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redwoodtreesprite's Mod Pages

redwoodtreesprite's Angelfire Mod Pages

Races and Playable Creatures

I'm working on a Playable Creatures Series.
The races I've finished so far are Twilight Seducer, Twilight Siren, and Spriggan.
The Playable Dremora is a Work-In-Progress.
I'm also finishing up my Mushroom Sprite mod.

Click on the Thumbnails to the left to go to the specific Mod pages.

Retextured Creatures

Retextured Creatures

I'm working on several Retextured Creature Series:
Twilights, Worms, and Crabs.

Also, my son is working on his own series: Bizarre Creatures.

I've also made an off-beat mod called Winged Fargoths,
and there's a Bizarre race page just for fun..

Click on the Thumbnails to the left to go to the specific Mod pages.



I have two mods so far in this area: Ice Castle and Ebonheart Fruit Orchard.

Click on the Thumbnail to the left to go to my Places page.
Armor, Weapons, Wearable Wings

Armor, Weapons and Wearable Wings

I'm working on two Retextured Armor Series:
Retextured Rose Armor, and Organic Shields.
(My page on Organic Shields will be up soon.)

I have a page featuring some of my Organic and Mineral Weapons.

I'm also working on a series of Wearable Wings Mods.

Click on the Thumbnails to the left to go to the specific Mod pages.

My Morrowind Mod Websites and Resource Pages

The Glade - redwoodtreesprite's Morrowind Mods
redwoodtreesprite's Morrowind Mods Screenshot Galleries
Morrowind Mod Resource Site List
Morrowind Mod Download Sites
Tips for Using The Elder Scrolls Construction Set
Threads/Sites on Morrowind Creatures and Playable Creatures
