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Dark brown hair falls in waves down to her back in abundance; the girl almost has more hair than she knows how to deal with. The color is actually a generalization, for up close it is apparent that her hair ranges from near black to even a few wisps of dark blonde color. Large, deep blue eyes shaded with turquoise rest high above her mouth and petite nose. Standing to a little bit shorter than five feet, Kathryn is on the small side. Her height is made up for, however, with strong muscles on both her arms and legs, an attribute given her by strenuous work. Barely visible, slight curves are drawn along her body - one of her more feminine qualities.

Simplicity is held in the small knot which adorns the girl's shoulder. A bold lavendar cord entwined with a white one twist into a single loop with the additional long tail, signifying her rank as Weaver Journeyman. The supplemental rank cord denotes her specialty of weaving.

Clean but aged is the shirt which is draped over Kathryn's torso, constructed from a soft but sturdy material of a light tan color. The neck is cut in the shape of a V with white strips of fabric, left untied, criss-crossing up to the neck. Loose slacks, a darker tan than that of the shirt, are rolled up at her feet to compensate for being longer than her legs are. A makeshift belt made up of bits of torn fabric secures the garment to her lean form. Dark, clunky boots are attatched to her feet, over a pair of thin socks; tattered and aged, but they're sturdy enough, for the boots stay snuggly against her feet.


Silver sweet, white gold sleeks easily along the slender form of this dainty queen, cool ice that rivals the burning flames that lick her chilly edges. Rukbat's fire tinges tapering trailing edges and kisses sensitive headknobs and her dainty muzzle, licking its way up her refined triangular head. The heat of the sun and the chill of space collide easily on her slight form, melding into someone who is far more than the sum of her parts.

Tumbling autumn leaves have been swirled into a lithe form, coalasing as a dapper brown firelizard. Russets mark sparse neckridges, chestnuts adorn an elegantly slim muzzle below whirling eyes that are set just so. Sorrel lingers over his haunches and tail, rich chocolate dapples lending him depth and solidity while polished sienna glints on knife-edged talons. Auburn tatters form brilliant wingsails, a spill of wine-red knitting them together with bony spars.

Wisps of ethereal white drift aimlessly over the entirety of this blue fire-lizards hide, covering up, or at least lightening the sapphire blue shades beneath. His muzzle is somewhat rounded, though still faintly beak-like, the misty strands of soul material twining around it like ribbons around a may-pole. His eyes are set into ridged sockets, his features sweeping up into a set of elongated headknobs, and then down into an average neck, all swirled with the filmy substance, a mix of silver and white. His ethereal body is almost see-through, or so the vaporous strands would make one think, while in reality he is quite solid, and strong. Illusion makes his legs seem fragile as they support his compact, though thin frame, his talons and 'spars entangled in the gossamer threads that weave through and over him. Overly large wings are spun from pale silk, the 'sails like fine satin in their faint sheen. A long tail provides balance, ending in the typical spade of any member of the dragon family tree, encircled in gauzy substance permeated throughout his entire frame.

"You're faithful, you're dependable, you're without guile...and you're very comfortable to be around." -- "You make it sound like I go home from work with Post-Its on my [behind]" (Edited for content) -- "There are cat people, and there are dog people. You're a dog person."



Weaver Probationary Apprentice
Weaver Apprentice
Weaver Senior Apprentice
XanaduWeyr Candidate
Weaver Senior Apprentice
Weaver Journeyman
XanaduWeyr Weyrweaver


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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967,2000, all rights reserved, and used without permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited. For more information, visit the Worlds of Anne McCaffrey.