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Long ago, in a far off world the girl known as Terra was born.  Her father was a magical being, known as an Esper, her mother a human. When she was 3 months old, war broke loose in her father's land.  Maduin, looked to his human wife, and told her to flee with their child. Hoping in doing so would protect them both.  However, he was wrong.  The general of the opposing forces watched the lady flee, decided to follow her.  He smirked as she stepped forth from the cave that would separate the baby's fathers people, from her mothers.  Kefka, the general seeing his opportunity, hit the mother in the head, causing her to slump to the ground out cold.  Kefka then scooped the child in his arms. She would become his daughter.

For years, Terra grew up with Kefka.   Little did she know of where she came from, and she felt as if she didn't belong.  Something nagged at her, yet she pushed it aside.  He was the only parent she knew..

Until one day, when she was 16 years old.  Kefka learned of a frozen esper in the mountains, and knowing of Terra's powers, sent her along with two soldiers to obtain the frozen being.  It was at this time, she learned part of the truth.  She watched as the Esper seemed to kill the two soldiers with her, yet drew her closer.  She then watched as part of her life flashed before, realizing the truth of Kefka, and that she had been under his control, with a crown that robbed her of all conscience thought.  

Ripping the crown free of her head, she fled into the town that was built against that mountain range.  A man there cared for her, while she regained strength.  She was also being hunted, by Kefka.

Soon she met others that wished to free the world of the destruction caused by Kefka, and with her powers in a matter of a couple of years, they accomplished their goal.

Here she moved again, to another world.  Finding herself Rhydin, at the Red Dragon Inn, she met a man named Flameweaver.  She learned his was a red dragon, and in time they fell in love and married.  During this marriage, she gave birth to a daughter and named her Sheyenne.  One year after their daughter was born, Flameweaver was killed.

Heartbroken and lost, Terra found herself forced into slavery.  Made a pleasure slave, she had seen many Master's two of whom married her, when she became with child again.  Each one she drew to love...yet not one as much her first marriage.  Tragedy seemed to follow the men she was with.  As each passed away as well. 

During her life as a slave, she had learned she had an identical twin sister, named Rose.  Finding her, after the death of the last Master, she sought comfort from Rose.  Rose introduced her to Dratzben, and he had kindly offered his home to her. 

One day while in the house, Dratzben Darkhold came up behind Terra, as she was holding her baby nephew in her arms.  He had reached from behind, grabbing her breasts, in thought she was Rose.  Both had become extremely embaressed by the situatuon, when he realized it was not Rose, but Terra.  A short time later, Terra found herself accepting his collar. 

She and her sister ended up marrying him.  Still slaves, they were treated better than all the other slaves in Rhydin.  To Terra, the collar was merely a way of making sure no other would claim her.  On their wedding night, Rose became pregnant with child, and Terra became pregnant with twins.  When the twins were born, Dratzben was the father of daughter Pyra, and son Zakariah Thunder.  Rose gave birth to Glynda.

Happiness found the family, even if strange happenings seemed to go on around them.  One revolving around her children, Sheyenne and Zakariah.  Because of her oldest playing with Magic, and wishing things she couldn't have. Zak had quickly bypassed his childhood.  Ageing rapidly.  Sheyenne as a punishment ended up becoming her brother's slave.

It was good this had happened, for shortly afterward both the sisters felt the connection with their beloved husband abruptly cut from them.  Assuming he was killed... Zak took ownership of all.  The family had seemed to fall apart.