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Castle Baldwin

Greetings and wekcome to Castle Baldwin, please come in and rest. If you are in need of food or drink we have them here for you help yourself. Here let me tell you of this place. My name is Count____ Duke of Devonshire. (This Castle is not owned at this time. It you are interested E-mail Doug at Castle Baldwin was built in the year 1315 as part of the highlands defense chain .

We protect the shippng and trade town of Devonshire, as well as the Clyde River which runs north east to Inverness and the North Sea, behind us is Mount Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Scotland And a small community called Fort William which is a supply depot. The castle is a veritable stronghold. It is protected from the north by a range of small mountains, with the exception of Ben Nevis which seves as an excellent lookout point. To the south are three other castles and to the west is Edinburgh which is a great power.

As far as our own forces, we have standing army of 150 at the castle and 50 at a small garrison up river which can be called in if needed. With the defense chain set up we are able to muster around 1000 to 2000 men at arms in a matter of three days.

Castle Baldwin is noted for its gardens and fountains which are fed by the streams from Ben Nevis, as well as its artisans and fishing. Well, I have bent your ears long enough so I will go about my duties.

Feel free to stay and browse around, or eat and drink as you will. You are always welcome here. If you are leaving, I bid you a happy peaceful journey, and a word of welcome, should you decide to return.