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Egyptian Beauty


Welcome to my web page! It's under construction, please excuse the mess.

First, let me get the OOC stuff out of the way. I'm over 21, female, have read 8 of the books and am working on the rest, and have been playing AOL Gor for roughly 5 - 7 years. I am also a published writer, have over 15 years of experience in other role-play venues, and more than 20 years in community theater.

I realize all that makes me sound like I'm an elitist. In some ways, I am. I want to play with mature people who have taken the time to learn about Norman's world, to experience and appreciate his vision of the culture. I also want to play with people who write well. I don't expect everyone to be a Pulitzer Prize winner but the amount of effort someone puts into writing and developing a character tells me a lot about how much they care about the play. Everyone wants respect, including me. I try to give my best, I don't think it's too much to ask the same in return.

I try to play as close to the books as possible. I want to play with people who do the same. I know there are some players who don't feel that reading the books is important. In their words, they are "here to play and have fun." That's great, and I'm all for fun. If I didn't enjoy this type of game, I wouldn't be here. However, I don't agree with how they play.
Look at it this way:

Games have rules.
Norman wrote the rules when he wrote his novels.
If you haven't read the books, you can't play by the rules.
If you don't play by the rules, you ruin the enjoyment of other people.

That doesn't mean I'm not willing to work with a player who hasn't read the books as long as the individual is willing to learn. I have some great reference links, including a site that has all but three or four of the books in .txt format. They will be available when my links page is finished or you can email me to ask for them. I'm delighted to share.

Here are a few other, quick points I have found necessary to state so there are no misunderstandings:

I don't need or want your life story. Please don't ask for mine. Exchanging a few friendly details such as which days and times are best for play, which time zone we are in, and the state of our health is fine. However, asking me where I live, whether or not I'm married or otherwise romantically involved, and other such personal questions crosses the line. Don't go there.

If you are under 18, please don't try to interact with my character. I have neither the time nor the inclination to cope with the legal ramifications of playing with a minor.

I have no interest in a RT relationship. I will not take you on as a slave, lover, lady's maid, etc. so don't bother. If that's the sort of thing you're after, please look into an adult friend finder or other dating service. You'll have much better luck.

Well, that's it for now. *whew* This section of the site will grow as needed. Hopefully, it won't be necessary.



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