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Ramblings of the Mind
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Recap of the Past Few Days
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Alanis Morissette - Head Over Feet

Well still no sex, but Mike hasn't fully recovered from his congestion yet. These past few days have been pretty good.

On Saturday, I went to Jen's ceremony, so did Mike but mom didn't show, I was a little angry but now I'm just disappointed, only because I felt radiant that day and I guess I glowed cause many people said I looked beautiful and Mike said it repeatedly to the point of gushing and I wanted her to see how nice I looked.
It was a very nice service, and the reception was nice though quick and almost quiet.
When we got home, he took down my hair and washed my face. We took pictures (but have to get them developed), but Jen made me and him get formal ones done, so maybe we will get a copy.
Later that evening, we gamed as planned, but no one showed, those that did, didn't even bother to ask to join in, so Mike and I finished the scene with Cog and Xull, which caused us to have a minor spat about the ending. I explained my feelings after a while, which he seemed to understand, so he edited his last post the next day. We apologized that night to each other, so the good mood was not totally ruined between us.

I appreciate the fact that he understood me, I avoided forcing the ending and felt bad on my reaction to his original post, but all is well and things resolved very smooth and peacefully.

Sunday we just lounged around watching TV, listening to music, and working on the site transfer. He bought an anime called Sorcerer Hunters. It's a lil corny but it's funny enough that I can ignore it. We are supposed to watch the last episode tonight.

Monday was Valentine's day, I sent mike an E-card. It rained though so it prevented us from going out, (I don't travel well in very wet weather) and they ran out of roses but he got me a Valentine's day bag with a funny, lusty and sweet card, a lil Valentine bear and two boxes of chocolates. He also made me a delicious dinner in the form of a casserole lasagna type dish with fresh real bread. We have plenty of left overs. I even tried two sips of an alcoholic beverage. We talked, watched Deadwood then some anime, which made us go to bed late, so he'll be tired I'm sure.

It was romantic all the same and I really enjoyed myself, hopefully next year we can go on a cruise as planned. Sounds so exciting!

Today I napped too long so I hope I can sleep tonight, I think so cause I still feel tired. Laying back today, doing a little transferring though. We have another wanting to join the campaign, but dunno if Mike cares much for him. He thinks he's Mary's boyfriend. (the girl we kicked out)

Anyway I'm going to see how much work I can get done before Mike gets home. I miss him. ^_^

Posted by Lisa at 2:29 PM EST
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