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Non mihi, non tibi, sed nobis.
News: (11-22-03) There has been a change in the admittance process. Please be sure to read the new procedure if you've considered joining the clan before.
Oh, and don't forget to vote for Rosario in the coming election on RBB! (If it ever takes place.) Rosario for Prince! :)
The Clan of the Rose is dedicated to helping its members gain power and strength within the city. There is no moral or ethical code of the clan; do whatever you need to gain power. The only requirement of members is that they do not steal from or bite other Rosites. If a member is found attacking other members, he or she will be dealt with immediately. All Rosites are allowed freedom to do what they like outside of this rule. If you need help or information, it will be provided. Just remember that what you put into the clan is what you will get back. This is a clan for vampires of all strengths and allegiances.
If you are interested in joining, you must first become an applicant to the clan by sending an e-mail to with your vampire name (exactly as it appears in the game) and your e-mail address (optional). I know it seems redundant to include your e-mail address in an e-mail, but there are two reasons for this: first, I know that some people have more than one e-mail address, so please send the address you would like to have Rosites e-mail you at. Second, if your e-mail address is included in your application, it will be posted on the member list when you are admitted to the clan. You may send information to be put on a personal site for your vampire, if you wish. Also, if you would like a picture hosted for use as an icon on our forum, you may send it. (No larger than 100x100 pixels.) When your e-mail is received, you will official be an applicant to the clan. For an applicant to be admitted as a full Rosite, he/she must have a sponsor. Your sponsor must already be a Rosite, and have been for at least one month. You can find sponsors on the forum, through e-mail, or by talking on any instant messengers you have. Your sponsor should trust you and vice-versa. When an e-mail is received from a Rosite who says he/she will sponsor you, you will become a full Rosite.
If you are still mortal, follow me by clicking the link below.