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Basically an rpg(role playing game) is any game that requires you to step into or create a character and live out their life. this is diffrent from a 1st person shooter, or an action game because it is designed for you to live out a persons life and not just shoot a buch of creatures or slice and dice a few men and you've accomplished your goal.

There are diffrent types of rpg's, the type im focussing on is ofcourse chat-based. A chat-based rpg is set in a confined area normally a forest, bar, or tavern. Its is confined to a certain size, and normally a time period or fantasy area, such as star wars- pre a new hope, or medival europe(fantasy style). This helps keep everyone on the same page, and sets the bounds so that noone is confused about it, and all characters are set in that era( so you dont have a wookie in the x-men training room). The main types of RPG univereses to date are:

1) Rhydin - A general fantasy world that really encompasses all chat based rpg's but is normally used to define a set of rather dark fantasy chats.

2) Harry Potter- based on the books about the english witch.

3) X-Men- based on the new series and movies.

4) Ziods- based on the popular televsion series recently released in America, deals with mechanized robots and their pilots.

5) Dragonball z - if you dont know what it is , just ..... go away. ::shakes his head sorrowfully::

6) Mass Spar- basically you can be anyone anywhere, aslong as you came to fight.

7) All creatures/Medival/Vampire/Dragon chats- all of these are 'less dark' Rhydin style fantasy room and usually deal with fantasy books on all levels and made up stories and characters designed by their MUD's.

*( MUD- the controler of a character aka- you and your friends/enemies.)

8) Star Wars- based off the movies and series, these are generally sim universes ( groups of simmers who sim only in there universes chats and adhere to the specific rules of that org.)

9) Star Trek- (see above)


In all sim/rpg groups and universes there is a common use of punctuation to distiguish actions, speech, and ooc comments(see terms below).

actions: all actions will be set of by a double punctuation standerdly either a set of :: or -- these are placed before and behind the action

ex. Joe: :: action:: or

Joe: --action--

double colons are more common but double hyphens are generally accepted.

speech: speech is usually typed without any punctuation or with "..." to show speech

ex. Joe: :: walks over to the bar:: Is there a bartender here? or

Joe: --walks over to the bar-- "is there a bartender here?

either is right (you are not required to use -- if you ".." and vice versa)

ooc comments/conversation: all ooc comments or conversations take place in double parenthesis ((......)).

ex. Joe: (( hey what type of rpg is this?))

typeing ooc automatically removes you from the rpg and you must reenter the room or all your characters actions won't count.


RPG- role playing game

RP- role playing

Char- character, (who you are in the rpg)

MUD- you (or the person controlling a char)

IC- in character ( controlling your character, talking through them, or useing him in anyother way)

OOC- out of character ( talking in a normal chat, or haveing a conversation outside of your char)

IRL- in real life (duh!!!!)

NP- no problem

BRB- be right back

WB- welcome back


Ms arena- mass spar arena

spar- a mock fight that allows both chars to train and practice fight moves without any of the combat counting (no death of char at the end)

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