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Pictures from my last trip to England, includes Hampton Court, Windsor, and Canterbury. Page is VERY graphic-intense, so it may take a while to load.

My attempt to rid myself of the curse of writers' block. A short story about two of the characters from Final Fantasy VII, Cloud Strife and Vincent Valentine.

Pages of quotes from the various works of one of my favorite authors... Terry Pratchett.

A little Q & A about myself.... for the few who are so inclined to curiousity.

Made entirely on PC & Windows ME.
This unusual combination of Water and Air may spawn either the best or the worst. The Libran's intellectual grace thrives on the Scorpio's emotional profundity, and vice-versa. Libran eloquence may also draw Scorpio out of his silence, and facilitate the Scorpio's efforts to make new contacts, although the latter will still need periods of solitude in which to resume his old patterns. The Libran preoccupation with commitment is compatible with the Scorpio's possessiveness. Their journey through life together may be long and passionate. This is a union of light and dark.

Wallpapers. All are 1024x768, and were made as the inspiration struck me.

More quotes; these from various authors. The only thing that they all have in common is that I liked them all enough to write them down.

My final project for my children's lit class last semester was a web page...


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