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#rpgtrivia is an IRC channel where bot-driven trivia games are sometimes run. It is intended mostly for GameFAQs message board users to play in, although other people are welcome.

How to join #rpgtrivia

Game Instructions and Rules

Current Session Times

Submit Your Own RPG Trivia Questions

Current Scores

Top Contributors

mIRCStats:Friday 25/7 Saturday 26/7 Sunday 27/7 Saturday 2/8 Saturday 9/8 Saturday 16/8 Saturday 6/9 Sunday 28/9 Saturday 15/11 Saturday 22/11 Saturday 10/01/04

mIRCStats for All Days:Version 1 Version 2 Version 3


Thursday 19th February 2004: Yes, I'm still alive. There's a game planned for this Friday (Saturday for me :P), so see you there!

Saturday 10th January 2004: We had another game today. I have updated the scores, contributor table, and added stats.

Saturday 22nd November: That's another one down. Not bad. Stats are up, and the overall stats for all days have also been updated. I don't know if I'll have time to write for next week... we'll see. I'll update closer to then.

Saturday 15th November: OK, that went pretty well. Stats are up, scores are updated. I figure you've had enough time to forget the rest, so next week (check the times) we will be having an immense game with all 1,188 questions I currently have. Enjoy.

Tuesday 11th November: Today was the day of my last exam, so we're back in business. Next game is this Friday, the 14th. See you there!

Friday 3rd October: Sorry, I'll have to call off today's game. I've got more work than I anticipated, and will have even more in the coming weeks. I might be able to fit one in in 3-4 weeks, but it's likely that I will have to put this on hold until my real holidays (not the one week "holiday" that's really just a study week). Sorry, but I've got uni and I'm really busy with it - plus, nobody submitted questions this week and I simply don't have the time to write them all myself. If you'd rather play with old questions tomorrow, I might be able to arrange something, but I'm not watching the whole thing. It's approaching crunch time, and I'll need all the time I can get.

Sunday 28th September: OK then. Scores are updated, mIRCStats are up, and I've added in a "Top Contributors" page to give credit to those who've submitted. I've also updated the submission guidelines a little - basically, nevermind the overall limits, just send me 5 per RPGeach time. The next game should be next Friday, see you then.

Friday 26th September: Times page has been updated with the time for the next session, which is tomorrow.

Saturday 6th September: That's another one down. I'd like to specially thank Andrea Blackheart for submitting an incredible 74 questions for this game, and also Heimdal Gazzo for his 24. Stats and scores are updated, the next one will probably be in about 2 weeks. Check back closer to then for an exact time.

Thursday 4th September: The next session has been confirmed to be on Friday night. See you there. While I probably have enough submitted questions to go on, as per usual they've only come from 2-3 people. The rest of you should put your money (or questions, whatever) where your mouths are :P

Monday 1st September: All right, we're on for a game either this Friday or Saturday night. Check back closer to then to see which it is - I need to get my week sorted out first. It'll be at the usual time, 10:00 PM CST (that might be 8:00 PM PST, I'm not sure). When I'm sure of what day it's on, I'll put up the session times page again. Submit some bloody questions. :P

Sunday 17th August: One last update for the week - I concatenated all my logs into one immense 2.36 MB one, then ran mIRCstats on it. To avoid people feeling too cheated about their random quote, I ran it three times, and the results can be accessed above. Furthermore, for the second and third runs, I set the number of users for which random quotes were given to the maximum allowed by the program (100, which was fine because all it left were nicks that only said 1 line). Yeah, I had a little extra time tonight. Enjoy, or whatever.

Saturday 16th August: Well, that was still all right I guess, but not as good as some of the earlier games. Lately the trivia sessions themselves have been less fun for me, largely due to the continued absence of a lot of (not all) the people who made them great. Furthermore, today neither of my AOPs were around so I pretty much had to sit and watch all 5-6 hours of it. I'm getting a little tired of losing half my Saturday every week (especially when all it feels like people are doing is complaining half the time) so I don't think I'm going to run a game next week - but this is by no means the death of #rpgtrivia. Check back in about a week's time, and I might have times up for a future game then. This will also hopefully give people 2 weeks to make some submissions - I haven't had too many lately, and that doesn't help matters. I have stats up for today's game.

Monday 11th August: This week won't follow the usual routine, so check the times page for details.

Saturday 9th August: Phew. I didn't have a chance to write questions or such for this one until the last day or two, so there was a fair bit of work in it for me and I only managed to get 150 or so instead of the usual 220 new questions (partly due to a lack of submissions from most). Several of my key regulars also couldn't make it, but I still had enough good people left in the game to make it worthwhile, if not quite as busy as usual. Still, today turned out fine. I'll worry about when the next one's going to be a little later... I don't know how long I can keep weekly games up for especially if so few people submit. The scores have been updated, and today's (Friday for Americans) stats are up.

Saturday 2nd August: Well, another game down. This one was again a great success - thanks to everyone. I got over 500KB of logs from the whole 5 or so hours I was on IRC :) The stats for those logs are up. Remember that although it says Saturday 2/8, that's only because they have to go by my time as that's what was saved in the timestamps by mIRC. It would have been late Friday night / early Saturday morning for most of the players in America. And remember, even if you missed today's you can turn up for the repeat session the next day, at 11PM CST.

Friday 1st August: I'm nearly done with regards to the preparation for the trivia - about 160 new questions have been written and I expect to have about 220-230 after I've finished writing my share. And stick around, because after the trivia there'll be another surprise game to play. Hope you can sleep in on Saturday, because this is going to be a loooong night. :)

Additionally, I am hosting both a log and two sets of mIRCstats (one taken from the log midway through and one taken taken from the end) from the recent IRC chat featuring CJayC himself. Enjoy.

UPDATE: OK, luck was with me and I'm back on now at home. The game's still on. :)

Thursday 31st July: Thanks to my ISP's astonishingly high levels of suckage, I have been without the Internet for all of yesterday and quite possibly today as well. It certainly wasn't on when I checked in the morning, and I'm currently making this update on a friend's PC because this could possibly be the last chance I get for a while. I don't know when it will come back up - it could be up when I get home, could be tomorrow morning or afternoon, could be next week. Obviously, if it's the latter I won't be able to host the upcoming trivia session, so let's hope it isn't. I'm just adding this now so you know what happened if I don't show up. If and when my Internet access comes back, I will update again to say so.

Monday 28th July: After two successful main sessions and about three repeat sessions, #rpgtrivia now has a website. I don't intend to make this very flashy, I just think it's easier than sending the list of games that need questions written to them to everyone who asks on IRC and it fits much more easily in my signature on GameFAQs than a list of details would.
Update to Update: mIRCStats are now up too! Those are great fun. :) The stats however had to be done by my time and not CST, so remember that my Friday afternoon is Thursday night for you, etc.

This website is maintained by Xythar.