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first to sign up - Rab

first to get banned - Boot

first to be banned for using RuneBot - Silver Spawn

first to reach 1000 skill total - Tiwi (banned)

first to reach 80 hp - Alchemon

first to reach 99 strength - ladykilljoy

first person to reach a level 80/90/99 stat - Everdred, woodcutting

first level 99 cook/fisher - Tks

first to get 99 hp - Zonghui

first level 99 mage - Bluerose13x

first iron miner/smith - Dmonik

first mithril miner/smith - Dmonik

first adam miner - S H A R K

first adam/rune/level 99 smith - Bluerose13x

first rune miner - Ezarc

first to craft diamond amulets - Mysticsmagic

first to craft dragonstone amulets - Hiana

first level 99 pyromaniac - Cowchicken

first level 99 thief - Swedemike

first person with 1300 skill total - L6vi

first person with 1500 skill total - tks

first to pk a moderator - L6vi killed Andrew in a deathmatch

inventor of drop parties - Dumb Woob