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Fort Riverflow

Riverflow Territory


Welcome to the new Fort Riverflow
It is summer, as is normal for this region it is warm and sunny as it will be for few more months to come. Several day's from the plains, the trees begin to thicken, the farther you trudge the deeper and older the mighty monarchs stand. As you trudge further, the sweet bird songs cause your mind to drift, the cool breeze carries your thoughts back to the old Hermit you left the morning prior. Remembering his great tarts, cool cider, the stories he told, you remember him talking of his great days campaigning with the great creatures of old; Sunflair the Warrior, Wrathbow the Mighty, Picket the Fierce and so on. Your memory sparks; your paw shoots into you pocket and withdraws an old war-ridden map. On it is written a note in large, hard handwriting 'Melbun, old friend, it was an honor serving under you, if ever you get a chance come visit me at my humble hearth.' You then recall the words of the old hedgehog as you departed seemingly so long ago "If your heddin' up this road stop by a place called Riverflow, Old Sunny is up there, my nephew too, do send my regards, I'd come to but I'm getting to old for such a journey. Oh and if they give ya any problems just show 'em that scroll there, should get ya through, that it should!" Not one for fond good-byes you give him a coin from your homeland as a memoriam of your night together, and stride off down the path to this place, this "Riverflow". As you travel, you stomach overthrows your brain, and fond thoughts of Redwall feasts fill you head, you vision blurred with images of cheese and puddings galore. A voice off to your right shakes your consciousness back to reality, you turn to look at the source, and in doing such miss then gargantuan fortification directly in front of you; a dull thud echoes throughout the clearing, scaring birds from there perches in the surrounding trees. You bolt to your paws and draw your blade against this assaulting foe, that is until your finally realize that joining the birds angry cries, is a chorus of laughter, and that your blade is stuck in a wall. Blushing you sheath your sword and look up, using you paw to shield your eyes from the sun. You see atop the tall stone walls, many beasts of varying sizes and descriptions, all waving down at you and laughing. A hare draped in a dark blue, black cape bearing the symbol of some legion emerges from the trees and extends a paw. "Never mind them. Fools they are, always lying about laughing at some-beast or another. S'pose it's a hare's life, work till ya drop without a word of thanks or a smidgen of extra vittles, wot wot! " He gives you a quick once over, "Hmmm, least you aren't some vermin scout or attacker beast, though, I imagine the poor wall will be feeling this un in the mornin." Says he running his paw along the gash in the wall. "Now then, you look half famished, what say you an I head into yon fort an get some tucker, wot?" You gaze back up at the creatures lining the wall and after a short ponder you decide a fine plate of grub is far preferred to a bucket of laughs, taken at your expense. The Hare nods, and grins, patting you on the back he says "The spoon is mightier then the sword, as they say, and normally more tasty, wot! I think your startin' ta grow on me laddie." The hare guides you through the fringe of the forest, and emerges onto a broad, well-traveled road, worn smooth by countless wheels, paws, and sleds crossing back and forth over its surface over the timeless years. Upon this path, the first main-way your eyes have ever beheld, Carts laden with goods flow like rivers in every direction, guards and travelers filling the gaps between. When you return your focus to the task at hand, you realize the hare is no longer in your presents, as you start to wonder looking for him, you walk headlong into a large gruff hedgehog. "Best be watchen' yourself! Next time it'll be my spear your runnen' into you!" In your mind, you picture his face ageing as he lowers his spear on you. He seems so familiar, almost like **Clang! ** His spear leaves your vision, and an otter helps you to your feet. "You all right lad?" says he. But you ignore him quaking; you thrust your scroll into the hedgehog's empty paws. "Well," says he "If it aint from me old Nunkle Melbun!" As you stumble away you hear the otter's Captain Sparrow like voice "Do you mean Melbun the Marauder, wow that's a name from the legends, and a name from out past". After a moment the hare returns, looks quizzically into your face "WE GOT A CASE OF THE WALLEROUS!! OUTTA THE WAY THIS BLOKEN IS NEEDEN VITTLES QUICK LIKE!!!" As you and him pound through the crowd like a cannonball, you barely notice the large lodge like building rearing up in front of you. Shooting out of the crowd and into a garden like area you stop suddenly and gaze around. Never have you seen such beauty. There are many assortments of flowers, trees, and shrubs. Where you stand, two wall like rows of high hedges run through the center of the fort separating the pathway through the fort from the main grounds. Again you have lost the hare. You begin walking. As you go you can hear sounds of music playing and the clanging sounds of dinner ware being used. You make your way towards the sounds and eventually find yourself standing in front of a lovely little restaurant. There is a sign standing next to a small dirt pathway that reads, "Fort Riverflow Restaurant." It is made from beams that stand straight up with other beams fastened on top of them forming an open lattice like structure. There are vines growing along the beams giving it a garden type look. As you enter you are hit with the smell of many types of foods. You gaze around and find the hare sitting in front of you. He is sitting staring at a menu. The look on his face tells you that he is having a hard time trying to decide what he wants to eat. He looks up at you and motions for you to sit. After a short rest and a pair of stouts, the Hare inquires, "Up to joining the ranks? The place to join is up at the cottage up there by the gate, and my personal suggestion is to go Navy. Speaking strictly from my stomach that is, as they say "The navy gets the gravy, and the army gets the beans! Speakin' o' gravy better order, take your pick I declare this meal on the fort!" You nod and open you menu, you know have found your favorite book of all time, as you gaze in wonder at the food from all corners of the world, Your mouth starts to water and your tummy rumble. The Hare laughs at your wanderlust and bemused expression. "Taint used to that many choices are you mate?" he chuckles "The nice thing is, it's all rather inexpensive and the cooks know what they're doin' wot!" He pats his stomach. "An they sure do know how to keep a beast well nourished." After a peruse thought the pages, the hare commenting on favorites every now and again, you decide on a plate of Jagerschnitzle with a side if Schpatzle, and a yard of the new brew brought in with Wrathbow's Fleet. Your orders soon arrive, you and the hare tuck in, and after a few moments of random eating noises, you both push back from the table, you talk, the sky turns dark, the Hare guides you to the Inn, the door he turns and extends a paw, yours enters his, and with a that your life at the grand Fort of Riverflow begins.