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Welcome to a site that really is just taking up space on that infinitly large place we call the web!
Hey, Welcome to my page, just call me Jak Stoller, or Jak whichever you prefure. This is going to include many things from short stories I skribble out, to Role Playing Games that I like, to short campaignes that I run. I was focusing on Solar War, but now I'm working on my GIVA project. Not sure when it'll be up.

My links page (for all those odd things that people miss) is here.

Stories can be found right here.

My Mekton Solar War 2125 database can be accesed here.

More to come, soon, I think.

O and My updates page... Updates Page was last updated 03/02/03 at 11:35 PM Pacific Time.

And if you want to contact me just send an E-mail to

I take no credit for anything on this page, that I have not done.

"Jak Stoller" is a name group I have taken full fledged (yet not documented) right to. AKA The damn thing is copyrighted 1/02/03