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Why we Love Red Mage and You Should Too

You're probably all wondering, "What's so great about this Red Mage guy?" Well, here you can find all the answers you were ever looking for! These are all the reasons why we love Red Mage and you should too!

  • He's hot! Are you blind? o.o
  • He has a really cool hat
  • He has white hair and white-haired guys are cool
  • He's better than Thief
  • He can use not one but two types of magic!
  • He's better than White Mage
  • He's better than Black Mage
  • He's really really fun to draw ^_^
  • He's the most well rounded character type in FF1
  • He's better than Fighter
  • Despite being a magic-user, he can actually have decent armor and weapons that do damage
  • He's better than Black Belt
  • He's just cool

    Got it now? Good. ^_^