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  • What is a sacrament? Believe, then do. Faith without action is a struggling thing. It longs. It yearns for expression in time and place. It needs to breathe and walk abroad. This, above all and underlying, is devotion to the allegiance of The Sacraments. A sacrament, in a very broad sense of the term, combines two elements: one visible, the other invisible--one that can be seen, or tasted, or touched, or heard; the other, unseen to the eyes of the flesh. There is, however, some kind of relation or significance between the two. A spoken word is a kind of sacrament; there is something material or audible about it. There is also something spiritual about it; namely, its meaning.

    Sacraments are outward signs of inward grace and holy acts. Within the symbolic view, the sacraments are guiding principles that we can use in our life. They have a symbolic meaning that embody spiritual, psychological, emotional and even physical truths that when put into practice in our lives can greatly affect the speed and quality of our guild. To uphold the Sacraments means to uphold your integrity that envelops your mind, body, and soul.

    In every essence we strive to attain the unattainable. With every ounce of strength and determined thought, we drive our desires to the edge of all brinks; to the point of wrapping ourselves in pure knowledge and sanctity. In these things: pureness, knowledge, experience, fearlessness, devotion, and guided truths through friendships and outnumbered entities of kindness and retribution; we are called The Sacraments.


    This guild exists for the sole reason of leading others to a state of fantastical improvement. There are many aspects of the world and its virtues that are not easily understood. This guild, Sacraments, exists to answer all questions that might be asked; for an honest soul never keeps the truth away from any who seek it. It is an open book, and from its pages can only be read Truths.

    1. We seek to teach the virtues to those that know not of them, and to remind those that have forgotten.

    2. We will help people to see that violence and anger against one another serves an evil master, and is only for the weak spirited.

    3. We will further our knowledge of the realm and the virtues, and freely share what we learn to any who ask.

    4. To conduct ourselves honorably in all matters and to be trustworthy, truthful, and true to all but our enemies.

    5. To be friend and protector to all who are deserving and whenever possible, act to benefit the cause of your fellow Sacraments.

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