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< align="Center"> Lord Raistlin J'Hostin Takhisis of the Family Ba'el
< align="Center">
~He stands a firm 5'8" His black shirt pressed tightly to his chest, under that long black leather over coat that gently ruffled against his long baggy black leather cargo pants, his black twin spiked steel toed leather combat boots sparkle as the bright golden flame like aura flickers around his body, his soft pinkish lips curve into a playfull smirk as his bright sky blue hues emite that black flame like aura that licks the tips of his short spiked ash blond hair~
Lord of the Goetics his time is primarily taken to rebuilding the Goetic Clan, building The Goetic Religion Underground,Inc.™, as well as nurturing a blooming romance that just may turn out to be a lasting relationship.
Current Ranks
Current Dice || Xps || Gps ||
4d92 || 370,260Xps || 185,555Gps
Current Reg ID#'s
