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SeeD's Gunblade
(Our undercover group's site)

-4/12/02- I guess you could say my other name (Han Solo1) is now one of SeeD's top enemies.  No, that name was not hacked or anything.  I'm turning him against our clan like I did with the Psiball name (which is now the real Psiball again), but am going to truly turn him against us instead of just telling them like last time.  Just don't worry when I put him on the wanted list and everything, he is still Cspace (and not a shared character this time).

-4/11/02- We have had some threats from at least one enemy clan.  I personally don't believe that they are very large, since I caught them lying about their members and the clan they're in many times.  As of now we aren't attacking their clan in general, but mainly specific targets stated on this page.  I'll keep you informed on anything we find out.

Undercover Group Info:

Password (for our group): Revolver

Members Of Gunblade:
Cspace- Other name is Han Solo1 (The real Psiball is back on Runescape, and may become a member of Gunblade soon, so if he comes on it is not Cspace)
Nova Dreamer- Other names are Demon Peace and Rylkan
Masterstuff- Other name is Sir Hydecka
Devilgrl- No other name yet
Original Max- Other name is Tidus Is God
Horsegirl200- No other name yet

Fake Information About Han Solo1:
You can use this if anyone asks about me or you want to post any "information" in the forums:
-Level: 57
-Armor: Rune plate, rune legs, adamantite shield, black cape, holy symbol, no helmet
-Second in command of
Roman Legion (fake clan)
-Leader is unknown (and will remain unknown to SeeD, but I may make another character to be like an "undercover leader" that SeeD doesn't know about, that our enemies do)
-That's all that can be said as of now

Targets (In Order of Importance)
The following are some specific names of enemies you can attack.  Do not ask for help from other SeeDs, for our new operation is secret as was our last.  Though we are not forcing you to attack them, it is highly encouraged if you are capable of defeating them.

Runelord3 (Level Unknown)
Sabre Mitten (Level Unknown)
Superst r (Level 58)

Open Spy Missions
-We need to find out the combat levels of Runelord3 and Sabre Mitten-