from Motoya, (see above) return to Elfland and use the Herb on the Prince there by talking to the person standing next to him. The Prince will wake up and give your party the Mystic Key. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Oxyale Location: Gaia Spring How to Obtain: Go to the Oasis and buy the Bottle from the shop there, and return to Gaia and work your way to the spring there, and use the bottle. The fairy will thank you and in turn give you the Oxyale. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Rod Location: Sarda's Cave How to Obtain: After obtaining the Ruby from the Earth Cave, head through the Titan's Tunnel and continue to the cave where Sarda the Sage is at. He will give you the Rod so you can discover what causes the Earth to rot. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Ruby Location: Earth Cave How to Obtain: Work your way through the Earth Cave, and defeat the Vampire which is deep inside. Once you have the Ruby, head out of the cave to get the Rod, (see above) so you can continue your adventure into the Earth Cave. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Ship Location: Provoka How to Obtain: To obtain the Ship, you need to defeat Bikke's pirates which are causing trouble in Provoka. Once they are defeated, Bikke will give you his Ship as a sign that he won't cause anymore trouble. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Slab Location: Sea Shrine How to Obtain: You must work your way to the upper floors of the Sea Shrine to where the Mermaids are at. The Slab is found in one of the chests there. Once you have it, take it back to Dr. Unne to learn how to speak Lefeinish. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Tail Location: Castle of Ordeal How to Obtain: Head to the Castle of Ordeal, and pass through all the tests that you are confronted with. The tail is found near the end of the Castle. Once you have it, return to Bahamut, and he will reward your party with a class change. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= T.N.T. Location: Coneria Castle How to Obtain: Once you have the Mystic Key, return to Coneria Castle and get the chests from the treasure room there. Take it to Nerrick the dwarf over in the Dwarven Cave, and he will use the T.N.T. to blast open a canal for you to take the ship through to continue your travels. ======================================================================= Section IV: Magic List Here is the listing for all the Magics in Final Fantasy. I'll list the cost, affects, level, location, and who can use (buy it) for each spell. White Magic: [Level 1] ======================================================================= CURE Cost: 100 GP Affect: This spell will heal one of your party members either during battle or on the field. The amount healed varies, but is comparable to that of a Heal Potion. Target: One ally Location: Coneria Town Caster: Knight, Red Mage/Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= HARM Cost: 100 GP Affect: This spell will inflict between 20-80* damage on all UNDEAD monsters only. (Refer to the monster list below to see what monsters are undead or not.) Target: All enemies Location: Coneria Town Caster: White Mage/Wizard *: This amount of damage is only speculated so if your spell causes more or less, don't be surprised too much. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= FOG Cost: 100 GP Affect: Casting this spell will add to one of your characters Absorb rating. This is a battle only spell. Target: One ally Location: Coneria Town Caster: Knight, Red Mage/Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= RUSE Cost: 100 GP Affect: Casting this spell will raise one of your characters Evade %. This spell can only be used while fighting. Target: Caster Only Location: Coneria Town Caster: Knight, Red Mage/Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 2] ======================================================================= LAMP Cost: 400 GP Affect: By casting the LAMP spell, you'll be able to counter the affects of the DARK spell, and its many variants. (Though each one always adds DARK to your party.) This spell can only be used on one of your characters, and only while fighting. Target: One ally Location: Provoka Caster: Knight, Red Mage/Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= MUTE Cost: 400 GP Affect: Using this spell while fighting will render your enemies silent and they will be unable to cast their spells against you. This spell may fail as well. Target: All enemies Location: Provoka Caster: Knight, Red Mage/Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= ALIT Cost: 400 GP Affect: This spell will reduce damage done to your party from LIGHTNING based spells between 25-50%*. I do believe that this also works against the THUNDER attack which certain monsters are capable of using. Target: All allies Location: Provoka Caster: Knight, Red Mage/Wizard, White Mage/Wizard *: I'm not sure if this is totally accurate, but it seems to be close as I've seen major changes from character to character damage wise after casting this or any of the other anti spells. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= INVS Cost: 400 GP Affect: By casting this spell on one of your party members, his ability to dodge attacks is increased. This can only be used while fighting. Target: One ally Location: Provoka Caster: Knight, Red Mage/Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 3] ======================================================================= CUR2 Cost: 1,500 GP Affect: Using this spell on one of your characters will restore more HP than both the Cure Spell, and a Heal Potion, both in battle, and out on the Field. Target: One ally Location: Elfland Caster: Knight, Red Mage/Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= HRM2 Cost: 1,500 GP Affect: Cast this spell on Undead monsters, and cause between 40 and 160 damage to them all. Again the actual numbers on this spell maybe higher or lower due to the large gap in minimum and maximum damage. Target: All enemies Location: Elfland Caster: White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= AFIR Cost: 1,500 GP Affect: Cast this spell while fighting to protect your party from Fire based damage, and reduce the affects of it between 25-50%. Some of these Fire varients include, Blaze, Cremate, Heat, and Scortch. (See above under ALIT for side notes.) Target: All allies Location: Elfland Caster: Knight, Red Mage/Wizard, White Mage,Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= HEAL Cost: 1,500 GP Affect: Cast this spell to heal your entire party both in battle and on the field. The affect is similiar to the Cure Spell, except that it heals everyone instead of just one. Target: All allies Location: Elfland Caster: White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 4] ======================================================================= PURE Cost: 4,000 GP Affect: Casting this spell will produce the same affect as a Pure Potion. While not very useful, hardly any of the Level 4 spells are good, this spell can keep you from spending the 75 GP for a Pure Potion every time. Target: One ally Location: Elfland Caster: Red Mage/Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= FEAR Cost: 4,000 GP Affect: Monsters affected with the FEAR spell will panic, and may even flee the battle. I'm not totally sure on this one, but I think that monsters who have been hit with FEAR may have their combat effectiveness reduced, almost like the SLOW and SLO2 spells. Target: All enemies Location: Elfland Caster: White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= AICE Cost: 4,000 GP Affect: By protecting your party with AICE, you will reduce damage done to them by Ice based spells. Some other Ice based spells include Frost, and Blizzard, along with Ice, Ice2, and Ice3. Damage reduction should be in the neighborhood of 25-50%. (Again see above at ALIT.) Target: All allies Location: Elfland Caster: Red Mage/Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= AMUT Cost: 4,000 GP Affect: Cast this spell on a character which has been affected with the MUTE spell to remove its affects. This isn't a very useful spell IMO, especially if the Red or White Mage/Wizard with it comes under the MUTE status themselves. Target: One ally Location: Elfland Caster: Red Mage/Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 5] ======================================================================= CUR3 Cost: 8,000 GP Affect: Cast this spell on one of your characters either while fighting or walking to restore a lot of HP, between 64 to 128 or something like that. Target: One ally Location: Melmond Caster: Red Mage/Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= LIFE Cost: 8,000 GP Affect: Use this spell to restore Life to one of your slain warriors. Please note, this spell only restores them to life with 1 HP and it will not work in battle. Trying to use it in battle will only cost you one of your level 5 spells and no results. Target: One ally Location: Melmond Caster: Red Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= HRM3 Cost: 8,000 GP Affect: Casting this spell against the Undead will inflict between 60 to 240 dmage to them all. Target: All enemies Location: Melmond Caster: White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= HEL2 Cost: 8,000 GP Affect: Cast this spell to heal between 24-48 HP to your entire party, both in the field and while fighting. Target: All allies Location: Melmond Caster: White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 6] ======================================================================= SOFT Cost: 20,000 GP Affect: Cast this spell on one of your party members to remove the Status affect, Stone. This spell can also be used while fighting I believe unlike a Soft Potion. Target: One ally Location: Crescent Lake Caster: White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= EXIT Cost: 20,000 GP Affect: By using this spell, you will instantly be teleported out of any dungeon, cave or town. Perhaps the best spell in the entire game. Target: All allies Location: Crescent Lake Caster: Red Wizard, White Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= FOG2 Cost: 20,000 GP Affect: Cast this spell to raise the absorb rating of your entire party. Target: All allies Location: Crescent Lake Caster: Red Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= INV2 Cost: 20,000 GP Affect: Cast this spell to increase the evasion rate of your entire party up to 40%. Target: All allies Location: Crescent Lake Caster: Red Wizard, White Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 7] ======================================================================= CUR4 Cost: 45,000 GP Affect: Cast this spell to fully restore a character's HP, no questions asked. Target: One ally Location: Gaia Caster: White Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= HRM4 Cost: 45,000 GP Affect: Using this spell while fighting the Undead will strike them down between 80 to 320 HP damage. Target: All enemies Location: Gaia Caster: White Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= ARUB Cost: 45,000 GP Affect: When this spell is cast, it forms a protective shield around your party, shielding them from the affects of the RUB spell. Target: All allies Location: Onrac Caster: Red Wizard, White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= HEL3 Cost: 45,000 GP Affect: When this spell is cast, all your warriors will recover between 48 to 96 Hit Points, in and out of battle. Target: All allies Location: Onrac Caster: White Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 8] ======================================================================= FADE Cost: 60,000 GP Affect: When this spell is cast, all foes will suffer exteme damage (150-300 or so and similiar to the NUKE spell), and not just those of the Undead category. Target: All enemies Location: Gaia Caster: White Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= WALL Cost: 60,000 GP Affect: By casting this spell, the target will become immune to magic. (I'm not sure if this is against all spells, but damage spells still hurt the character. I may have to test this further or if anyone else has a positive Yes or No, please Email me at Target: One ally Location: Gaia Caster: White Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= XFER Cost: 60,000 GP Affect: This spell is one of the more defensive natured, and when you hit your foes with it, they will loose all their defenses. I assume this means spells such as AFIR, FAST, etc which they cast upon themselves or received from another monster. Target: One monster Location: Gaia Caster: White Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= LIF2 Cost: 60,000 GP Affect: Cast this spell on a defeated party member, and they will be revived with full HP. Consider this a mix of LIFE and CUR4 combined. Again this spell will not work in battle, just like the LIFE spell. Target: One ally Location: Lefein Caster: White Wizard ======================================================================= Black Magic: [Level 1] ======================================================================= FIRE Cost: 100 GP Affect: Cast this simple fire spell against your foes and inflict on them between 10 to 40 damage. Target: One enemy Location: Coneria Town Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= SLEP Cost: 100 GP Affect: By casting this spell, the caster has the potential to put all his foes to sleep where they stand. Target: All enemies Location: Coneria Town Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= LOCK Cost: 100 GP Affect: When this spell is cast against a foe, it becomes Locked, thus increasing the party's chances of hitting it. Target: One monster Location: Coneria Town Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= LIT Cost: 100 GP Affect: When LIT is cast against a foe, it will suffer between 10 to 40 points of damage. Target: One monster Location: Coneria Town Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 2] ======================================================================= ICE Cost: 400 GP Affect: Using the ICE spell against one's foes will cause between 20 and 80 Hit Points of damage. Target: One monster Location: Provoka Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= DARK Cost: 400 GP Affect: Use this spell to blind those who attack you, and reduce their combat effectiveness. Target: All monsters Location: Provoka Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= TMPR Cost: 400 GP Affect: Cast this spell on a single ally to raise his damage while fighting. (The weapon raise is by about 14 points or so according to strategy guide, but it is nearly impossible to confirm this since there is no way of checking your stats while fighting.) Target: One ally Location: Provoka Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= SLOW Cost: 400 GP Affect: Use this spell on your foes to make them slow and dumb, which reduces the amount of hits and damage which they can do to your party. I am not 100% sure on this, but I think you can also cast SLOW to counter-act FAST and vice-versa. Target: All monsters Location: Provoka Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 3] ======================================================================= FIR2 Cost: 1,500 GP Affect: By casting this stronger version of FIRE, you'll hit all your foes while inflicting between 30 to 120 damage upon them. Target: All monsters Location: Elfland Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= HOLD Cost: 1,500 GP Affect: This spell attempts to stop a monster in its tracks, making it a very easy target to hit. Target: One monster Location: Elfland Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= LIT2 Cost: 1,500 GP Affect: This is the next step up in the Lightning group of spells. This spell strikes all your foes between 30 to 120 points of damage (I'm guessing). Target: All monsters Location: Elfland Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= LOK2 Cost: 1,500 GP Affect: This spell functions exactly like the original LOCK spell, but this one is more powerful, capable of affecting all monsters at once. Target: All monsters Location: Elfland Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard: Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 4] ======================================================================= SLP2 Cost: 4,000 GP Affect: This spell is much stronger than the original SLEP spell, but with that power comes the fact that this spell can only be cast against one foe. Target: One monster Location: Elfland Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= FAST Cost: 4,000 GP Affect: This spell doubles the effectiveness of any character while fighting. The number of hits and damage is nearly doubled (at times) and the FAST spell can also counter-act the effects of SLOW. This spell is a must have for any Black Magic user. Target: One ally Location: Elfland Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= CONF Cost: 4,000 GP Affect: When your foes are struck with this spell, they are unable to distinguish friend from foe, and may begin fighting among themselves. Target: All monsters Location: Elfland Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= ICE2 Cost: 4,000 GP Affect: Use this big brother of the ICE spell, and inflict 40 to 160 damage against all your foes. Target: All monsters Location: Elfland Caster: Ninja, Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 5] ======================================================================= FIR3 Cost: 8,000 GP Affect: This is the strongest of the three main Fire spells (Nuke doesn't count) to fry all monsters and inflict between 50 to 200 damage against them. Target: All monsters Location: Melmond Caster: Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= BANE Cost: 8,000 GP Affect: With this spell, the caster attempts to eliminate all his foes by creating a cloud of poison gas, which floats over all the monsters. If this spell works it will kill a monster instantly, otherwise it will do no damage. Target: All monsters Location: Melmond Caster: Red Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= WARP Cost: 8,000 GP Affect: Cast this spell to return to the last floor which you just came from (either above or below) and if you are at the first floor of maze, cave, town, or whatever else there is, you will be exited out of it. Target: All allies Location: Melmond Caster: Red Wizard, Black Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= SLO2 Cost: 8,000 GP Affect: This spell is similiar to that of the SLOW spell (with increased affects I think) and similiar to how SLEP and SLP2 work, with this spell only hitting one foe instead of all. Target: One monster Location: Melmond Caster: Red Mage/Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 6] ======================================================================= LIT3 Cost: 20,000 GP Affect: By using the strongest of the lightning spells, all monsters can expect to be hit and suffer 60 to 240 damage. Target: All monsters Location: Crescent Lake Caster: Red Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= RUB Cost: 20,000 GP Affect: When this spell is cast, it attempts to erase the victim completely, and if successful the result is a one hit kill. This spell can be countered with a ProRing or the ARUB spell. Undead monsters are immune to this spell as well. Target: One monster Location: Crescent Lake Caster: Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= QAKE Cost: 20,000 GP Affect: When this spell is cast, the caster attempts to cause all monsters to fall down into the crack which was created during the earthquake. Similiar to BANE, if the spell is successful the target will perish instantly, otherwise they will take no damage. Target: All monsters Location: Crescent Lake Caster: Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= STUN Cost: 20,000 GP Affect: This spell is an upgraded version of HOLD, with the main difference being that it might paralaze a stronger opponent than HOLD is capable of. Target: One monster Location: Crescent Lake Caster: Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 7] ======================================================================= ICE3 Cost: 45,000 GP Affect: Use the strongest of the ice spells, and you'll cause 70 to 280 points of ice damage against all the monsters you're currently fighting. Target: All monsters Location: Gaia Caster: Red Wizard, Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= BRAK Cost: 45,000 GP Affect: The victim on the opposite end of this spell may very well find themselves shattered into many pieces if the spell is successful. Works like BANE, QAKE, and RUB, in the sense that either the victim perishes or no damage will be done to them. If this spell is cast against your party, the effect will be the same as STONE, so use a Soft Potion or Spell to cure them. Target: One monster Location: Gaia Caster: Black Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= SABR Cost: 45,000 GP Affect: This spell is similiar in nature to TMPR, and will increase damage by 15% and hit % by 40 or so. Target: Caster only Location: Onrac Caster: Black Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= BLND Cost: 45,000 GP Affect: This spell is just like the two SLOW and two SLEEP spells. This spell is an improved version of DARK, and will only hit one monster instead of all. Target: One monster Location: Onrac Caster: Black Mage/Wizard ======================================================================= [Level 8] ======================================================================= STOP Cost: 60,000 GP Affect: This spell is basically in the same boat as HOLD and STUN, except that this spell will affect all enemies at once. Target: All monsters Location: Gaia Caster: Black Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= ZAP! Cost: 60,000 GP Affect: This is basically another BANE, QAKE, RUB, BRAK spell. This one will send your enemies to the fourth dimension and instantly kills them, when it works, and if not its a wasted spell. Target: All monsters Location: Gaia Caster: Black Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= XXXX Cost: 60,000 GP Affect: This spell is nearly identical to the RUB spell, and is capable of defeating an enemy instantly. Again this spell can be beaten with a ProRing or ARUB, and will not work against the Undead. If I remember correctly I think I read somewhere that XXXX works more often than RUB but that will be hard to prove. Target: One monster Location: Gaia Caster: Black Wizard ======================================================================= ======================================================================= NUKE Cost: 60,000 GP Affect: Cast this spell to inflict extreme heat damage to your enemies along with 150-300+ damage. Target: All monsters Location: Lefein Caster: Black Wizard ======================================================================= One little note about the stats from the spell damage or other bonuses added. I am not sure if any of that information is accurate, as I recognize a lot of the charts I have read for more detailed information coming from the Nintendo Power Guide which covered Final Fantasy way back when. While I can't prove that this is right or wrong, that guide did have some errors in it which makes me wonder about it. For those of you who want or have noticed them, the first one that comes to mind is the part in the magic list which says that ICE hits all monsters *cough*. Anyway with any luck, it might give you some idea on the power of each spell, even though it might not be accurate. Section V: Weapon List This list shows the damage and hit percentage that each weapon adds when equipped. I had to rely on some scanned charts which are about on the net because I doubt anyone still has the originals but its possible, and well the quality wasn't too good, but here goes nothing. ======================================================================= Name: Wooden Nunchuck Value: 10 GP Selling: 5 GP Damage: 12 Hit%: 0 Equip: Ninja, Black Belt, Master Location: Coneria Town Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Small Dagger Value: 5 GP Selling: 2 GP Damage: 5 Hit%: 10 Equip: All but Black Belt/Master and White Mage/Wizard Location: Coneria Town Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Wooden Staff Value: 5 GP Selling: 2 GP Damage: 5 Hit%: 0 Equip: All but Thief Location: Coneria Town Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Rapier Value: 10 GP Selling: 5 GP Damage: 9 Hit%: 5 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Coneria Town Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Iron Hammer Value: 10 GP Selling: 5 GP Damage: 9 Hit%: 0 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, White Mage, White Wizard Location: Coneria Town Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Short Sword Value: 550 GP Selling: 275 GP Damage: 15 Hit%: 10 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Provoka Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Hand Axe Value: 550 GP Selling: 275 GP Damage: 16 Hit%: 5 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Provoka Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Scimitar Value: 200 GP Selling: 100 GP Damage: 10 Hit%: 10 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Provoka Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Iron Nunchuck Value: 200 GP Selling: 100 GP Damage: 16 Hit%: 0 Equip: Ninja, Black Belt, Master Location: Elfland Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Large Dagger Value: 175 GP Selling: 87 GP Damage: 7 Hit%: 10 Equip: All but Black Belt/Master and White Mage/Wizard Location: Elfland Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Iron Staff Value: 200 GP Selling: 100 GP Damage: 14 Hit%: 0 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Black Belt, Master Location: Elfland Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Saber Value: 450 GP Selling: 225 GP Damage: 13 Hit%: 5 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Elfland Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Long Sword Value: 1,500 GP Selling: 750 GP Damage: 20 Hit%: 10 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Melmond Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Great Axe Value: Found Selling: 1000 GP Damage: 22 Hit%: 5 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Titan's Tunnel Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Falchion Value: 450 GP Selling: 225 GP Damage: 15 Hit%: 10 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Northwest (Astos') Castle Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Silver Dagger Value: 800 GP Selling: 400 GP Damage: 10 Hit%: 5 Equip: All but Black Belt/Master and White Mage/Wizard Location: Marsh Cave and a few other locations Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Silver Sword Value: 4,000 GP Selling: 2,000 GP Damage: 23 Hit%: 15 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Elfland Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Silver Hammer Value: 2,500 GP Selling: 1,250 GP Damage: 12 Hit%: 5 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, White Mage, White Wizard Location: Elfland Castle, Crescent Lake Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Silver Axe Value: 4,500 GP Selling: 2,250 GP Damage: 25 Hit%: 10 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Crescent Lake Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Flame Sword Value: Found Selling: 5,000 GP Damage: 26 Hit%: 20 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Ice Cave Special: Effective against Ice Monsters, no battle effects ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Ice Sword Value: Found Selling: 7,500 GP Damage: 29 Hit%: 25 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Gurgu Volcano, Castle of Ordeal Special: Effective against Fire Monsters, no battle effects ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Dragon Sword Value: Found Selling: 4,000 GP Damage: 19 Hit%: 15 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Dwarf Cave Special: Effective against Dragons, no battle effects ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Giant Sword Value: Found Selling: 4,000 GP Damage: 21 Hit%: 20 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Gurgu Volcano Special: Effective against Giants, no battle effects ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Sun Sword Value: Found Selling: 10,000 GP Damage: 32 Hit%: 30 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Mirage Tower Special: Effective against Undead, no battle effects ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Coral Sword Value: Found Selling: 4,000 GP Damage: 19 Hit%: 15 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Earth Cave Special: Effective against Water Monsters, no battle effects ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Were Sword Value: Found Selling: 3,000 GP Damage: 18 Hit%: 15 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Temple of Fiends Special: Effective against Were Monsters, no battle effects ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Rune Sword Value: Found Selling: 2,500 GP Damage: 18 Hit%: 15 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Temple of Fiends Special: Effective against Magic Monsters, no battle effects ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Power Staff Value: Found Selling: 6,173 GP Damage: 12 Hit%: 0 Equip: All but Thief and Red Mage/Wizard Location: Northwest (Astos') Castle Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Light Axe Value: Found Selling: 5,000 GP Damage: 28 Hit%: 15 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Sea Shrine Special: Casts HRM2 only if used as an item in battle. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Heal Staff Value: Found Selling: 12,500 GP Damage: 6 Hit%: 0 Equip: Ninja, White Mage, White Wizard Location: Castle of Ordeal Special: Casts HEAL only if used as an item in battle. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Mage Staff Value: Found Selling: 12,500 GP Damage: 12 Hit%: 10 Equip: Ninja, Black Mage, Black Wizard Location: Sea Shrine Special: Casts FIR2 only if used as an item in battle. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Defense Value: Found Selling: 20,000 GP Damage: 30 Hit%: 35 Equip: Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard Location: Waterfall Special: Casts RUSE only if used as an item in battle. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Wizard Staff Value: Found Selling: 25,000 GP Damage: 15 Hit%: 15 Equip: Black Wizard Location: Waterfall Special: Casts CONF only if used as an item in battle. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Vorpal Value: Found Selling: 15,000 GP Damage: 24 Hit%: 25 Equip: Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard Location: Mirage Tower Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Catclaw Value: 65,000 GP Selling: 32,500 GP Damage: 22 Hit%: 35 Equip: Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard, Black Wizard Location: Gaia Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Thor's Hammer Value: Found Selling: 20,000 GP Damage: 18 Hit%: 15 Equip: Knight, Ninja, White Wizard Location: Mirage Tower Special: Casts LIT2 only if used as an item in battle. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Bane Sword Value: Found Selling: 30,000 GP Damage: 22 Hit%: 20 Equip: Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard Location: Sky Castle Special: Casts BANE only if used as an item in battle. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Katana Value: Found Selling: 30,000 GP Damage: 33 Hit%: 35 Equip: Ninja Location: Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Xcalber Value: Found Selling: 30,000 GP Damage: 45 Hit%: 35 Equip: Knight Location: Bring the Adamant to the Dwarf Cave Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Masmune Value: Found Selling: 30,000 GP Damage: 56 Hit%: 50 Equip: ALL Location: Temple of Fiends revisited (Floor B4) Special: None ======================================================================= Section VI: Armor List The basic breakdown on this list will be the same as on the weapon list with the fields changed to what they should be. A little note about the evade % on the armors. This should actually be a negative affect, since if you check your armor while wearing armor and without (be sure to add up all the evade % first), and you'll see that it actually lowers your evade. I don't know if this is a bug or what, but it happens. Again I only have a crude list to work with, so please bear with me for the time being. ======================================================================= Name: Cloth Value: 10 GP Selling: 5 GP Absorb: 1 Evade%: 2 Equip: ALL Location: Coneria Town Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Wooden Armor Value: 50 GP Selling: 25 GP Absorb: 4 Evade%: 8 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Black Belt, Master, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Coneria Town Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Chain Armor Value: 80 GP Selling: 40 GP Absorb: 15 Evade%: 15 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Coneria Town Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Iron Armor Value: 800 GP Selling: 400 GP Absorb: 24 Evade%: 23 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Location: Provoka Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Steel Armor Value: 45,000 GP Selling: 22,500 GP Absorb: 34 Evade%: 33 Equip: Fighter, Knight Location: Melmond Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Silver Armor Value: 7,500 GP Selling: 3,750 GP Absorb: 18 Evade%: 8 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Dwarf Cave, Crescent Lake Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Flame Armor Value: Found Selling: 1,500 GP Absorb: 34 Evade%: 10 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Gurgu Volcano Special: Protects against Ice attacks, no battle effects. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Ice Armor Value: Found Selling: 15,000 GP Absorb: 34 Evade%: 10 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Ice Cave Special: Protects against Ice attacks, no battle effects. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Opal Armor Value: Found Selling: 30,000 GP Absorb: 42 Evade%: 10 Equip: Knight Location: Sea Shrine Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Dragon Armor Value: Found Selling: 30,000 GP Absorb: 42 Evade%: 10 Equip: Knight Location: Sky Castle Special: Protects against Dragon attacks, no battle effects. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Copper Bracelet Value: 1,000 GP Selling: 500 GP Absorb: 4 Evade%: 1 Equip: ALL Location: Elfland Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Silver Bracelet Value: 5,000 GP Selling: 2,500 GP Absorb: 15 Evade%: 1 Equip: ALL Location: Marsh Cave, Melmond Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Opal Bracelet Value: Found Selling: 32,500 GP Absorb: 34 Evade%: 1 Equip: ALL Location: Sea Shrine Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Gold Bracelet Value: 50,000 GP Selling: 25,000 GP Absorb: 24 Evade%: 1 Equip: ALL Location: Castle of Ordeal, Gaia Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: White Shirt Value: Found Selling: 1 GP Absorb: 24 Evade%: 2 Equip: White Wizard Location: Sky Castle Special: Casts INV2 only if used as an item in battle. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Black Shirt Value: Found Selling: 1 GP Absorb: 24 Evade%: 2 Equip: Black Wizard Location: Sky Castle Special: Casts ICE2 only if used as an item in battle. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Wooden Shield Value: 15 GP Selling: 7 GP Absorb: 2 Evade%: 0 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Provoka Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Iron Shield Value: 100 GP Selling: 50 GP Absorb: 4 Evade%: 0 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Elfland Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Silver Shield Value: 2,500 GP Selling: 1,250 GP Absorb: 8 Evade%: 0 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Earth Cave, Crescent Lake Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Flame Shield Value: Found Selling: 5,000 GP Absorb: 12 Evade%: 0 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Gurgu Volcano Special: Protects against Ice attacks, no battle effects. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Ice Shield Value: Found Selling: 5,000 GP Absorb: 12 Evade%: 0 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Ice Cave Special: Protects against Fire attacks, no battle effects. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Opal Shield Value: Found Selling: 7,500 GP Absorb: 16 Evade%: 0 Equip: Knight Location: Sea Shrine Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Aegis Shield Value: Found Selling: 20,000 GP Absorb: 16 Evade%: 0 Equip: Knight Location: Mirage Tower Special: Protects against Glance, Brak and Stone ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Bucker Value: 2,500 GP Selling: 1,250 GP Absorb: 2 Evade%: 0 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Red Wizard Location: Crescent Lake Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Protective Cape (ProCape) Value: Found Selling: 10,000 GP Absorb: 8 Evade%: 2 Equip: All but Black Belt and Master Location: Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited Special: None? ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Cap Value: 80 GP Selling: 40 GP Absorb: 1 Evade%: 1 Equip: All but Black Belt and Master Location: Temple of Fiends, Elfland Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Wooden Helmet Value: 100 GP Selling: 50 GP Absorb: 3 Evade%: 3 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Elfland Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Iron Helmet Value: 450 GP Selling: 225 GP Absorb: 5 Evade%: 5 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Dwarf Cave Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Silver Helmet Value: 2,500 GP Selling: 1,250 GP Absorb: 8 Evade%: 3 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Titan's Tunnel, Crescent Lake Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Opal Helmet Value: Found Selling: 50,000 GP Absorb: 8 Evade%: 3 Equip: Knight Location: Sea Shrine Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Heal Helmet Value: Found Selling: 10,000 GP Absorb: 6 Evade%: 3 Equip: Knight, Ninja Location: Mirage Tower, Sky Castle Special: Casts HEAL only if used as an item in battle. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Ribbon Value: Found Selling: 1 GP Absorb: 1 Evade%: 1 Equip: ALL Location: Waterfall, Sea Shrine, Sky Castle Special: Protects against special attacks while equipped? ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Gloves Value: 60 GP Selling: 30 GP Absorb: 1 Evade%: 1 Equip: ALL Location: Provoka Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Copper Gauntlet Value: 200 GP Selling: 100 GP Absorb: 2 Evade%: 3 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Elfland Castle, Melmond Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Iron Gauntlet Value: 750 GP Selling: 375 GP Absorb: 4 Evade%: 5 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja Location: Northwest (Astos') Castle, Melmond Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Silver Gauntlet Value: 2,500 GP Selling: 1,250 GP Absorb: 6 Evade%: 3 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage Location: Crescent Lake Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Zeus Gauntlet Value: Found Selling: 7,500 GP Absorb: 6 Evade%: 3 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Red Mage Location: Castle of Ordeal Special: Casts LIT2 only when used as an item in battle. Also rumored to reduce damage from lightning attacks. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Power Gauntlet Value: Found Selling: 5,000 GP Absorb: 6 Evade%: 3 Equip: Fighter, Knight, Ninja, Red Mage Location: Sea Shrine Special: Casts SABR only when used as an item in battle. Again there is something that bugs me about this item. I have read somewhere, maybe in that Nintendo Strategy Guide, and in a few FAQS on the net, that list this item as protecting against SABR. Now this brings up a question?: SABR is a beneficial spell, so why should an item you can use to cast SABR in battle defend against a spell that would help you? Its probably another one of those typos found throughout the guide and nothing more. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Opal Gauntlet Value: Found Selling: 10,000 GP Absorb: 8 Evade%: 3 Equip: Knight Location: Sea Shrine Special: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Protective Ring (ProRing) Value: 20,000 GP Selling: 10,000 GP Absorb: 8 Evade%: 1 Equip: ALL Location: Gaia, Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited. Special: Equip this to block all RUB spells and variants. NOTE: The Sorcerer monsters still have a built in RUB attack, and they activate it while attacking you, and there is no way to defend against this variant of the RUB spell. ======================================================================= Section VII: Monster List This is the Monster List, and perhaps the biggest section of the entire walkthrough other than the walkthrough it self. I've tried to list all the monsters in alphabetical order, along with some basic stats, HP, average damage, what kind of attacks they use, their class (element), weaknesses, strengths, base exp and gold, and where you might run into them at. Hopefully you'll be able to follow after looking at a few of the lists. ======================================================================= Name: Name of the monster HP: Amount of HP the monster has Avg Dmg: Estimated damage the monster might cause Effect*: Special effects such as Poison, Stun, Dark, etc EXP**: Base EXP before it is divided up among party members Gold: Amount of gold the monster is worth Class: Element such as Water, Fire, or other such as Undead Weakness: What the monster is weak too Attacks: What types of attacks (spells) the monster can or might use Strength: What types of magics the monster is strong or immune to Location: Where you might fight this monster ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Air HP: 350 Avg Dmg: 53-106 Effect: None EXP: 1,614 Gold: 807 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Bane, Rub, Brak, Stun, Slep Location: Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Ankylo HP: 352 Avg Dmg: 98-195 Effect: None EXP: 2,610 Gold: 1 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Mirage Tower, any desert in the upper part of the world ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Arachnid HP: 64 Avg Dmg: 5-10 Effect: Poison EXP: 141 Gold: 50 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Near Elfland and Melmond, South of Provoka, Titan's Tunnel ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Asp HP: 56 Avg Dmg: 6-12 Effect: Poison EXP: 123 Gold: 50 Class: Dragon Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Near Elfland and Melmond, western part of the world mostly ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Astos HP: 168 Avg Dmg: 26-52 Effect: None EXP: 2,250 Gold: 2,000 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: Fir2, Lit2, Slow, Slo2, Fast, Rub, Dark, Slep Strength: None Location: Northwest (Astos') Castle ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Badman HP: 260 Avg Dmg: 44-88 Effect: None EXP: 1,263 Gold: 1,800 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Mirage Tower, Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Big Eye HP: 304 Avg Dmg: 30-60 Effect: None EXP: 3,591 Gold: 3,591 Class: Water Weakness: Lightning Attacks: Stun, Dark Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Blue Dragon HP: 454 Avg Dmg: 92-184 Effect: None EXP: 3,274 Gold: 2,000 Class: Dragon Weakness: Fire Attacks: Thunder Strength: Qake, Lit Location: Mirage Tower, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Bone HP: 10 Avg Dmg: 10-20 Effect: None EXP: 9 Gold: 3 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: None Strength: Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep Location: Temple of Fiends (inside and out), south of Provoka ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Bull HP: 164 Avg Dmg: 22-44 Effect: None EXP: 489 Gold: 489 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Titan's Tunnel, north of Provoka, Earth Cave, Gurgu Volcano Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Caribe HP: 92 Avg Dmg: 22-44 Effect: None EXP: 240 Gold: 20 Class: Water Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Most rivers and streams ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Catman HP: 160 Avg Dmg: 30-60 Effect: Poison EXP: 780 Gold: 780 Class: Were Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Castle of Ordeal, Mirage Tower, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Cerebus HP: 192 Avg Dmg: 30-60 Effect: None EXP: 1,182 Gold: 600 Class: Fire Weakness: Ice Attacks: Scorch Strength: Fire Location: Gurgu Volcano, near Onrac, Mirage Tower ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Chaos HP: 2,000 Avg Dmg: 100-500 Effect: None EXP: None Gold: None Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: Ice3, Cur4, Lit3, Slo2, Fir3, Fast, Nuke, Qake Strength: Qake, Lit, Fire, Bane, Slep, Brak, Stun, Zap Location: Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Chimera HP: 300 Avg Dmg: 30-60 Effect: None EXP: 2,064 Gold: 2,500 Class: Dragon Weakness: Ice Attacks: Cremate Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Mirage Tower, Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Cobra HP: 80 Avg Dmg: 22-44 Effect: None EXP: 165 Gold: 50 Class: Dragon Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Marsh Cave, Earth Cave, Crescent Lake ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Coctrice HP: 50 Avg Dmg: 1-2 Effect: Stone EXP: 186 Gold: 200 Class: None Weakness: Ice Attacks: None Strength: Qake Location: Earth Cave, Ice Cave, Waterfall, Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Crawl HP: 84 Avg Dmg: 1-2 Effect: Stun EXP: 186 Gold: 200 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Marsh Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Creep HP: 56 Avg Dmg: 17-34 Effect: None EXP: 63 Gold: 15 Class: None Weakness: Fire Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Temple of Fiends, Plains near Provoka, Elfland, Dwarf Cave, and Melmond ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Earth HP: 288 Avg Dmg: 66-132 Effect: None EXP: 1,536 Gold: 738 Class: None Weakness: Fire Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Earth Cave, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Evilman HP: 190 Avg Dmg: 55-110 Effect: None EXP: 2,700 Gold: 3,000 Class: Magic? Weakness: None Attacks: Xfer, Nuke, XXXX, Blnd Strength: Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep Location: Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Eye HP: 182 Avg Dmg: 30-60 Effect: None EXP: 3,225 Gold: 3,225 Class: Undead and possibly Magic Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: XXXX, Rub, Lit2, Brak, Hold, Slow, Slep Strength: Qake, Rub, Bane, Stop, Stun, Slep Location: Ice Cave, Sky Castle ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Fighter HP: 200 Avg Dmg: 40-80 Effect: None EXP: 3,420 Gold: 3,420 Class: Magic? Weakness: None Attacks: Wall, Xfer, Hel3, Fog2, Inv2, Cur4, Hel2, Cur3 Strength: None Location: Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Fire HP: 276 Avg Dmg: 50-100 Effect: None EXP: 1,620 Gold: 800 Class: Fire Weakness: Ice Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Fire, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep Location: Gurgu Volcano, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Frost Dragon HP: 200 Avg Dmg: 53-106 Effect: None EXP: 1,701 Gold: 2,000 Class: Dragon/Ice Weakness: Fire, and possibly lightning Attacks: Blizzard (Ice damage) Strength: Qake, Ice, Bane, Brak Location: Ice Cave, Temple of Fiends Revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Frost Gator HP: 142 Avg Dmg: 56-112 Effect: None EXP: 1,890 Gold: 2,000 Class: Water Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Rivers, mostly near Onrac, Ice Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Frost Giant HP: 336 Avg Dmg: 60-120 Effect: None EXP: 1,752 Gold: 1,752 Class: Giant Weakness: Fire Attacks: None Strength: Ice Location: Ice Cave, near Gaia, Lefein, and Onrac, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Frost Wolf HP: 92 Avg Dmg: 25-50 Effect: None EXP: 402 Gold: 200 Class: Ice Weakness: Fire Attacks: Frost (Ice damage) Strength: Ice Location: Ice Cave, near Gaia, Onrac, and Lefein, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Gargoyle HP: 80 Avg Dmg: 12-24 Effect: None EXP: 132 Gold: 80 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Temple of Fiends, Marsh Cave, Earth Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Garland HP: 106 Avg Dmg: 15-30 Effect: None EXP: 130 Gold: 250 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Temple of Fiends ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Gas Dragon HP: 352 Avg Dmg: 72-144 Effect: None EXP: 4,068 Gold: 5,000 Class: Dragon Weakness: Ice Attacks: Poison Gas (damage) Strength: Qake Location: Temple of Fiends revisited, also rumored to be found at the Waterfall ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Gator HP: 184 Avg Dmg: 42-84 Effect: None EXP: 816 Gold: 900 Class: Water Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Most Rivers ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Geist HP: 56 Avg Dmg: 8-16 Effect: Stun EXP: 117 Gold: 117 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: None Strength: Ice, Rub, Stun, Slep, Bane, Brak Location: South of Provoka and Elfland, Marsh Cave, Earth Cave, Ice Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Ghost HP: 180 Avg Dmg: 93-186 Effect: None EXP: 990 Gold: 990 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Ice, Rub, Stun, Bane, Brak, Slep Location: Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Ghoul HP: 48 Avg Dmg: 8-16 Effect: Stun EXP: 93 Gold: 50 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: None Strength: Ice, Rub, Stun, Slep, Brak, Qake, Bane Location: Temple of Fiends, near Provoka and Elfland ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Giant HP: 240 Avg Dmg: 38-76 Effect: None EXP: 879 Gold: 879 Class: Giant Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Earth Cave, Gurgu Volcano, near Lefein and elsewhere on the upper continents ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: GrPede HP: 320 Avg Dmg: 73-146 Effect: None EXP: 2,244 Gold: 1,000 Class: None Weakness: Ice, Fire Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Ice Cave, near Onrac ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Green Medusa HP: 96 Avg Dmg: 11-22 Effect: Stun EXP: 1,218 Gold: 1,218 Class: None Weakness: Fire Attacks: Glance (Stone) Strength: Qake, Ice Location: Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Green Ogre HP: 132 Avg Dmg: 23-46 Effect: None EXP: 282 Gold: 300 Class: Giant Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Near Elfland and Melmond, Earth Cave, Titan's Tunnel, Gurgu Volcano ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Grey Imp HP: 16 Avg Dmg: 8-16 Effect: None EXP: 18 Gold: 18 Class: Giant? Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: World Map near Coneria, Provoka and Elfland, Temple of Fiends ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Grey Naga HP: 420 Avg Dmg: 7-14 Effect: Poison EXP: 3,489 Gold: 4,000 Class: Magic Weakness: None Attacks: Ruse, Lamp, Slow, Dark, Slep, Fire, Lit, Heal Strength: None Location: Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Grey Shark HP: 344 Avg Dmg: 50-100 Effect: None EXP: 2,361 Gold: 600 Class: Water Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Grey Wolf HP: 72 Avg Dmg: 14-28 Effect: None EXP: 93 Gold: 22 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: World Map near Coneria (very rare) Provoka and Elfland, Temple of Fiends, Marsh Cave, Earth Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Guard HP: 200 Avg Dmg: 25-50 Effect: Stun EXP: 1,224 Gold: 400 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: Rub, Bane, Stun, Brak, Slep Location: Mirage Tower, Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Hydra HP: 212 Avg Dmg: 30-60 Effect: None EXP: 915 Gold: 150 Class: Dragon Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Rivers mostly, can be found on land near Onrac and on the Dragon Islands ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Hyena HP: 120 Avg Dmg: 22-44 Effect: None EXP: 288 Gold: 72 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Near Melmond, Earth Cave, Gurgu Volcano ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Iguana HP: 92 Avg Dmg: 18-36 Effect: 153 EXP: 50 Gold: Dragon Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Near Provoka and other parts of the world map, mostly near the beginning of the game. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Image HP: 86 Avg Dmg: 22-44 Effect: Stun EXP: 231 Gold: 231 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Ice, Rub, Bane, Stun, Slep Location: Earth Cave, Gurgu Volcano ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Imp HP: 8 Avg Dmg: 4-8 Effect: None EXP: 6 Gold: 6 Class: Giant? Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: World Map near Coneria and Provoka, Temple of Fiends ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Iron Gol HP: 304 Avg Dmg: 93-186 Effect: None EXP: 6,717 Gold: 3,000 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: Poison Gas Strength: Qake, Ice, Fire, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep Location: Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Jimera HP: 350 Avg Dmg: 40-80 Effect: None EXP: 4,584 Gold: 5,000 Class: Dragon Weakness: Ice Attacks: Cremate (Fire damage), Poison Gas Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Kary (1) HP: 600 Avg Dmg: 60-120 Effect: None EXP: 2,475 Gold: 3,000 Class: Fire? Weakness: Ice? Attacks: Fir2, Dark, Hold Strength: Lit, Stun, Slep, Fire, Bane, Brak Location: Gurgu Volcano ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Kary (2) HP: 800 Avg Dmg: 80-320 Effect: None EXP: 500 Gold: 1 Class: Fire? Weakness: Ice? Attacks: Fir3, Dark, Hold Strength: Lit, Stun, Slep, Fire, Bane, Brak Location: Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Kraken (1) HP: 800 Avg Dmg: 50-100 Effect: None EXP: 4,245 Gold: 5,000 Class: Dragon? May also be in the Water class too Weakness: Lit Attacks: Ink (Dark attack), Lit Strength: Fire, Qake Location: Sea Shrine ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Kraken (2) HP: 1,000 Avg Dmg: 120-360 Effect: None EXP: 500 Gold: 2 Class: Dragon? May also be in the Water class too Weakness: Lit Attacks: Ink (Dark attack), Lit2, Lit3 May also be affected by a perm Fast spell too due to number of hits compared to other monsters Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Kyzoku HP: 50 Avg Dmg: 14-28 Effect: None EXP: 60 Gold: 120 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: Qake Location: Oceans anywhere on the world map ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Lich (1) HP: 400 Avg Dmg: 40-80 Effect: None EXP: 2,200 Gold: 3,000 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: Ice2, Fast, Slow, Slep, Slp2, Lit2, Hold, Fir2 Strength: Ice, Rub, Bane, Stun, Qake, Slep Location: Earth Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Lich (2) HP: 800 Avg Dmg: 90-256 Effect: None EXP: 500 Gold: 2 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: Ice2, Ice3, Slp2, Fast, Lit2, Lit3, Hold, Fir2, Nuke, Slow, Slep Strength: Ice, Rub, Bane, Stun, Qake, Slep Location: Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Lobster HP: 148 Avg Dmg: 35-70 Effect: Poison EXP: 639 Gold: 300 Class: Water Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Near Crescent Lake, Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Mad Pony HP: 64 Avg Dmg: 10-20 Effect: None EXP: 63 Gold: 15 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Near Coneria, Motoya's Cave, and Provoka, Temple of Fiends ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Mage HP: 105 Avg Dmg: 26-52 Effect: None EXP: 1,095 Gold: 1,095 Class: Magic Weakness: None Attacks: Rub, Lit3, Fir3, Bane, Slo2, Stun Strength: None Location: Ice Cave, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Manticor HP: 164 Avg Dmg: 22-44 Effect: None EXP: 1,317 Gold: 650 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: Stinger (Poison attack) Strength: Qake Location: Castle of Ordeal, Sky Castle ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Muck HP: 76 Avg Dmg: 30-60 Effect: None EXP: 255 Gold: 70 Class: None Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Ice, Fire, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep Location: Marsh Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: MudGol HP: 176 Avg Dmg: 64-128 Effect: None EXP: 1,257 Gold: 800 Class: Magic Weakness: None Attacks: Fast Strength: Lit, Ice, Fire, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep Location: Castle of Ordeal, Waterfall, Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Mummy HP: 80 Avg Dmg: 30-60 Effect: Sleep EXP: 300 Gold: 300 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: None Strength: Ice, Rub, Brak, Stun, Slep, Qake Location: Northwestern Castle, Earth Cave, Ice Cave, Castle of Ordeal ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Naga HP: 356 Avg Dmg: 9-18 Effect: Poison EXP: 2,355 Gold: 2,355 Class: Water/Magic? Weakness: Lit Attacks: Lit2, Hold, Lit, Lock, Slep, Dark Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Naocho HP: 344 Avg Dmg: 35-70 Effect: Poison EXP: 3,189 Gold: 500 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Rivers randomly, near Onrac and Lefein ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Nightmare HP: 200 Avg Dmg: 30-60 Effect: None EXP: 1,272 Gold: 700 Class: None Weakness: Ice Attacks: Snorting (Darkness) Strength: Qake, Fire, Rub, Bane, Stun, Slep Location: Castle of Ordeal, Sky Castle, Waterfall, Mirage Tower ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Ocho HP: 208 Avg Dmg: 20-40 Effect: Poison EXP: 1,224 Gold: 102 Class: Water Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Rivers mostly, can also be found on land on the northern areas of the world ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Odd Eye HP: 10 Avg Dmg: 4-8 Effect: None EXP: 42 Gold: 10 Class: Water Weakness: Lit Attacks: Stun Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Ocean ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Ogre HP: 100 Avg Dmg: 18-36 Effect: None EXP: 195 Gold: 195 Class: Giant Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: North of Coneria, near Provoka, Drawf Cave, Elfland, and Melmond, Earth Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Ooze HP: 76 Avg Dmg: 32-64 Effect: None EXP: 252 Gold: 70 Class: None Weakness: Fire, Ice Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Lit, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep Location: Earth Cave, Ice Cave, Titan's Tunnel ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Pede HP: 222 Avg Dmg: 20-40 Effect: Poison EXP: 1,194 Gold: 300 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Near Crescent Lake, Gurgu Volcano ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Perilisk HP: 44 Avg Dmg: 20-40 Effect: None EXP: 423 Gold: 500 Class: None Weakness: Ice Attacks: Squint (Rub attack) Strength: Qake Location: Earth Cave, Gurgu Volcano, Ice Cave, Castle of Ordeal, Waterfall ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Phantom HP: 360 Avg Dmg: 120-240 Effect: Stun EXP: 1 Gold: 1 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: Stop, Zap!, Xfer, Brak, Rub, Hold, Lamp, Slow Strength: Qake, Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Slep Location: Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Pirates HP: 6 Avg Dmg: 8-16 Effect: None EXP: 40 Gold: 40 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: None ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Red Ankylo HP: 256 Avg Dmg: 60-120 Effect: None EXP: 1,420 Gold: 300 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: World map on the upper continents, mostly in deserts ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Red Bone HP: 144 Avg Dmg: 26-52 Effect: None EXP: 378 Gold: 378 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Ice, Rub, Stun, Brak, Slep Location: Marsh Cave, Ice Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Red Caribe HP: 172 Avg Dmg: 37-74 Effect: None EXP: 546 Gold: 46 Class: Water? Weakness: Lit? Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Rivers, can be found near the Ice Cave, but are more common in the northern parts of the world ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Red Giant HP: 300 Avg Dmg: 73-146 Effect: None EXP: 1,506 Gold: 1,506 Class: Giant/Fire? Weakness: Ice Attacks: None Strength: Fire Location: Gurgu Volcano, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Red Gargoyle HP: 94 Avg Dmg: 10-20 Effect: None EXP: 387 Gold: 387 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: Fir2, Hold, Fire Strength: Fire, Ice, Qake Location: Earth Cave, Gurgu Volcano, Castle of Ordeal ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Red Hydra HP: 182 Avg Dmg: 20-40 Effect: None EXP: 1,215 Gold: 400 Class: Dragon/Fire? Weakness: Ice Attacks: Cremate (Fire damage) Strength: Fire Location: Gurgu Volcano, Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Red Sahag HP: 64 Avg Dmg: 15-30 Effect: None EXP: 105 Gold: 105 Class: Water Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Ocean, Sea Shrine ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: RockGol HP: 200 Avg Dmg: 70-140 Effect: None EXP: 2,385 Gold: 1,000 Class: Magic? Weakness: None Attacks: Slow Strength: Ice, Lit, Fire, Rub, Bane, Brak, Qake, Stun, Slep Location: Sea Shrine, Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Saber Tiger HP: 200 Avg Dmg: 24-48 Effect: None EXP: 843 Gold: 500 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Castle of Ordeal, near Onrac, and the Oasis ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Sahag HP: 28 Avg Dmg: 10-20 Effect: None EXP: 30 Gold: 30 Class: Water Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Ocean ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Sand Worm HP: 200 Avg Dmg: 46-92 Effect: None EXP: 2,683 Gold: 900 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: Qake Strength: Qake Location: Near Lefein and the Mirage Tower ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Sauria HP: 196 Avg Dmg: 30-60 Effect: None EXP: 1,977 Gold: 658 Class: Dragon Weakness: None Attacks: Glance (Stone attack) Strength: None Location: Castle of Ordeal ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Scorpion HP: 84 Avg Dmg: 22-44 Effect: Posion EXP: 225 Gold: 70 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Marsh Cave, Near Provoka and Crescent Lake ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Scum HP: 24 Avg Dmg: 1-2 Effect: Poison EXP: 84 Gold: 20 Class: None Weakness: Ice, Fire Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Lit, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep Location: Marsh Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Sea Snake HP: 224 Avg Dmg: 35-70 Effect: None EXP: 957 Gold: 600 Class: Water/Dragon? Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Sea Troll HP: 216 Avg Dmg: 40-80 Effect: None EXP: 852 Gold: 852 Class: Water Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: Qake Location: Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Sentry HP: 400 Avg Dmg: 102-204 Effect: None EXP: 4,000 Gold: 2,000 Class: None Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Ice, Fire, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep Location: Sky Castle ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Shadow HP: 50 Avg Dmg: 10-20 Effect: Darkness EXP: 90 Gold: 45 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: None Strength: Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Slep, Qake Location: Marsh Cave, near Melmond ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Shark HP: 120 Avg Dmg: 22-44 Effect: None EXP: 267 Gold: 66 Class: Water Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Fire Location: Ocean, Sea Shrine ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Slime HP: 156 Avg Dmg: 49-98 Effect: Poison EXP: 1,101 Gold: 900 Class: None Weakness: Fire Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Lit, Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep Location: Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Sorcerer HP: 112 Avg Dmg: 1-2 Effect: Rub EXP: 822 Gold: 999 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: Trance (Stun) Strength: None Location: Ice Cave, Castle of Ordeal, Mirage Tower, Sky Castle ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Specter HP: 52 Avg Dmg: 20-40 Effect: Stun EXP: 150 Gold: 150 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: None Strength: Ice, Brak, Bane, Qake, Slep, Rub Location: Earth Cave, Ice Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Sphinx HP: 228 Avg Dmg: 23-46 Effect: None EXP: 1,160 Gold: 1,160 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Castle of Ordeal, Mirage Tower, Sky Castle ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Spider HP: 28 Avg Dmg: 10-20 Effect: None EXP: 30 Gold: 8 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Temple of Fiends, near Provoka, and Elfland, Marsh Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Tiger HP: 132 Avg Dmg: 22-44 Effect: None EXP: 438 Gold: 108 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Castle of Ordeal, near Melmond and Onrac ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: T Rex HP: 600 Avg Dmg: 115-230 Effect: None EXP: 7,200 Gold: 600 Class: Dragon Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Desert near Mirage Tower ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Troll HP: 184 Avg Dmg: 24-48 Effect: None EXP: 621 Gold: 621 Class: None Weakness: Fire Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Earth Cave, Titan's Tunnel, Gurgu Volcano ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Tyro HP: 480 Avg Dmg: 65-130 Effect: None EXP: 3,387 Gold: 502 Class: Dragon Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Desert near Mirage Tower ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Vampire HP: 156 Avg Dmg: 76-152 Effect: None EXP: 1,200 Gold: 2,000 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: Dazzle (Stun) Strength: Qake, Ice, Slep, Bane, Brak, Rub Location: Earth Cave, Gurgu Volcano, Mirage Tower, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Warmech HP: 1,000 Avg Dmg: 128-256 Effect: None EXP: 32,000 Gold: 32,000 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: Nuclear Strength: None Location: Sky Castle, randomly found on the long bridge before Tiamat ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Water HP: 300 Avg Dmg: 69-138 Effect: None EXP: 1,962 Gold: 800 Class: Water? Weakness: Lit, Ice? Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Fire, Rub, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep Location: Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Wizard HP: 84 Avg Dmg: 30-60 Effect: None EXP: 276 Gold: 300 Class: Water? Weakness: Lit? Attacks: None Strength: Ice, Fire, Bane, Brak, Stun, Slep Location: Marsh Cave, Earth Cave, Ice Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Wizard Ogre HP: 144 Avg Dmg: 23-46 Effect: None EXP: 723 Gold: 723 Class: Giant/Magic Weakness: None Attacks: Ruse, Dark, Slep, Hold, Ice Strength: Qake Location: Earth Cave, Gurgu Volcano, Near Onrac and the Oasis ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Wizard Sahag HP: 204 Avg Dmg: 47-84 Effect: None EXP: 882 Gold: 882 Class: Water Weakness: Lit Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Sea Shrine, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Wizard Vampire HP: 300 Avg Dmg: 90-180 Effect: Stun EXP: 2,385 Gold: 3,000 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: Afir, Lamp, Ice2, Lit2, Fir2 Strength: Qake, Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Slep Location: Sky Castle, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Wolf HP: 20 Avg Dmg: 8-16 Effect: None EXP: 24 Gold: 6 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Temple of Fiends, near Provoka, and Elfland ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Worm HP: 448 Avg Dmg: 65-130 Effect: None EXP: 4,344 Gold: 1,000 Class: None Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: None Location: Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Wraith HP: 114 Avg Dmg: 40-80 Effect: Stun EXP: 432 Gold: 432 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Ice, Bane, Brak, Slep, Rub Location: Ice Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Wyrm HP: 260 Avg Dmg: 40-80 Effect: None EXP: 1,218 Gold: 502 Class: Dragon Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: Qake Location: Castle of Ordeal, Dragon Islands ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Wyvern HP: 212 Avg Dmg: 30-60 Effect: Poison EXP: 1,173 Gold: 50 Class: Dragon Weakness: None Attacks: None Strength: Qake Location: Castle of Ordeal, Mirage Tower, near Lefein, Onrac and Gaia ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Zombie HP: 20 Avg Dmg: 10-20 Effect: None EXP: 24 Gold: 12 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: None Strength: Ice, Brak, Bane, Qake, Slep, Rub Location: Temple of Fiends, Marsh Cave ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Zombull HP: 224 Avg Dmg: 40-80 Effect: None EXP: 1,050 Gold: 1,050 Class: Undead Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: None Strength: Ice, Bane, Brak, Rub, Qake, Stun Location: Near Lefein, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Name: Zombie Dragon HP: 268 Avg Dmg: 55-110 Effect: None EXP: 2,331 Gold: 999 Class: Undead/Dragon Weakness: Fire, Harm Attacks: None Strength: Qake, Ice, Rub, Bane, Brak, Slep Location: Castle of Ordeal, Temple of Fiends revisited ======================================================================= I do believe that is a complete list of the monsters to be found while exploring Final Fantasy. I used the Nintendo Power Guide for it, but even now, I can't say for sure that everything found in the Weapon/Armor/Spell lists are totally accurate, but it should be good enough to use as a reference. The monster list probably isn't totally accurate either, but again its good to use as a reference to see what you're up against in terms of HP and the gold and exp you'll get from a certain monster. Remember, that is the base exp listed, so you'll have to add it all up and divide it by the number of surviving party members to find out what each one will earn. Section VI: Credits Squaresoft: [] Gotta mention Squaresoft first and foremost for making this game and keeping the series alive for some fifteen years now. Nintendo: [] While Nitendo has had its downside as of late, I due have to give them credit for the great guide that they released sometime (early 90s maybe '91 or 92' cause I remember bringing it to class with me to read during those years), and even though it did have a few errors in it, it did help me with the monster stats so I could offer you a better FAQ. GameFAQs [] I need to give GameFAQs credit for hosting my previous two FAQs, and allowing me to find any other FAQs as needed, without having to search forever everywhere else on the net. I also need to give myself some credit, and to be honest, this thing took me about a month to do, and for a NES game, the detail and size of this FAQ (250k or so) surprised me, since its bigger than my Breath of Fire FAQ, (which I probably should update sooner or later). I hope you can find a use for this FAQ, as there are already several well done FF FAQS to be found. If you have any questions or comments about this FAQ please email me at, and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can. ======================================================================= This document is copyrighted by David Callander (C) 2002.